
  • 164 句适合英语初学者的口语句子

    We're all for it. 我们都赞成。 That's always the case. 总是这样。 I guess so. 我想是这样。 I'll be back soon. 我很快就回来。 Are you crazy? 你疯了吗? ...
    9144590 预备级 2022-08-14
  • 常用英语口语交流技巧

    1.减缓语速 如果不是在用母语进行交流的时候,尽量的减缓语速,这样在交流的过程当中可以给自己足够的思考时间。2. 聆听 英语不同于中文,其思维方式基本上与中文有很大的差距的,因此在交流之前要听清楚对方说的意思,不要误解,尤其是一些风俗方面的事情。 3.尝试提问 交流本身是一种信息交换的过程,因此在英语口语交流过程当中可以通过提问方式获得更多的学习内容或者学需别人是如何回答问题的。 ...
    9144590 预备级 2022-01-02
  • 常交际用语英语口语有哪些?

    日常交际英语用语: Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的! All I have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语。 Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗? Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?   ...
    9144590 预备级 2020-01-30
  • 怎样提高英语发音?

    One of the most important aspects of learning English is pronunciation. Without clear pronunciation, it is difficult to make yourself understood. First start by learning individual sounds. After that, focus on the music of the ...
    9144590 预备级 2020-01-07
  • Week、months and number相关词汇

     数字 1 one  2 two  3 three  4 four  5 five  6 six  7 seven  8 eight  9 nine  10 ten  ...
    9144590 预备级 2019-12-12
  • Week、months and number常考问题

    1.How many days are there in a week?What are they? 2.What day is it today? 3.How many months are there in a year?What are they? 4.What month is it now? 5.How many days are there in a year...
    9144590 预备级 2019-12-12