
  • “跑步机”造句

    2024年06月19日 01:11:06昨天被跑步机搞得膝盖酸痛.Got aching knees after running on the treadmill yesterday.这项跑步机测试结果会告诉医生运动对你的心脏影响多少.The treadmill test will show the doctors how exercise affects your heart.7跑步机立即停止,如果安全的关键是脱离.Treadmill will stop ...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • MICE造句

    2024年06月19日 06:52:05Exercise also decreased striatal DA transporter and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in MPTP - lesioned mice.运动也可以减少纹状体多巴胺转运体,还能抑制酪氨酸羟化酶的免疫反应性.GJA 1 null mice resulted in heart malformations and delayed in...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • “铁心”造句

    2024年06月18日 23:41:07使磁通以极小的阻力在铁心中流通.The magnetic flux can flow inside the core with extreme low reluctance.缠绕着线圈的铁心叫做电枢.The iron with the wound coils on it is called an armature.电流互感器铁心 ( 如果配备 ) 单独接地.Iron core of CT ( it is suppli...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • “掴”造句

    2024年06月19日 06:32:18理科教师詹姆斯·伍德因为掌掴一名男生而被开除。Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy.安德鲁狠狠掴了他一巴掌,声音响亮干脆。There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face.我重重地掴了他一记耳光。I slapped him hard...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • Hilversum造句

    2024年06月19日 07:54:01Radio Netherlands, PO Box 222, Hilversum希尔弗瑟姆邮政信箱222号,荷兰广播电台The Belgian player Eduardo Masso has reached the final of the Dutch Open in Hilversum...比利时选手爱德华多·马索进入了在希尔弗瑟姆举行的荷兰公开赛的决赛。The Belgian player Eduardo Ma...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • “使声音”造句

    2024年06月19日 01:05:19扩音器是一种使声音放大的电气装置.Amplifier is electrical device which make sounds louder.使用助听器会使声音变得越来越失真。Sound was becoming more and more distorted through the use of hearing aids.在录象技术中, 使声音和图象同步的一种安排.In recording, an arrang...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • catches例句

    2024年06月19日 05:37:18The play only really catches fire once Aschenbach falls in love.这部剧直到阿申巴赫堕入情网后才真正开始精彩起来。A born magpie, Mandy collects any object that catches her eye.曼迪天生喜欢收集小玩意,只要是她看上的都会收藏起来。My home catches fire and everythin...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • “滞育”造句

    2024年06月18日 22:07:20在特定的环境条件信息下, 神经分泌细胞产生和分泌滞育激素 ( DH ).Under specific enviromental information, neuroendocrine cells produce and secrete diapause hormone ( DH ).滞育和冬眠不一样, 是一种 长期 的休眠状态.Unlike torpor, diapause is a long - term stat...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • “惯例的”造句

    2024年06月18日 19:27:20显然,广告业比银行业更少受到惯例的束缚。The world of advertising is obviously less bound by convention than the world of banking.他不让他的画像具有惯例的法老神的那种传统的温和的美.He refused to have his portrait conventionalized into the customary smooth ...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • “莪术酮”造句

    2024年06月19日 05:33:01目的: 建立以紫外 - 可见分光光度法测定莪术酮胶束中莪术酮含量的方法.OBJECTIVE : To establish a UV - spectrophotometric method for content determination of Curdione in Nano - micelles loaded with Curdione....
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • still例句

    2024年06月19日 01:24:20English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。As a group, today's old people are still relatively deprived.总的来说,当今的老年人依然相对贫困。The new system is still in the pl...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • tenth造句

    2024年06月19日 05:12:01He plunged from a tenth floor window.他从10 楼的窗户跳下。Over a tenth of the population have secure, undemanding jobs.超过1/10的人口拥有稳定且相对轻松的工作。The Parliament was prorogued to the tenth of February.国会休会到2月10日....elite forc...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • sparkling造句

    2024年06月19日 04:09:10...a glass of sparkling wine.一杯葡萄汽酒Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine.当你步入沟中,便可见瀑布舒洒碧玉.The open countryside was pleasant, the green moor sparkling in the sunshine....
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • brilliantly造句

    2024年06月19日 06:08:01In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates...在这本新作中,哈里森巧妙地理顺了那些纷繁复杂的争论。Fluorescent lights flickered, and then the room was brilliantly, blindingly bright...荧光灯闪了几下,接着屋子里豁然大亮,刺得人睁不开眼。Dav...
    9144590 造句 23小时前
  • “斜眼看”造句

    2024年06月19日 05:28:10他斜眼看我.He looked sideways at me.孩子们斜眼看他.The kids were eyeing him askance....
    9144590 造句 23小时前