
  • flurries造句

    2024年06月19日 19:34:00Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.外面,刺骨的东风伴着阵阵小雪。A gust of wind , and snow flurries, accompanied the pilots.阵朔风和雪片随着驾驶员一涌而进.A raw wind was blowing, and the first flurries of snow w...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • incarnate例句

    2024年06月19日 13:06:48He is cynicism incarnate.他是愤世嫉俗的极端体现。The pharaoh is Osiris, the moon bull incarnate.这位法老就是俄西里斯,丰产神的化身。Why should God become incarnate as a male?为什么上帝以男性之身显现呢?...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • promoters例句

    2024年06月19日 15:59:17Promoters really hyped the movie.推销商大肆宣传那部电影.Some of the blame for the disastrous night must be shouldered by the promoters.筹办方必须为那个灾难性的夜晚承担一部分责任。Inhibitors and promoters may affect the rate of oxidation.抑制剂和促进...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • graphs造句

    2024年06月19日 22:06:20Subjective judgments based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer.根据频率图所作的主观判断,因编图人员不同而变化甚大.In this paper, split graphs with complete endomorphism - regularity are characterized expl...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • indicatrix造句

    2024年06月20日 05:35:35And P 3 PL is a sensitive indicatrix.P3PL是较为敏感的指标.Objective Long - term machine collection of plasma to observe the effects of hematology indicatrix and immunity.目的研究 长期 单采血浆生理指标和免疫的变化.Methods: By animal's...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • odometer造句

    2024年06月20日 08:30:33I checked the odometer . He was right. Four miles exactly. I could have sworn it was 20.我看了一下里程计, 他说得没错,确实是4英里, 我还坚信是20英里呢.We found powdered sugar on the odometer cable.我们在里程表的电线上找到糖粉.In each taxi there must be...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • “判给”造句

    2024年06月20日 19:01:42孩子的监护权通常判给母亲。Child custody is normally granted to the mother.法庭判给他5000美元损害赔偿金.The court awarded damages of 5000 dollars to him.法院判给每个孩子一笔服装费.The court allowed a sum of money to each child for clothing....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • plank造句

    2024年06月21日 00:28:45Kuwaiti prisoners have their ears nailed to plank of wood.科威特战俘的耳朵则被钉在厚厚的木板上.We use a plank to cross the ditch.我们用一块木板过了沟。Birdbath, mirror and floodlight belong to bathroom furniture to divide furniture door pl...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • collect造句

    2024年06月20日 16:32:10The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises.国会有权规定并征收税金 、 关税 、 捐税和消费税.Methods: To collect midges with bed - curtain , insect net and light trap.方法: 采用帐诱、灯诱和挥网采集蠓.Did you ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • “双三次”造句

    2024年06月21日 00:39:25生成的曲线网格体是双三次多项式的.The curve mesh body created is a polynomial bicubic.双三次B样条插值曲面方法是工业造型、机械制造领域应用成熟的一种自由曲面设计方法.Bicubic B - spline surface interpolation is a widely used algorithm for free surface design in indust...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • deplore例句

    2024年06月21日 14:15:39We deplore this lamentably ill-advised decision.我们强烈反对这个拙劣的、欠考虑的决定。We deplore the accident.我们对这一事故深感遗憾.We would very much deplore it if a popular programme were taken off as a result of political pressure.如果一档受...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • “电路”造句

    2024年07月05日 00:04:04管道设备和电路按照高标准安装。Plumbing and electrics are installed to a high standard.计算机的所有电路都集中在一块单板上。The computer's entire circuitry was on a single board.他不会修电路。He cannot fix the electricity....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • wiggle造句

    2024年07月05日 08:53:07Electrons can jiggle and wiggle in a more energetic manner.原子能以更有力的方式旋转与振动.Better get a wiggle on or we'll be late.最好快一点,不然我们要迟到了.He has gone wiggle - waggle and cannot be persuaded to categorical.他犹豫不决,无法...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • chert例句

    2024年07月05日 04:56:42Thus we can better understand the deformation of chert in a highly fluid form.这样我们就能更好地理解燧石在高度流体状态时的变形情况.The sediments in this photo curve near the ends of chert pods.这沉淀物在这幅图片的曲线近似冷凝物的黑矽石的扁豆形矿体.Paleontologists...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02
  • famous造句

    2024年07月05日 07:26:03The chalky soil around Saumur produces the famous Anjou wines.索米尔周围的白垩质土壤出产著名的安茹葡萄酒。The town of whitby was immortalised in Bram Stoker's famous Dracula story.惠特比镇因为布拉姆·斯托克著名的吸血鬼故事而名传后世。Later he was to beco...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-02