
  • multiplexing造句

    2024年06月14日 06:10:11a channel derived by time division multiplexing.一种按时间分割成多路复用的信道Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) is a multi - carrier modulation method .正交频 分多路 复用是一种 多载波调制 技术.The high performance wavelength ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • holdover例句

    2024年06月14日 04:20:15He is a holdover from the last Administration.他是前内阁的留任者.Whether it's demons or some holdover from a dysfunctional childhood, he cannot stand to be alone.不知是天生如此还是受到不幸孩提时代的影响, 他无法忍受独自一人.Holdover of housing ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “莫平”造句

    2024年06月14日 01:23:25莫平的小说最初都是以连载的形式出现的。Maupin's novels have all appeared originally as serials....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • forman例句

    2024年06月14日 05:17:20Even Forman, who tells patients their cellphones may be risky, owes one.就连告诉病人手机可能有风险的人们自己也有一部手机.Michele Forman knows her subjects and has high expectations for her students.米歇尔·福门精通她所教的课程,对学生有着很高的期望.Evan and E...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • constitutive造句

    2024年06月14日 08:37:15Perhaps constitutive equation has to be fortified by experimental evidence.本构方程或许还得用试验数据予以验证.Meso chemical damage constitutive equations of uniaxial and triaxial compression under chemical corrosion are set up....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • assuming造句

    2024年06月13日 17:00:50'Assuming you're right,' he said, 'there's not much I can do about it, is there?'...“就算你是对的,”他说,“这件事也没什么我可以做的,不是吗?”Even assuming this to be in principle possible, it will not be ac...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • controlling造句

    2024年06月14日 04:13:26The army had perfected the use of terror as a means of controlling the population.军队已经深谙利用恐怖手段控制民众之道。-- Measures for preventing and controlling industrial pollution have gradually been perfected.-- 工业污染防治措施逐步完善...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “路易丝”造句

    2024年06月14日 07:25:17我看见路易丝慢慢地走向公共汽车站。I saw Louise walking slowly to the bus stop.路易丝本人在尼姆有亲戚。Louise herself had family ties in Nimes.他走了出去,路易丝也跟着出去了。He walked out, and Louise went after him....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “试用的”造句

    2024年06月14日 09:10:15共享软件 - 让你在购买之前试用的软件.Shareware - Try before you buy software downloaded from the net.试用的香水太多,你的鼻子很难闻出它们之间的区别.Beyond that your nose is less able to detect the difference.他们买这部可供试用的录像机.They took the vcr on approva...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • lengthened造句

    2024年06月14日 11:08:40He lengthened his stride to keep up with her.他迈大步追上她。She began to walk faster, but he lengthened his stride to keep up with her...她开始加快步子,但他加大了步幅跟着她。As the sun set, the shadows lengthened.随着太阳的下山, 影子变长了。The run...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “脓疱病”造句

    2024年06月14日 05:14:04无菌性脓疱病的发病机制涉及多种细胞及炎症因子.The pathogenesis of sterile pustulosis involves various cells and inflammatory mediators.局限性无菌性脓疱病绝大部分既往无寻常型银屑病病史.Most patients suffering from localized abacterial pustulosis have no hist...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • despaired例句

    2024年06月14日 04:43:42Most scientists despaired of ever knowing the physical nature of the stars.大多数科学对了解恒星的物理性质失去了信心.She stood at the corner of Main Street and Washington Avenue and despaired.她站立在大街和华盛顿路交叉的街角上,大失所望.The doctor knew ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “熔炼”造句

    2024年06月14日 10:54:00达比一直在寻找改善铁质的方法,他猛然想到可以不用木炭熔炼,而改用焦炭。Darby was looking for a way to improve iron when he hit upon the idea of smelting it with coke instead of charcoal.空罐经过熔炼后,还可重新利用.Those empty tins are then melted down and reu...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “不稳”造句

    2024年06月14日 13:32:28这也许会火上浇油,破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists.他们站立不稳,协调性较差。They were unsteady on their feet and rather uncoordinated.手术以后她还有点站不稳。She is still a little unsteady on her...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • landless造句

    2024年06月14日 11:49:24In those years the landless peasants were brought to beggary.在那些年月里无地的农民一贫如洗.This project is designed to help landless people...这一项目旨在帮助那些没有土地的人。Those most in need will be the landless, both rural and urban, an...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09