
  • “序诗”造句

    2024年06月26日 18:06:19莎士比亚戏剧中)朗诵序诗及收场白的演员.In Shakespeare's plays an actor who recites the prologue and epilogue.这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗.The lines form a prelude to his long narrative poem....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “掌权者”造句

    2024年06月27日 01:22:24这个岛的前景与其掌权者的命运息息相关.The future of the island is bound up with the fortunes of the ruling power.这些责任将恰如其分地落在今日的掌权者身上.The blame will fall squarely on those in power now.带扣-掌权者的胜利.Buckles - Victorious fidelity in a...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • marginally造句

    2024年06月26日 23:27:32These cameras have increased only marginally in value over the past decade.在过去10年里,这些照相机的价格只是略有提高。Sales last year were marginally higher than in 1991.去年的销售额比1991年略有增加。They now cost marginally more than they did...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “阴影的”造句

    2024年06月27日 07:33:00有阴影的格子表示稳定的原子核.The shaded boxes indicate stable nuclei.尽管一位战士死了,但他们之间决不会永远蒙上阴影的.The death of one warrior will not cast a cloud between them forever.辛巴: 阳光能照到的所有的东西! 那有阴影的地方 呢 ?Simba: Everything the light touche...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • euthanasia造句

    2024年06月27日 05:35:40They canvassed the pros and cons of euthanasia.他们彻底讨论有关安乐死的正反两方面的意见.He was thankful euthanasia was not an option when he requested it.他很庆幸当他要求补执行安乐死的时候,安乐死却不可行.The doctor refused to practice euthanasia on that ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • rep例句

    2024年06月27日 18:12:33Darren has been working as a rep.达伦近来一直在当推销员.A play is tested in rep before ever hitting a West End stage.一部戏在登陆伦敦西区舞台前会以常备剧目试演。If they don't like it, they can go to their state rep, right?要是他们不满意他们会去投诉的是不...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • cover for造句

    2024年06月27日 16:07:10Why would she cover for someone who was trying to kill her?她为什么要包庇想要杀她的人呢?"Your modesty is a cover for your overweening conceit," she said.“你表面谦虚,骨子里目中无人。”她说道。A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in.丛...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “烟”造句

    2024年06月27日 12:08:17树林上空飘浮着一股烟。There was a drift of smoke above the trees.纽曼又倒了些黑咖啡,接着点了支烟。Newman poured more black coffee and lit a cigarette.我跑了26圈时,保时捷车冒出了蓝烟。As I completed my 26th lap the Porsche puffed blue smoke....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • profuse例句

    2024年06月27日 21:55:59He was so profuse with his money that he is now poor.他过去很挥霍,结果现在穷了.He is profuse in hospitality.他招待得十分周到.His speech was too profuse.他的讲话太长了....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • abound in例句

    2024年06月28日 00:44:25Examples abound in modern texts.在现代的文章中这类例子不胜枚举.Most of her poems abound in imagery.她的诗歌大多数富于形象.Poems and essays alike abound in neat turns of phrase, and epigrams that are immediately pleasing.诗文中充满了简洁的短语和读来清晰...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “倔强”造句

    2024年06月28日 01:56:15严肃、严谨、倔强的他同时又冷漠、多疑、敏感、不会变通。Formal, exact and obstinate, he was also cold, suspicious, touchy and tactless.她非常倔强,又非常精干。She was very headstrong, and very together.他总是有点倔强。He has always had a rebellious streak ....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • aiguillette例句

    2024年06月28日 02:35:13There is fine chiffon in bosom, and adjustable aiguillette feel much comfortable and free.胸前精致的花边, 可调节的肩带,穿着舒爽.Objective To analyze and summarize the outcomes of treatment of aiguillette collision injury by imp...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “解开”造句

    2024年06月27日 23:44:16我解开了自己黄灰相间的衬衫上最下面的两个纽扣。I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt.他被撞见拼命想要解开几盘缠在一起的胶卷。He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film.她把头发解开,让它随风飘动。She unbound her hair and let...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • dehydrated例句

    2024年06月28日 05:32:59This luxurious talcum lotion restores softness and suppleness to dehydrated skin.这种奢侈的滑石润肤露能使缺水的皮肤恢复柔软与弹性。Dehydrated meals, soups and sauces contain a lot of salt.脱水后的饭菜、汤和调味料中含有很多盐分。Alcohol acts as a diuretic,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • sedimentary造句

    2024年06月28日 04:45:53The sedimentary members are largely turbidites of greywacke facies.沉积岩的组成大部分为杂砂岩相的浊积岩.Sedimentary loading with consequent thermal blanketing will become major factors.随着热熄灭作用以后,沉积载荷将变成主要因素.Loose sediments may b...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03