
  • Bruins例句

    2024年06月28日 05:47:49Is he a wide - out for the Bruins or a 19 th century naturalist?这名字,是不是什么布伦熊还是十九世纪自然学家来着?...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • illusive造句

    2024年06月28日 00:49:50I don't wanna hear too much illusive words.我不想听太多虚假的承诺。A sees a teacher nod greatly say: " Illusive. "阿大看看老师点点头说: “ 错觉. ”We refuse to partake in the production of illusive advertisements.本公司拒绝承做虚假广告....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • Belgian造句

    2024年06月24日 00:09:51The Belgian Cup has been won by the favourites F.C. Liege.比利时杯被夺冠热门列日队夺得。Consultation is traditional in the consensual Belgian system of labour relations.协商是建立在意见一致基础上的比利时劳资关系体系的传统做法。Her face remained impassive...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • buffed造句

    2024年05月21日 01:19:53They waxed and buffed the floor.他们将地板打蜡并擦亮.You need at least 8000 health buffed to survive this fight.在这场战斗,你至少需要全BUFF后有8000血量.Buffed pipeline corrosion protection system has extremely significant effect on pro...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “后进的”造句

    2024年05月21日 07:00:17我们不应该瞧不起后进的人.We must not look down upon those who have lagged behind.原来后进的车间也赶上了先进的车间.Shops that had been backward caught up with those that were advanced.她无法忍受后进的学生.She was unforbearing with the slower student...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • as yet例句

    2024年05月21日 23:58:04It is a part of Britain as yet largely unaccustomed to tourists.英国的这一块地方还很不为游客所熟悉。Nothing is known as yet about what transpired at the meeting.会上到底发生了什么现在还没人知道。Dorset is as yet unspoilt by coachloads of tourist...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • calcination造句

    2024年05月31日 21:52:05The hydrocarbon content of this phosphate ore provides most of the heat needed for the calcination.这磷矿所含烃量能提供锻烧所需的大部分热量.ITQ - 27 is stable to calcination in air , absorbs hydrocarbons , and is catalytically act...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • celebrity造句

    2024年06月01日 12:58:12He was more than a footballing superstar, he was a celebrity.他不仅仅是足球场上的巨星,也是一位社会名流。He is said to have invented the sport of celebrity-watching.据说是他发明了观赏名人这项活动。...a woman who claimed she had been pictured dancin...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • crusts例句

    2024年06月01日 11:51:13When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join.捏合馅饼时,要弄湿两张饼皮粘连的地方。When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join, to form a seal.在包馅饼时,先把两片馅饼皮边沿接头部分弄湿,再将其捏合。They must have ap...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • seize control of造句

    2024年06月02日 13:06:11He'll use the invasive components to seize control of the ship.它会利用入侵的部分来夺取这艘船.To seize control of an airplane, boat, automobile, etc.强行控制飞机 、 船只 、 车辆等.This gap of leadership allowed two directors, Heidegg...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • dampen造句

    2024年06月05日 09:12:29I hate to dampen your spirits but aren't you overlooking a couple of minor points.我不想扫你的兴,但你是否忽视了几个小的问题呢?His equivocal response has done nothing to dampen the speculation.他模棱两可的回应丝毫没有消除人们的猜疑。Nothing seems ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “照耀”造句

    2024年06月07日 08:50:16公牛冲出来进入阳光照耀的竞技场.The bull charged out into the sunlight of the arena.阳光照耀.The sun shone down.朝阳宁静地照耀着已经发黄的树丛和还是一片绿色的田地.The early sun shone serenely on embrowned groves and still green fields....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • mutations例句

    2024年06月07日 12:46:35Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code.基因突变是指DNA密码的改变.Both frameshift and missense mutations can be suppressed by intragenic suppressors.移码突变和异义突变都能被基因内抑制基因所抑制.Genetic effects include inheritable change...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “艾莱”造句

    2024年06月11日 08:40:34数年前,艾莱的农场就实现了机械化。Mechanization happened years ago on the farms of Islay.整个晚上,他向我详细讲述艾莱岛泥炭沼泽地上的各种青苔。In the course of the evening he gave me chapter and verse on the mosses of the Islay peat bogs.艾莱柯,这就叫聪明, 实在聪明,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • connector造句

    2024年06月09日 13:38:52Above 3 years connector relative work experiences. Prefer in Connector Industry.3年及以上精密注塑领域工作经验,有连接器行业者尤佳.In flowcharting, a connector which illustrates continuation of a broken flowline.在流程图中,表示断开的流线继续的一种连接符.O...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03