
  • technologies造句

    2024年06月14日 20:29:29Introduce and analyze the key module of demodulation technologies, for example NCO and CORDIC algorithm.对解调技术中涉及的重点模块, 比如NCO、 CORDIC算法等做了理论上的介绍与分析.Companies are also devising novel technologies to outfox the cr...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • quelled造句

    2024年06月15日 09:32:04Troops eventually quelled the unrest.军队最终平息了动乱。Thanks to Kao Sung - nien's skill , the turmoil had been quelled.亏高松年有本领, 弹压下去.Mr. Atkinson was duly quelled.阿特金森先生被及时地将了一军....
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • “打鼓”造句

    2024年06月15日 05:02:28他们在打鼓时演奏出不同的曲调,听起来就像他们语言中简单的句子.They did this by playing tunes that sounded like simple sentences in their languages.这样的打鼓和弹钢琴你做得到 吗 ?Can U Make this Drum Beat witha video editing?彼得: 我在管乐队. 我喜欢打鼓.Peter: I am in...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • embossing造句

    2024年06月15日 16:13:02Such as: to punch knives, batons and other embossing machine components.如: 改打孔刀 、 压花棍等机器各部件.Braille typewriters and electric embossing machines are also used.布拉耶盲字可以使用打字机,近来还有电动凸版机的发明.Pebbling: The process of e...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • pregnancies造句

    2024年06月15日 15:19:02In the world as a whole, about ten per cent of all pregnancies are terminated.从全世界看来,所有怀孕的人中约 10% 的妊娠被终止了。Five viable pregnancies were established.已确定5个胎儿能够成活。About 10 % of those pregnancies are postdates.这类妊娠中...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • effectually造句

    2024年06月15日 13:10:03In front of the line this showed up even more effectually.站在队伍的前头,这种姿势得到更加充分的表现.When the time came, he buoyed Carrie up most effectually.到了该上场时, 他已卓有成效地给嘉莉打足了气.She practised her part ruefully, feeling that she ...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • editorials造句

    2024年06月15日 15:51:02Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country.许多社论对该国经济的混乱状况表示忧虑。The newspaper ran a series of four editorials entitled "The Choice of Our Lives."这份报纸刊登了4篇社论连载,题为《我们生活的选择》。Nomi...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • business card造句

    2024年06月15日 16:38:46She scribbled her apartment phone number on the back of a business card.她在一张明片的反面写下了她公寓的电话号码.I exchange business card with a client.我跟客户交换名片.Can I have your business card, please ?能给我一张您的名片 吗 ?...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • chafes例句

    2024年06月15日 15:39:38Her skin chafes easily.她的皮肤很容易擦破.This leash chafes the dog's neck.这条皮带磨破了狗的脖子.He chafes at ( under ) an injustice ( the insult, the slight )他因被冤枉 ( 侮辱 、 轻视 ) 而发怒....
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • afterthought造句

    2024年06月15日 14:16:46Almost as an afterthought he added that he missed her.他又几乎不假思索地补充说他想念她。They had only added that to the form as an afterthought.他们仅把这作为补充加在了表格上.The bit about help for poorer countries had obviously just been tac...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • magnetosphere例句

    2024年06月15日 11:46:24The earth's magnetosphere is at once protective and dangerous.地球的磁层既具有保护的功能,却又极其危险。This animation shows a conceptual sketch of Mercury's magnetosphere at the time of the MESSENGER flyby.这个动画是信使号探测船探测水...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • Daedalus造句

    2024年06月15日 17:31:23Daedalus took refuge in Gretan Cnossus , where King Minos delighted to welcome so skilled a craftsman.代达罗斯在克里特岛的克诺索斯避难.弥诺斯国王极为乐意地接纳了这位多才多艺的工匠.When these two wings were finished , Daedalus bound them on himself....
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • folds造句

    2024年06月15日 15:14:24A fan folds.扇子可以折叠起来。Two features of folds in stratified rocks that contain strut members invite special attention.包含在承压岩层内的成层岩石中的褶皱,有两个特点引人特别注意.The surface shows deep rill - like folds.表面有深沟槽 状 起伏褶皱.When not i...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • eyewash例句

    2024年06月15日 13:48:35We still encounter case of pilfering, eyewash and bureaucratism.我们还会发现小偷小摸 、 吹牛拍马以及官僚主义的种种现象.When you keep skinned, you'll find it to be a counterfeit eyewash.你要是留意, 就会发现这是一种伪造的眼药水.Type FP valves installed...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • “低温学”造句

    2024年06月15日 16:48:35为主宰世界而竞争的人将转向在遗传学和低温学领域展开竞争.Humans vying for dominance will turn to genetics and cryogenics to compete....
    9144590 造句 17小时前