2024年07月09日 23:23:02每个人都会对事业很懊丧。It's very dispiriting for anyone to be out of a job.他的回答充满了愤怒和懊丧。His response is one of anger and frustration.她因错过聚会而面露懊丧之色.Her face showed her dejection at missing the party.... -
2024年07月10日 00:13:39a politician who relishes a joust with reporters喜欢和记者过不去的政治家He answered the reporters’ questions flippantly; this cannot be airily explained to your children.他轻率地回答了记者的问题;这个不能随便说给孩子听。The prime minister told rep... -
2024年07月10日 01:32:59从出生的那一刻起,王子的命运就已经被预先决定了。The Prince's destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth.他们试图预先判定考察团的发现结果。They tried to prejudge the commission's findings.他预先阻止了所有解雇他的决定。He pre-empted any decision ... -
2024年07月10日 00:45:03Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.哦, 最后还要买些荔枝和蜜瓜.I saw big melons called Honeydew at a supermarket, what's that?我在超级市场看到一种叫做蜜瓜大瓜, 那是什么?Pour all the vegetables into the centre of honeyde... -
2024年07月10日 01:50:35But when they tangoed, they didn't dye their hair black, or cover their skin with rouge.但是他们在跳探戈时, 不把头发染成黑色, 也不用在身上涂口红.... -
2024年07月09日 12:24:37Thermal imagery produces a visual record from natural heat radiating sources.热图象由天然热辐射源产生一种可见的记录.A bronze chariot ridden by chameleons radiating flaring lights.一辆被燃烧的蜥蜴覆盖的青铜战车.Branching, septate hyphae are clos... -
2024年07月09日 22:55:12母亲捏紧了谷物饼,饼干碎成了粉状的细屑.She squeezed the corn puffs and they crumbled into floury dust.对造纸供应中的细屑, 三氧化钙, 二氧化钛, 以及高岭土,具有优越的保湿能力.Superior wet - end retention of fines , CaCO 3, TiO 2, and kaolin clay in papermaking fu... -
2024年07月10日 00:00:29Daphne Farlow, at forty-five, still looked and spoke like an overgrown schoolgirl.45岁的达芙妮·法洛外貌言谈都还像个稚气未脱的小女生。As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress.她上学时曾梦想成为一名女演员。The plucky schoolgirl amazed d... -
2024年07月10日 02:28:29她准备去纳奈莫乘渡船回大陆。She was going to Nanaimo to catch the ferry to the mainland.小群的中国劳工, 农夫和商人也到纳奈莫和新威斯敏斯特.Smaller groups of Chinese laborers, farmers and merchants were also found in Nanaimo and New Westminster.... -
2024年07月10日 03:02:37家具木工必须是技艺高超的手艺人.A cabinet maker must be a master craftsman.我知道,你是个有本领的手艺人.I know you're a competent artisan.你和你的仁慈会为你带来好处, 但城市去做个正直的手艺人.You and your kind will drive good, honest craftsmen to the wall.... -
2024年07月09日 19:59:38Smoking was rolling up rom the burring oil tanks.浓烟正从那口燃烧中的油罐升起.The burring and randomicity of assessment is fully expressed in this method.此方法可充分表达评价语言的模糊性和随机性,具有较大的客观性.The firemen were called in to rescue the... -
2024年07月09日 15:41:38The harvests beat out upon the threshing floor which was also the dooryard to the house.收割完了,再在打谷场上脱粒.王龙家的打谷场,就是自家门前的空场.You look, is what the sod here compares dooryard fatter, tenderer gnawed in this!你看, 这里的草皮... -
2024年07月09日 23:26:34Effects are disproportional to causes -- the butterfly effect.结果与起因不符 —— 形成蝴蝶效应.The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed.非比例再保险的保险费率由双方当事人议定.The particular form of reinsurance c... -
2024年07月10日 03:01:15The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice.旧时一些有名的巫师经常以祭品祈求他们所供奉神灵的助佑。Magicians do not dabble, they work hard.魔术师可不是随便玩两下的,他们下了苦功钻研。Like all magicians, he kept his secrets to himself.象所... -
2024年07月09日 22:23:03Fillers include modifiers, extenders, plasticizer and low friction additives.填料包括改性剂, 填充剂, 增塑剂和低摩擦添加剂.Extenders are durable water repellents which lower the overall cost of the finish.增补剂系永久性的防护剂,它降低整理剂的总价格.Not...