2024年07月08日 04:38:33Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms.大型油画可以增加小房间的宽敞感。The forest will enhance the attractiveness of the region.这片森林会为该地区平添更多魅力。This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the c... -
2024年07月08日 02:17:01仪式是精心筹划的,笼罩着一层神秘的色彩。It is an elaborate ceremony, shrouded in mystery.安排照料老人的筹划者arrangers of care services for the elderly筹划这麼大型的聚会最好着眼于基本的东西.It's best to stick to basics when planning such a large party.... -
2024年07月07日 23:37:24"This is what I've longed for during my entire career," Kendall exulted.“这是我整个职业生涯中梦寐以求的,”肯德尔欣喜地说。Some individual investors exulted at the record.一些个人投资者为这一记录欢呼雀跃。Some individual investors exulted at the r... -
2024年07月07日 15:51:02他们在山腰上搭帐篷.They pitched on a hillside.我们在树林里东走西跑,找个地方搭帐篷.We ranged the woods looking for a place to set up our tents.我们中5个人被派去搭帐篷.Five of us were told off to put up the tent.... -
2024年07月07日 13:28:56If love and friendship can't be together, I will abnegate the resultless love.如果爱与友情不能并存,那我定会放弃一份无结果的爱。... -
2024年07月07日 21:31:11这些虫子用肉眼看不见。The worms cannot be seen by the naked eye.厕所里爬满了虫子。The toilet was full to the brim with insects.他在花园里被虫子咬了一口.He was bitten by an insect in the garden.... -
2024年07月08日 04:54:21The commandments , or rules, are like pure white pearls adorning the wearer.(喻)戒律洁白, 可以庄严人身, 好像晶莹可爱的宝珠.Cramer reveals his Ten Commandments of Trading ( Commandment # 5 : Tips are for waiters ).克莱姆揭示了他的十个戒律的交易 (... -
2024年07月08日 00:46:39他用微型声波发射器开启了门。He activated the door with the miniature sonic transmitter.微型计算机在我们生活中扮演着重要的角色.Microcomputers are playing an important role in our lives.微型画像艺术创始于英国.The art of portrait miniatures was originated i... -
2024年07月08日 02:03:22总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.牙龈萎缩可能是疾病导致的,也可能仅仅是错误的刷牙方式引起的。Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing.他们认为任何涉及捕杀狗的立法都是错误的。They think... -
2024年07月08日 02:22:21The autumn, when autumn rain unbroken, when algidity raids a person, he came.秋天, 当秋雨绵绵, 寒气袭人的时候, 他来了.The Pentagon says bad weather is hampering the allied air raids.五角大楼称恶劣天气妨碍联合空袭。The Government hastily organi... -
2024年07月08日 00:14:40粘液病毒和溶解体均装配某些能分解糖蛋白的酶.Both myxoviruses and lysosomes are equipped with enzymes which can degrade glycoproteins.蛋白质和碳水化合物的结合物称为糖蛋白.Conjugates of proteins with carbohydrate are termed glycoproteins.植物凝血素是由植物细胞合成的... -
2024年07月08日 05:32:03Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone.喀麦隆队击败塞拉利昂队之后也成功晋级.In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education.在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。The Sierra Club was unable ... -
2024年07月07日 08:14:07Everything after the discovery of the murderer was anticlimactic.找到谋杀者之后,人们对所有事情的兴趣都突减了.The conclusion of the movie was anticlimactic.电影的结局真没劲.The direct report of this one characteristic in real work, namely w... -
2024年07月08日 00:59:44The fireman evacuated the guests from the burning hotel.消防队员把客人们从燃烧着的旅馆中撤出来.The fireman trained their hoses on the burning building.消防队员把水龙带对准燃烧的建筑物.The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child.那位... -
2024年07月08日 04:32:31他们不得已买了顶层楼座的廉价票。They had been forced to find cheap tickets in the gallery.不得已迁移至另一城市工作forced relocation to a job in another city实在不得已,她只好请几天假.She had no alternative but to ask for a few days'leave....