
  • Zealand造句

    2024年07月05日 08:02:13This New Zealand winery produces some of the best antipodean wines.这家新西兰酿酒厂出产一些最好的澳新葡萄酒。Can the New Zealand bowlers fight back after their thrashing at Christchurch?在克赖斯特彻奇遭遇惨败后,新西兰的投球手们还有还手之力吗?Information on t...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • “铲平”造句

    2024年07月05日 20:30:55在别处,大片区域被抽干了水或铲平了地,以作为工业或集约化农业用地。Elsewhere large areas have been drained and levelled for industry or intensive farming.那条路太陡了, 从这把它铲平一点.The path is too steep, level it down from here.他用锹把土铲平.He evened out the ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • complimented造句

    2024年07月06日 07:08:37He complimented her on her new dress without even looking at it.他连看都没看一眼,就称颂她的新衣服。Terry actually says "Oh, shucks!" when complimented on her singing.人们赞誉她的歌声时,特里实际上会说“噢,没什么!”Terry actually says 'Oh, shucks...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • “阴森的”造句

    2024年07月06日 02:30:02黑暗阴森的房间a dark and cheerless room在那蹙额皱眉的刹那间, 那可真是一种阴森的变脸.For the brief space that it lasted, it was a dark transfiguration.这两男孩子被这些阴森的气氛控制住了, 都不大说话.The boys were subdued by these solemnities, and talked little....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • clothier造句

    2024年07月06日 09:07:42Morgenroth the clothier and Gibson the dry goods man. "有服装店老板摩根洛,还有绸缎庄老板吉勃生. ”...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • sauced例句

    2024年07月06日 18:02:04She sauced the beef with pepper.她用胡椒给牛肉调味.He is going to be sauced tonight for sure.他今晚肯定会被灌醉....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • devout造句

    2024年07月06日 16:04:14Both my parents were devout Anglicans.我的父母都是虔诚的圣公会教徒。She is a devout Roman Catholic.她是虔诚的天主教徒.The devout man prayed daily.那位虔诚的男士每天都祈祷....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • “导水管”造句

    2024年07月07日 05:26:48报告23例大前庭导水管综合征.This paper reports 23 cases of the large vestibular aqueduct syndrome.中脑导水管周围灰质损害导致上视麻痹(摘译)Upgaze Paralysis Caused by Lesion of the Periaqueductal Gray Matter.这座新房子底下有个导水管.There is an aqueduct un...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • Ceylon造句

    2024年07月06日 21:09:03About 85 species from Ceylon to South East Asia and New Guinea.近85种﹐分布区域由锡兰至东南亚及新几内亚.For aroma and flavor, I think you cannot beat Ceylon teas.就香气和味道来说, 我想什么也比不过锡兰茶.Our business includes wholesale of high - qua...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • fusillade造句

    2024年07月07日 14:49:52Both were killed in a fusillade of bullets fired at close range.两人都是在近距离扫射中丧命的。Our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise.我们在左翼的齐鸣射击把他们打懵了.To attack with a fusillade.枪炮一齐射击来攻击某个目标....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • “立体声”造句

    2024年07月09日 13:26:35这里是调频立体声103.7。This is FM stereo one oh three point seven.他放立体声音响时总把低音调得很大。He always plays his stereo with the bass turned right up.把立体声唱机的高音音量调大to turn up the treble on the stereo...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • “搭便车”造句

    2024年07月10日 07:13:27让-菲利普在20世纪60年代曾搭便车游遍欧洲。Jean-Phillippe had hitched all over Europe in the 1960s.她认定搭便车是自己最好的逃跑方法。She decided hitchhiking was her best method of escape.他们一路搭便车周游欧洲。They hitchhiked around Europe....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • neuralgia造句

    2024年07月16日 02:42:10The plant acts as a sedative in treating neuralgia.这种植物被用作治疗神经痛时的镇静药。The doctor diagnosed my illness as neuralgia.医生诊断我的病是神经痛.For example: Depression, Epilepsy, Hemorrhagic Stroke and Trigeminal Neuralgia.如: 抑郁...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • run out of例句

    2024年07月10日 07:05:27They have run out of ideas.他们已经想不出任何办法了。A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition.几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了.He has run out of food; his children are hungry.他家揭不开锅了, 孩子们都等着吃饭....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • flecks造句

    2024年07月18日 03:33:11His hair is dark grey with flecks of ginger.他深灰色的头发夹杂着几缕姜黄色。His hair was dark, with flecks of grey.他的黑发间有缕缕银丝。I got a few flecks of paint on the window when I was painting the frames.我在漆窗框时,在窗户上洒了几点油漆....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02