
  • sadness造句

    2024年06月13日 14:48:25Her homecoming was tinged with sadness.她这趟回家带有一丝伤感。All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.那笔钱带来的只有伤心、痛苦和悲剧。All great songs are informed by a certain sadness and tension...所有很棒的歌曲都透着某种...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • emitted造句

    2024年06月13日 13:52:27The woman emitted queer regular little snores that sounded like yelps.她那跟怪叫差不多的鼾声一股一股地从被里冒出来.A continuous, invisible light beam is emitted from the OPTIMA Sensor.OPTIMA感应器持续发射出一束不可见光.Pumping by Xe flashlamp, th...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • condescendingly例句

    2024年06月13日 10:59:16"The practical work you did for us in Brazil was of great value," he went on condescendingly.“你在巴西为我们所做的实际工作非常有价值。”他继续以高人一等的语气说道。" You want to look out for them things ,'said the officer on the left, conde...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • amateur造句

    2024年06月13日 06:32:17There's a world of difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.业余制作的录像短片与好莱坞制作精湛的电影作品有天壤之别。An amateur shouldn't play roulette for high stakes.外行不该下大赌注赌轮盘赌....a keen amateur ph...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • weekend造句

    2024年06月13日 09:11:17After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolph's proposal of marriage.经过3个周末的追求之后,帕梅拉接受了伦道夫的求婚。The winner will face the Oakland A's in the playoffs this weekend.获胜者将在本周末的季后赛中对阵奥克兰运动者队。Why d...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • regularity例句

    2024年06月13日 17:53:38Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat.实验者已经成功控制了心跳的速度和频率。Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.倒闭和失业的消息又在一次次地反复宣布着。He contin...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • Bellingham造句

    2024年06月13日 16:57:38There was Mrs Bellingham, stirring sugar into her tea...贝林厄姆太太正在那里将糖搅进茶里。Next she tried the Information operator in Bellingham, Washington.下一步,她试着打华盛顿贝灵汉的电话问讯处.Without further adventure , they reached the dwell...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • fen造句

    2024年06月13日 17:52:38There was a bad five fen piece in with the change.找的钱里有一枚五分钱的假硬币.Fen City State University, through its name because of Fenhe.汾城系古晋国都, 因汾河流经得名.The national heroine of the day was Xing Fen, winner of the first G...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • metabolic造句

    2024年06月13日 10:08:31Autochthonous or allochthonous, may be important in the total metabolic system of lakes and streams.自源的或他源的在湖泊与河流的总代谢系统中都可能是重要的.Erectile dysfunction, metabolic risk factors and cardiovascular disease - What is ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • belligerent例句

    2024年06月13日 17:35:30He was almost back to his belligerent mood of twelve months ago.他故态复萌,几乎又像一年前那样咄咄逼人了。He had a belligerent aspect.他有种好斗的神色.Chang Su - su retorted hastily , looking slightly belligerent.张素素又抢着反驳, 脸色变了....
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • smouldered造句

    2024年06月13日 18:48:10The sun smouldered through a thin summer haze.太阳透过夏日的薄雾散发着苍白无力的光。Baxter smouldered as he drove home for lunch.巴克斯特开车回家吃午饭的路上,心里一直憋着一团火。The campfire smouldered for hours after the blaze died out.营火在火焰熄灭后闷烧了好几个小时...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “弗雷泽”造句

    2024年06月13日 18:49:10烹调专栏主笔莫伊拉·弗雷泽会带您了解幕后的故事。Cookery Editor Moyra Fraser takes you behind the scenes.乔治·弗雷泽显然是个好士兵,沉着冷静且适应力强。George Fraser was clearly a good soldier, calm and resilient.弗雷泽勋爵的讲演发人深省。Lord Fraser's speech offers...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • transcribes造句

    2024年06月13日 18:19:10Mr. Weaver dictates several more letters, then Arlens goes to her typewriter and transcribes them.韦佛先生又口授了几封信, 艾琳就走到打字机去誊清.The genetic material then transcribes the thought - form into physicality, as form.随后基因...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • cuddling造句

    2024年06月13日 15:25:42This mower is provided with various functions of mowing, cuddling, bundling, hoisting, bulldozing and loading.该割草机具有割草 、 搂草 、 捆草 、 起吊 、 装载等一机多功能的优势.A couple of teenagers were kissing and cuddling on the doorste...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • jerkin造句

    2024年06月13日 01:21:14He wiped his wet face roughly with his jerkin sleeve.他用上衣的袖子粗略地擦掉脸上的泪.His jerkin was a ragged bearskin, worn and greasy.他的背心是熊皮制成, 又旧又油腻.His jerkin on the reins only add to the horse's wildness.他急拉□绳,只使得马更...
    9144590 造句 1天前