
  • 英语美文欣赏:Baby Mall

    My husband brought our three young children down the long hall of the maternity ward, pausing to let them wave in each doorway at the new mothers cuddling bundles. At my room, he beckoned them in and introduced them to their new b...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 英语短文欣赏:Love Is Just a Thread 爱只是一根线

    期待一种长长久久的爱情,那就是到我们很老很老、儿孙满堂的时候,我们依然可以相互搀扶着,一起漫步在公园的林荫小道上,一起看日出,等日落。当激情慢慢消褪,爱情不再是鲜花、礼物和甜蜜的亲吻,爱情转化成永远割舍不断的亲情,无论人在哪里,心永远系在一起。“不需要天天看到它,因为爱是内在的。”Love Is Just a Thread爱只是一根线Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my pare...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 心灵鸡汤:选择了美好,每日便能安眠

    The ChoiceIt’s quiet. It’s early. My coffee is hot.The sky is still black. The world is still asleep.The day is coming. In a few moments the day will arrive.It will roar down the track with the rising of the sun.The st...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 双语诗歌欣赏:硕果和玫瑰

    Edgar Albert Guest (August 20, 1881, Birmingham, England – August 5, 1959, Detroit, Michigan) (aka Eddie Guest) was a prolific English-born American poet who was popular in the first half of the 20th century and became known as th...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • :[心灵鸡汤] 蓝色丝带 爱在点滴

    A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in high school by telling them the difference they each made. Using a process developed by Helice Bridges of Del Mar, California, she called each student to the front of t...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 古希腊神话故事:玛彭莎(双语)

    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 拜伦诗歌精选:My Soul is Dark

    My soul is dark—Oh! quickly string我灵魂阴郁——快调好琴弦,The harp I yet can brook to hear;趁我还受得住聆听乐曲;And let thy gentle fingers fling用轻柔手指向我耳边Its melting murmurs o’er mine ear.弹弄出喁喁细诉的低语。If in this heart a hope be dear,只要这颗心还有所希图,That...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 英文小诗阅读:A Psalm of Life (生之赞歌)

    A Psalm of LifeHenry Wadsworth LongfellowTell me not in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!for the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal;D...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 经典短篇散文-幸运的礼服

    The Blessed Dress/幸运的礼服I got an engagement ring for Christmas. My boyfriend and I had been dating for almost a year and both felt the time was right to join our lives together in holy matrimony.圣诞节的时候我戴上了订婚戒指。我和男友交往已快一年,我们都感到是携手步入...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 短篇故事赏析:论美

    VIRTUE is like a rich stone, best plain set; and surely virtue is best, in a body that is comely ,though not of delicate features; and that hath rather dignity of presence, than beauty of aspect. Neither is it almost seen, that ve...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 美文欣赏:我懂了……

    I’ve learned…有时,一个人想要的只是一只可握的手和一颗能交谈的心……I’ve learned…That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.I’ve learned…That when you’re in love, it shows.I’ve learned…That having a child fall asleep in your arm...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 英语名篇名段背诵精华22

    The Use of HistoryThere are two ways of thinking of history. There is, first, history regarded as a way of look??ing at other things, really the temporal aspect of anything, from the universe to this nib with which I am writing. E...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 英语美文欣赏:与死神和解

    英文原文中文翻译Vertamae Grosvenor searched for answers to her young grandson‘s questions of "why?" when his father died. Grosvenor took her grandson, Oscar, to Oaxaca, Mexico, where death, in its celebratory symbols and r...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 短篇美文赏析-就让奇迹发生吧

    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 情感美文:爱情这部电话

    PLEASE, God, let him telephone me now. Dear God, let him call me now. I won't ask anything else of You, truly I won't. It isn't very much to ask. It would be so little to You, God, such a little, little thing. Only let...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 美文欣赏:做最好的自己

    Be the Best Whatever You Are做最好的自己If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hillbe a scrub in the valley- but be the best little scrubby the side of the rill;Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.If you can’t be a bush...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 爱情趣答:他的爱是一时还是一世?(双语)

    When you meet the right guy, you’ll just know it, right? That’s what we’ve always been told. Somehow, some way, we’ll meet a guy, and it’ll just “click” for us. We’ll be completely sure we’ve found our soul mate.当你遇到那个“对的人”,你自然而然会...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 态度决定一切 Attitude Is Everything

    每天早上醒来我都告诉自己说:“今天你有两个选择,你可以选择一个好心情,也可以选择一个坏心情。”我选择了好心情。Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 英语美文30篇系列之14

    The Goodness of LifeThough there is much to be concerned about, there is far, far more for which to be thankful. Though life’s goodness can at times be overshadowed, it is never outweighed.For every single act that is sensel...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20
  • 英语美文欣赏:片刻的欢乐

    A Moment of JoyTwenty years ago, I drove a cab for a living. It was a cowboy's life, a life for someone who wanted no boss.What I did not realize was that it was also a ministry. Because I drove the night shift, my cab became ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-20