
  • 双语散文:世界各地的蹩脚英语篇

    ①If you want just condition of warm in your room, please control yourself.日本旅馆:如果您想调节您房间的温度,请控制您自己。②Please don’t feed the animals. If you have any food, please give it to the guard on duty.匈牙利动物园:请不要给动物喂食。如果您有食品,请喂给值班警卫。③Lad...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 短篇英语美文欣赏:男孩和树

    A Boy and His TreeA long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow… He loved the tree and the tree loved...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 美文欣赏:男人的哭泣方式

    什么叫做non-crying cry?这是男人们专有的一种哭泣方式。也许在婚礼上,女儿和妈妈可以互相抹去眼泪,但是爸爸只能一个人默默回到自己的房间,默默去想念,因为男人是不允许在大庭广众下轻易掉眼泪的。这也是为什么一个父亲会教自己的儿子,如何学会non-crying cry。大家有没有觉得,父亲节或者老爸的生日那天,不管你花多少心思,都难得看到老爸像老妈那样大动感情呢?其实,他只是用另一种方式,流下了作为男人和父亲的眼泪。Real men don&rsqu...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 英语散文:孩子

    孩子All you remember about your child being an infant is the incredible awe you felt about the precious miracle you created. You remember having plenty of time to bestow all your wisdom and knowledge. You thought your child would ta...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 美文欣赏:为亲爱的母亲祷告

    Dear God,亲爱的上帝:Now that I am no longer young, I have friends whose mothers have passed away. I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was too late to tell them.如今我已不再年轻,一些朋友的母亲已...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 智慧英语:孩子的守护天使

    Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God,"They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"God replied,"Among the many angels, I ch...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 双语美文:爱你自己 作真正的自我

    爱你自己 作真正的自我There is always one true inner voice. Trust it. —Gloria Steinem总有一个真实的内在的声音。听从它——葛罗莉亚‧史坦能Sometimes it’s hard to know who you are and what you want and whom you like and why you like that person. The answers change becau...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • ☆英语诗歌欣赏☆ 雨-Rain

    RainWho can explain the rainto my satisfaction?It pours, it drizzles;it sweeps my foreheadmotherly cool whileI am staying in the trench;it drowns the thirsty soulof Skid Row; it ruststime-minded Times Square.Through a prism of car...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 经典英语美文欣赏-知道我有多么爱你

    SHMILY 知道我有多么爱你My grandparents were married for over half a century, and played their own special game from the time they had met each other. The goal of their game was to write the word “shmily” in a surprise place for the other ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 英语短篇小说欣赏-Wakefield

    WakefieldNathaniel HawthorneIn some old magazine or newspaper, I recollect a story, told as truth, of a man - let us call him Wakefield - who absented himself for a long time, from his wife. The fact, thus abstractedly is not very...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • ☆诗歌欣赏☆I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

    I Wandered Lonely as a CloudWilliam Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publicat...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 短篇英语散文:父亲给儿子的一封信:当我日渐老去的时候

    Dear son孩子…..The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me …哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也渐渐不行,请耐着性子试着了解我……If I get dirty when eating… if I can not dress… have patience.Remember the hours I spent teachin...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 双语诗歌欣赏:荆棘鸟

    荆棘鸟《荆棘鸟》的畅销不衰证明了他的确是一部富有魅力的小说。这美丽首先来自他的主题:爱和命运。《荆棘鸟》里富有诗意的环境描写不仅为塑造人物起到了很好的烘托作用,而且增强了阅读的美感,使读者获得了对人物所处环境的人文地理的丰富知识,因此也是其魅力源泉之一。There is a legend about a birdwhich sings just once in his life,more sweetly than any other creatureon ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 双语美文:回来吧,青春(图)

    It was New Year's night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournfuleyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floatinglike white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake. When he cast them on the ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 英语美文欣赏:The life I desired 我所追求的生活

    That must be the story of innumerable couples,and the pattern of lifeof life it offers has a homely grace.It reminds you of a placid rivulet,meandering smoohtly through GREen pastures and shaded by pleasant trees,till at last it f...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 英语短文欣赏:既然付出就不要期待回报

    A man is known by the company he keeps they say. If it is so,then everyone is bound to have their baggage of loneliness with them as companions.loneliness is not something that doesn’t exist at all with any human being on ea...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 双语散文:The life I desired 我所追求的生活

    That must be the story of innumerable couples,and the pattern of lifeof life it offers has a homely grace.It reminds you of a placid rivulet,meandering smoohtly through GREen pastures and shaded by pleasant trees,till at last it f...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 英语散文:I Never Write Right

    I Never Write RightWhen I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write and illustrate my own books. Half the students sneered, the rest nearly fell out of their chairs laughing. “Don’t be silly, only geni...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 英语美文欣赏:海涅致卡蜜尔塞尔登

    Sweetest of fines mouches! or, leaving the emblem of your seal, is it the perfume of your letter that I should call you? In that case must I say"Dearest of musk-scented cats?" I received your note the day before yesterda...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22
  • 优秀诗歌赏析:庆东原.泊罗阳驿

    赵善庆·《庆东原·泊罗阳驿》Tune: Blessed East PlainMoored by the PostZhao Shanqing砧声住,蛩韵切,静寥寥门掩清秋夜。秋心凤阙,秋愁雁堞,秋梦胡蝶。十载故乡心,一夜邮亭月。The beetles still,The crickets trill,Clear autumn shut outdoors in night tranquil.Where is the Phoenix Tower high?Gri...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-22