
  • “滋养的”造句

    2024年06月26日 15:18:43滋养的食品和运动可以去病延年.Nourishing diet and exercise keep doctors away.最后依皮肤类别,使用特效滋养的晚间更新乳液或乳霜, 以发挥最佳的功效.Finally, apply Time Defiance Nighttime Renewal Creme or Lotion according to your skin type.无滋养的带有棕色酸性物质的水域, 腐殖物高度...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “美学的”造句

    2024年06月26日 15:01:15立体派的静止的 、 美学的探求是同他们格格不入的.The static, aesthetic searchings of the Cubists were quite alien to them.科林斯曾经向我揭示过现代美学的谬误.Collines had exposed the fallacy of modern aesthetics to me.黑格尔认为美学的对象主要是艺术.Hegel held that th...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • Chuang造句

    2024年06月26日 11:37:58Li Chuang - fei inquired of Han Meng - hsiang in a low voice , and shifted closer to him.李壮飞靠到 韩孟翔 身边轻声问.Li Chuang - fei's voice betrayed a, slight uncertainty.李壮飞那口气有些软了.If only he could believe everythin...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • Nutritionists例句

    2024年06月26日 19:21:28Nutritionists say only 33% of our calorie intake should be from fat.营养学家说我们所摄入的卡路里中只应有33%来自脂肪。They are trained nutritionists who can give sound advice on diets.他们都是受过训练的营养学家,能够在饮食方面提出合理的建议。The general approach ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • consignment造句

    2024年06月26日 18:01:24a consignment of goods一批托运的货物Methoxychlor consignment four major production companies, acetate cobalt, manganese acetate series of intermediate products.公司主要生产四氯苯醌 、 醋酸钴 、 醋酸锰等中间体系列产品.This last consignment of h...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “典狱官”造句

    2024年06月26日 21:59:24那你反对我征询典狱官的意见 吗 ?Do you have any objection to my asking the warden for his opinion?在典狱官看管时, 监狱中有不到100个狱友.When the warden took charge, the prison had fewer than 100 inmates.玛法里奥和泰兰德及时赶到挽救了典狱官, 但是伊利丹又一次躲避了追捕.He a...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “新设施”造句

    2024年06月26日 18:16:29还有像家庭包厢 、 残疾人洗手间和酒吧这样的新设施.New facilities such as family compartments , handicap restrooms and snack bars are available....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • sacking造句

    2024年06月26日 04:55:27Did the BBC act reasonably in sacking the journalist?英国广播公司开除该记者做得合理 吗 ?They were sacking the potatoes in the field.他们正在地里把土豆装袋。Lately, the president has been sacking and picking new ministers at whim.最近,总统一时兴起...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • repayment造句

    2024年06月26日 19:43:32Collateral, such as property or investments, secures the repayment of traditional loans.抵押品是传统贷款的安全保证, 通常包括财产或投资抵押.He failed to meet last Friday's deadline for repayment of a 114m loan...他没能在上星期五的最后期限前偿还1....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • cellos造句

    2024年06月26日 19:55:30Our company specializes in producing violins, cellos, bases and instrument cases.本公司是一家专业生产小提琴 、 大提琴、贝司和乐器箱包的企业.They also use real classical musicians - violins, cellos, oboe, choir, and so on.他们还使用真正的古典管弦乐队:小提...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • colorized造句

    2024年06月26日 14:21:32The film is available in a colorized version.这部电影有彩色版。Be prepared for the colorized version of the classic.看那部经典片的彩色拷贝片要有心理准备.Rendering colorized photorealistic facial images and complicated attributes are impo...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • gaby造句

    2024年06月26日 15:47:32Juventus have approached Real Zaragoza for defender Gaby Milito.尤文图斯为了后卫加布里埃尔-米利托接近萨拉戈萨.I feel so uncertain that why your lineup removed Gaby Mudingayi besides.我很不解,为何你的阵容里排除了穆丁加一?Gaby could hardly be convinced...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • jungle gym造句

    2024年06月26日 21:08:32Climb , climb the jungle gym.爬爬格子.That is a jungle gym.那是爬格子的游戏.Let's play on the seesaw jungle gym rocker swing merry - go - around slide.我们一起玩跷跷板攀登梯摇床秋千 转椅 滑梯吧....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • examines造句

    2024年06月26日 09:25:34It examines the application, issues preliminary approval and publishes the trademark.申请注册的商标由商标局审查, 初步审定后,予以公告.This paper examines how accruals affect the accounting conservatism in each firm life cycle stage.本...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • enacts例句

    2024年06月26日 21:26:20The legislative branch enacts laws ; the executive branch enforces them , and the judicial branch interprets them.立法部门制订法律,行政部门执行法律, 司法部门解释法律....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10