俚语shout the odds的意思解释和用法例句
shout the odds 用作动词的意思:说大话,夸海口 用法及例句:I don’t like John,he is always shouting the odds.我不喜欢约翰,他老是说大话。... -
shout 用作名词的意思:l.(美国俚语)[爵士乐界用语](演唱时伴有重节奏的)布鲁斯歌曲 用法及例句:I don’t want to have to hear the shout all day.我不想整天硬挺着听这重节奏的布鲁斯乐曲。 2.(美国俚语)[印刷用语]惊叹号 用法及例句:Put a shout at the end of the line. Make this dull story more sexy.在这行的结尾,放一个惊叹... -
shoulder-hitter 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)恃强凌弱的人,流氓 用法及例句:You are getting to be quite a shoulder-hitter, Gary.加里,你开始变得流氓气十足了。... -
俚语Shouldn’t happen to a dog.的意思解释和用法例句
Shouldn’t happen to a dog.(美国俚语)即使对狗也不应该这样。意指 用法及例句:发生某一不幸的事实在不应该。真是叫人吃是苦头。厉害得让人受不了 用法及例句:Poor guy. That shouldn’t happen to a dog!可怜的人咧,那是实在太不应该了! The trouble I had getting this ticket,it shouldn’t happen to a d... -
shot-away的意思解释和用法例句,俚语shot-away (=shot-up)
shot-away (=shot-up) 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)(饮酒或吸毒)醉的 用法及例句:Well,you see, he’s shot-up and can’t come to the phone.喏,你瞧,他喝醉了,没法来听电话。 How can anybody get so shot-away in so little time?哪有人会只醉这么一点点时间的?... -
shoulda的意思解释和用法例句,俚语shoulda (should have 的缩略)
shoulda (should have 的缩略) 用作动词的意思: 10 degrees centigrade?I shoulda thought it was colder than that. 摄氏10度?我原以为还要更冷一些呢。... -
俚语shot in the neck的意思解释和用法例句
shot in the neck 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)酒醉的 用法及例句:He’s shot in the neck, but he’s not bleeding.他是醉了,但不是很厉害。... -
俚语shot up的意思解释和用法例句
shot up 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)受枪伤很重的 用法及例句:He was pretty badly shot up in the police action.他在那次警察行动中受到的枪伤十分严重。... -
俚语shot in the dark的意思解释和用法例句
shot in the dark 用作名词的意思:无根据的瞎猜 用法及例句:It was just a shot in the dark. I had not idea I was exactly correct.这只是瞎猜而已。我不知逍我是否对了。... -
shot in the arm的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(a) shot in the arm
(a) shot in the arm 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.使人振奋的事,令人鼓舞的影响或争件 用法及例句:Wilson has given his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination a shot in the arm.威尔逊大大地推动了他争取民主党总统候选人的提名运动。 2.喝一次酒 用法及例句:I could use a little shot in the arm.我... -
shot in the ass的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(a) shot in the ass
(a) shot in the ass 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)鼓舞,推动,激励 用法及例句:If this campaign doesn’t get a shot in the ass we’re dead.如果这个运动得不到推动,那我们就完蛋了。 2.令人沮丧的拒绝 用法及例句:They offered to buy his farm but met a shot in the ass.他们出价要买他的农场,但碰了一个大钉... -
shotgun wedding的意思解释和用法例句,俚语shotgun wedding (或marrige)
shotgun wedding (或marrige) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1. (因女方未婚先孕为保全面子的)被迫成婚,强制婚姻,奉子成婚 用法及例句:It was a shotgun wedding, but they sure are in love.他们俩是奉子成婚,不过当然现在还很相亲相爱。 2.被迫的结合、妥协、合并 用法及例句:The coalition government was obviously a shotgun marri... -
shotgun 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)l.机关枪 用法及例句:He carries a shotgun on his shoulder.他肩上扛着一挺机枪。 2.吸大麻用的烟斗 用法及例句:Can I have a shotgun of marijuana? 让我吸一烟斗大麻,行吗? 3.媒人,为情侣牵线搭桥的人(俗称红娘) 用法及例句:I would be a shotgun for bringing lovers together.我愿意当一名为... -
俚语shot down的意思解释和用法例句
shot down 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.遭到拒绝的 用法及例句:He decided not to make advances to her for fear of being shot down.他因为害怕遭到拒绝,决定不向她作求爱表示。 2.被击败的,被废除的或被撤销的 用法及例句:Her idea was shot down after all her efforts.她的意见虽然尽力提了,最终还是被撤销了。... -
俚语shot glass的意思解释和用法例句
shot glass 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)(可盛一盎司半烈性酒的)小玻璃杯 用法及例句:How about a shot glass of brandy?来一小杯白兰地怎么样?... -
shot 用作名词的意思:l.(美国俚语)一口或一小杯(纯烈性酒) 用法及例句:Here, have a shot of brandy.来,喝一小杯白兰地。 He downed his whisky in one shot.他把威士忌一口就喝了下去。 2.(美国俚语)(疫苗等的)注射,(毒品的)一次注射 用法及例句:take a flu shot打治疗流感的针 Just one shot of that stuff and you’re hoo... -
short-tail 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[铁路用语]未入工会的工人 用法及例句:He’s a railroad man but a short-tail.他是一名铁路员员工,但不是工会会员。... -
shortstop(美国俚语)v.[零售版用语]抢其他售货人生意 用法及例句:Don’t shortstop. That’s the customer of mine.别抢生意。那是我的顾客。n. (在餐桌上)截取递给他人的食物,抢吃抢喝的人 用法及例句:I avoided that table where the shortstop always sat.那种老是抢吃抢喝的人坐的桌子,我就避开不去坐。...
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