People say, you can not change the environment, but can change their own; you can not change the facts, but can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but can be changed now; you can not control other people, but can be ma... -
family 家familiar,strange 昔日的回忆,异地的思念firing,boiling,melting 燃烧的,沸腾着,溶化了filled with unselfish love 满载无私的爱forever 直到永远face 脸false,real 隐蔽着,显露着faking,cheating,laughing 虚伪地,欺诈着,狰笑了full of selfish will 充满自私的欲望filthy 丑陋的嘴脸... -
For all the great things you say and do…The best teacher’s award goes to you.因为您的身教言教,颁给您最佳教师奖As another school term approaches…wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours.新的学期又开始了,希望您过得愉快,就像您带给我们的欢乐一样You are the... -
Anyone can adopt the habits confident people practice on a regular basis. Below are just some of the ways those with extra self-possession approach life differently than everyone else.每个人都能培养自信的人每天做事的习惯,以下就是那些特别镇定自若的人生活中一些与他人不同的做事... -
Then our fear for Sir Henry became greater than our ter ror.Holmes and I fired our revolvers together.The creature gave a loud cry of pain,and we knew we had hit it.But it did not stop,and ran on,after Sir Henry.When we heard the ... -
The English humourFun seems to be the possession of the English race.Fun is JohnBulll's idea of humour,and there is no intellectualjudgment in fun.Everybody understands it be-cause it is practical.More than that,it unites allc... -
弗里达·布赖特说过:“只有在歌剧中,人们才会为爱而死。” 的确,你不会因为爱一个人而死。有人会因为得不到爱而死,可从未有人因被爱而死。Freda Bright says, "Only in opera do people die of love." It’s true. You really can’t love somebody to death. I’ve known people to die from no lo... -
So often, when I’m alone with my thoughts,I feel your presence enter melike the morning sun’s early light,filling my memories and dreams of uswith a warm and clear radiance.You have become my love, my life,and together... -
“她在结婚半年后回去看望她的父母,在回来的路上,也就是六月的一个星期六晚上,印第安人抓住了她。此后再也没有人看到过她。亨利疯了。他一直认为她还活着。每当六月来临时,他就认为她去看望她的父母,于是他就等待着她回来。他拿出那封信,我们来看他,他向我们朗读她的来信。在预计她回来的星期六晚上,我们来到这里和他在一起,于是在以后的一年中他就能够平安度过。19年来,每年的六月,我们都这么做。第一年,我们才27岁。”When I was young, I went lo... -
她的关心改变了男孩的一生The Difference a Teacher Can MakeSteve, a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents, was about to be lost forever, by the U.S. education system. Remarkably, he could read, yet, in spite of his reading skills, Steve wa... -
无论是爱情、友情、亲情,都无需轰轰烈烈,只需要每天真心相待,能为对方的幸福做一点看起来微不足道的事,此生足矣。你做好准备,为所爱的人每天奉献一点了吗?(漫画作者:蓬蓬小蘑菇)101 things I’d like to do for you我愿意为你做的101件事9. I want to tell you the stories and past experiences of my life. However exciting, twisted... -
To me, the concept of home changes continually along with my age.对于我来说,家的概念随着年龄的变化而不断变化。In my childhood, home was a string of calls. It seems that I was entitled to more freedom than today’s children. I didn’t have to show up in f... -
Man is a social animal and ought to socialize, but with company around, there are times when egos tend to mingle along as well. This could result in exchanges of words that could put a strain on relationships. Continuous bashing o... -
关于这首诗,有两种说法:一说是为悼念徐志摩而作,借以表示对挚友的怀念,我们可以从电视剧《人间四月天》可以了解一般;一说是为儿子粱从诫的出生而作,以表达心中对儿子的希望和儿子出生带来的喜悦,这也是完全有可能的;不过我们完全可以放下这些争论,因为这首诗确实是一篇极为优秀的作品,它的价值不需要任何外在的东西来支撑。所以在诗人逝世的时候,金岳霖等好友们共同给诗人题了这样的一副挽联:“一身诗意千寻瀑,万古人间四月天。”这首诗的魅力和优秀并不仅仅在于意境的优美和内容的... -
1、c.h.i.n.a. 中国come here. i need affection.来这我需要爱2、k.o.r.e.a. 韩国keep optimistic regardless of every adversity.虽然事与愿违保持乐观3、h.o.l.l.a.n.d 荷兰Hope our love lasts and never dies.希望我们的爱永恒不变4、i.t.a.l.y. 意大利I trust and love you.我相信你和爱你5、l...