
  • reasons造句

    2024年06月25日 19:33:41Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种原因。The exact locations are being kept secret for reasons of security.确切地点因为安全原因要保密。The right decision was made, but probably for...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • unfits例句

    2024年06月25日 10:53:38Drink unfits a man for work.饮酒使人不适合工作.His age unfits him for such a position.他的年龄使他不适合此种职位.I am afraid that his attitude to authority unfits him for work on this project.我但心他对当局的态度使他不能胜任这个项目....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • chiefly造句

    2024年06月25日 20:44:34Ocean wave action is chiefly responsible for the sculpturing of coastlines around the world.世界各地海洋刻蚀现象主要是由海浪作用而形成的.MRSA, for methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus, was once spread chiefly in hospitals.M...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “常设的”造句

    2024年06月25日 13:36:42此外,也可以使用常设的实体觇标.A standing opaque beacon may be useful in addition.失败并不可怕, 因为我们是常设的脚.Failure is not frightening, because we are standing in the foot....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • platforms造句

    2024年06月25日 19:06:34The platforms groan with homeward-bound commuters.月台在下班赶着回家的通勤族脚下不堪重负。North Sea operators kicked against legislation making them responsible for removing oil platforms at the end of their useful life.北海的石油开采商激烈...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • installing造句

    2024年06月25日 14:36:55Differentia: Thermos outfit water is the plug after installing water first.不同点: 热水瓶装水是先装水后插塞.New: Dictionary Update Wizard automates downloading and installing additional spelling dictionaries.新: 字典更新向导自动下载并安装额...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “菌环”造句

    2024年06月25日 18:26:34简介了新型广谱杀菌剂嘧菌环胺.A new broad spectrum fungicide cyprodinil was briefly reviewed.菌环、菌网及孢子具有一定的形态学特征.The rings and networks have some classificatory characteristics in morphology.结果: KFS与 COI相比各细菌抑菌环均无差异 ( P>0.05 )...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “硫酸盐”造句

    2024年06月25日 18:54:01将硫酸盐加入该溶液会产生沉淀.Adding sulphate to the solution will give a precipitate.焦硫酸盐易溶于水.The disulphate was easily soluble in water.根据所需剂量的浓度不同,每颗胶囊里含有30至100个吗啡硫酸盐颗粒。Each capsule contains between 30 and 100 pellets of m...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “畏怯”造句

    2024年06月25日 18:22:55她的神情忧郁, 畏怯, 又稍带着一丝儿满不在乎的调皮味,这种神情使他感到不安.Her expression disturbed him - sad, timorous, with a touch of defiant mischief.玛格丽特和杰勒德彼此畏怯地望了一眼.Margaret and Gerard cast a scared look at one another.他畏怯地走向路边,溜掉了.He shie...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • shanties例句

    2024年06月25日 21:11:16Fully 30% of the poor could not even afford access to illegal shanties.足足有30%的贫困人口甚至连非法窝棚都住不起。A few shanties sprawl in the weeds.杂草丛中零零落落地歪着几所棚屋.The workers live in shanties outside the factory.工人们住在工厂外面的小棚屋内....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • troupes例句

    2024年06月25日 18:20:17Note: Art performance troupes include within and outside of the system.注: 艺术表演团体统计口径调整为含系统内、系统外两部分.Note: and dance drama troupes include opera and light music troupes.注: 歌舞剧团包括歌剧,舞剧,歌舞剧团.In 1963, revocation of ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “凯尔”造句

    2024年06月25日 21:42:43这个叫杰克·史密斯的家伙是不是还有个名字叫杰凯尔?This guy, Jack Smith, does he go by the name of Jackal?作为一名录音艺人,凯尔走了一条较为冷僻的道路。Cale has ploughed a more esoteric furrow as a recording artist.凯尔特语中的geis一词通常被译作taboo(禁忌)。The Celtic word "...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • ctrl例句

    2024年06月25日 19:41:44To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.关闭文件时要同时按键盘上的CTRL键和W键。Did you know you can SHIFT - click and CTRL - click to select multiple images?您知道还可以使用SHIFT键和CTRL,选取多张图片 吗 ?If you miss any messages, ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “心搏”造句

    2024年06月25日 20:12:09因为早期的心博器不是置入的, 患者可以很容易地接触心搏器,并且可以控制它.As the early pacemakers were not implanted, the patient could reach them easily and control them.心搏过速: 心搏过速指心搏速率每分钟超过100次 ( 最高可达240次 ) 的情况.Tachycardia: Heart rate over 100 (...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • amice造句

    2024年06月25日 13:38:11Take amice quickly, hit otherwise not bad your body!快把披肩取下来, 否则打不坏你的身子!...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10