short-snort的意思解释和用法例句,俚语short-snort (=short snort)
short-snort (=short snort) 用作名词的意思: (指喝酒的)快饮,一饮而尽 用法及例句:He grabbed a short-snort and went back to his carving.他抓起杯子一饮而尽,接着就同他的雕刻工作室去了。... -
俚语short skate的意思解释和用法例句
short skate 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)吝啬鬼(尤指逃避付费的人) 用法及例句:He must be a very short skate.他肯定是个非常吝啬的人。... -
shorts的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(the) shorts
(the) shorts 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)手头拮据,资金短缺 用法及例句:I told him I had the shorts.我对他说过,我手头缺钱。 The shorts always come around at the end of the month.到月底总是银根紧缩褒中羞涩。... -
short-sheet 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)玩弄阴谋诡计,耍弄,虐待 用法及例句:Someone was short-sheeting us on our ignorance. 那时有人利用我们的无知耍弄我们。... -
俚语short of hat size的意思解释和用法例句
short of hat size 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)愚蠢的,笨的,呆头呆脑的 用法及例句:I’m really short of hat size at everything.我真是干啥事都蠢。... -
俚语short pint的意思解释和用法例句
short pint 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)个子特别矮的人,矮子 用法及例句:the story of Snow White and seven short pints 白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事... -
short one的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(a) short one
(a) short one 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)一小口烈性酒(常指一饮而尽,快喝),一小杯酒 用法及例句:How about a short one, innkeeper?客栈掌柜的,来喝一小口怎么样? Give my friend a short one.给我的朋友来一小杯。... -
short-horn的意思解释和用法例句,俚语short-horn (=shorthorn)
short-horn (=shorthorn) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)新来者,新手, 尚无经验的人 用法及例句:He had a short-horn on his hand. 他有个新手需要照顾。 a political shorthorn 初出茅庐的政冶新秀... -
俚语short eyes的意思解释和用法例句
short eyes 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)(用作单数)(监狱中对少年进行性骚扰的)强奸或猥亵儿童者 用法及例句:Those prisoners’ll end up in the punk tank with the queers and the short eyes.那些 囚犯最终将被关在下等监室与同性恋者和鸡奸少年犯关在一起。... -
short fuse的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(a) short fuse
(a) short fuse 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)(常与have连用)容易激动,动辄发怒,急躁性子 用法及例句:Fred’s got a short fuse. Watch out.弗雷德性子暴躁,容易激动。你要注意。 She is hard to please and has a short fuse.她很难讨好,而动不动就发火。... -
short-ear 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[大学生用语]非教徒的大学 用法及例句:He’s a short-ear but doesn’t oppose religion. 他是个不信教的大学生,但并不反对宗教。... -
short end of the stick的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(the) short (或shitty,shit) end of the stick
(the) short (或shitty,shit) end of the stick 用作名词的意思: 最槽糕的 生意遭遇,很坏的、不公平的待遇,不足的一份 用法及例句:Here I am stuck with the short end of the stick again.我又受到了不公平的待遇。 Pastorini got the shitty end of the stick, as usual.家往常一样,帕斯特里尼又倒大霉了。... -
俚语short dog的意思解释和用法例句
short dog 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)被人丢掉的一瓶酒 用法及例句:A tramp is staggering down Broadway sucking on a short dog. 一个流浪者喝着捡来的一瓶酒,正沿着百老汇大街跌跌撞撞地走去。... -
short 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.有轨电车,[黑人和下层社会用语]汽车 用法及例句:Would you go by short?你肯乘电车去吗? Man, that’s some short you got! 老兄,那是你买的车! 2.[黑社会用语]刑期快满的闪犯 用法及例句:Bill’s a short. He’ll get out of the jail on next Monday.比尔刑期快满了。他下... -
shopper 用作名词的意思:告密者,告发者 用法及例句:A shopper told the police that the store was selling stolen goods.一个告密者向警方吿发那家铺子在销售赃物。... -
short-ass 用作名词的意思: 1.矮于 用法及例句:Who’s that short-ass who just came in?刚才进来的那个矮子是什么人? 2. 小人物 用法及例句:You are a big gun. You should forgive a short-ass like him.你是一位大人物。你应该原谅他这样的小人物。... -
俚语shop around的意思解释和用法例句
shop around 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.到处寻找(某物或某人) 用法及例句:I’m shopping around for an apartment for my friend.我为我的朋友正在到处寻找一套公寓。 I heard he was shopping around for a new Secretary of the Interior.我听说,他正在物色一位新的内务部长。 2.逐店选购(指比较价格贵贱、质量优劣) 用... -
俚语shoot one’s wad的意思解释和用法例句
shoot one’s wad 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.不惜一切,花尽钱财,孤注一掷 用法及例句:We are going to shoot our whole wad at the ship.我们将不惜工本建造这艘船。 2.尽诉己见,畅所欲言 用法及例句:She spoke for an hour but didn’t shoot her wad.她讲了一个小时,却没把她想说的活说出来。 3.筋疲力尽,山穷水尽,难以为继... -
shop 用作名词的意思:(英国俚语)[戏剧用语]剧场演出合同,(演员的)受聘期 用法及例句:The actor had a shop of three weeks in the play.那位演员已受聘在该剧里参加演出三周。v. 1.(英国俚语)逮捕,使入狱,(向警方)告发 用法及例句:The murderer was shopped by his girlfriend.凶手是由他的女友告发的。 2.(美国俚语)解雇,免去…的职务 用法及例句:Major... -
俚语shoot the works的意思解释和用法例句
shoot the works 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1. (漫无竹制地)花钱、施舍或行动,不惜一切 用法及例句:Don’t shoot the works!Save some for a cab.别拼命乱花钱!积攒一些钱买辆车。 2.呕吐 用法及例句:Suddenly she turned sort of green, and I knew she was going to shoot the works.忽然间她脸色苍白,于是我就知...
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