
  • numbness造句

    2024年06月15日 14:33:14First he had been numb. Then the numbness gave way to anger...起初他只是麻木,接着转为了愤怒。Early symptoms: cold limbs, numbness, paresthesia, intermittent claudication etc.初起症状是患肢发凉 、 麻木 、 感觉异常 、 间歇性跛行等.The woman developed ...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • tasting造句

    2024年06月15日 15:09:14Their tasting action is a chemical process, like smell.他们的尝味作用, 像嗅觉一样,是一种化学过程.Kunta warily smelled the stew before tasting it.昆塔总要警惕地闻一闻炖菜再吃.One way of persuading people to drink sensibly is to provide good-tas...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • Indian造句

    2024年06月15日 15:51:15Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government.他们唯一的目标就是要破坏印度政府的稳定。Bacher professed himself pleased with the Indian tour.巴奇尔表示对印度之行很满意。He was one of the world's foremost scholars of ancient Indian ...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • antipyretic造句

    2024年06月15日 11:18:15Objective To study antipyretic action of scutellarin on fever in rabbits.目的:研究野黄芩甙是否有抗炎作用及可能的作用机制.The present invention isp - acetaminophenol anal injection as antipyretic analgesic for children and its prepara...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • DCG例句

    2024年06月15日 16:05:18Objective To observe the DCG and change of heart function ACVD.目的探讨急性脑血管病(ACVD) 动态心电图(DCG)及心功能改变的特点.Results Normal ECG was 90.3 % and subnormal DCG was 84.9 % in recover - term subacute patents.结果恢复期亚急型克山病患者在EC...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • rollicking造句

    2024年06月15日 03:51:17a rollicking celebration欢闹的庆祝会I'm having a rollicking good time.我正过得开心快活着呢.'The boss gave us a rollicking,' said McGoldrick.“老板狠狠教训了我们一顿,”麦戈德里克说。Tony Benn's diaries are a rollicking read.托尼·...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • “精”造句

    2024年06月15日 10:57:19这张精选集在1984年首次以唱片形式发行。This compilation was first issued on vinyl in 1984.“香薰精油”并非纯精油,而是经过稀释的。"Aromatherapy oils" are not pure essential oils but dilutions.这些设计体现了她对颜色和细节的精准眼光。These designs demonstrate her unerri...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • “叠层”造句

    2024年06月15日 15:37:25在这个市场内部, 存在三个不同层级的技术, 成为 “ 叠层 ”Within this market, there are three different strata of technologies, known as'stacks "在叠层的组装工艺中,比如基板 - 焊片 - 芯片,即使有部分表面被盖住了,这种气氛同样有效.This is also preformed on covered surface...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • “狠揍”造句

    2024年06月15日 08:12:26他们狠揍了那贼一顿.They messed the thief up pretty badly.影片在接近尾声时, 主人公把坏蛋狠揍了一顿.At the end of the film, the hero beat the living daylights out of the villain.“我觉得我们应该进去把他们狠揍一顿。”——“那对我们有个屁用。”"I think we should go in and h...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • “克斯韦”造句

    2024年06月15日 02:17:28拉密 - 麦克斯韦平衡方程在光测弹性力学中具有重要的作用.Lame - Maxwell equations of equilibrium have important applications in photoelasticity.麦克斯韦的电磁研究分为四个阶段.Maxwell's electromagnetic investigations were carried out in four stages....
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • Pittsburgh例句

    2024年06月15日 09:52:28The newspaper presses are rolling in Pittsburgh again today.今天,匹兹堡的报纸又开始印刷了。When I'm in Pittsburgh, I call him up.我每到匹兹堡,都给他打电话。So , the treasures were taken to London, Paris, Pittsburgh and Tokyo.好吧, 那就运到...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • chains造句

    2024年06月15日 05:59:27He liked to shock with his gold chains and loud clothes.他喜欢戴金链子,穿花里胡哨的衣服来招人反感。The chains were at different heights on the wall.挂在墙上的链子高低不齐。Supermarket chains have shaved prices.超市连锁店已经稍稍降价。...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • conspiracies例句

    2024年06月14日 23:44:29He was still alive and hatching his conspiracies.他还活着,策划着阴谋诡计.Section 7 stipulated that any person injured by illegal combinations or conspiracies might sue.第七部分规定:无论何人,若遭到非法合并或共谋的伤害,可以起诉.This is the potential ...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • “间作”造句

    2024年06月14日 22:38:29果园间作小浆果.These orchards were interplanted with soft fruits.它开始在群星之间作或许是永不停止的遨游.It will begin what may be an eternity of wandering among the stars.由单一种植向间作套种的立体农业转移.By onefold cultivate the stereo agriculture mov...
    9144590 造句 17小时前
  • lawns造句

    2024年06月15日 14:21:03carefully tended lawns set in a girdle of trees树木环绕、精心修整的草坪Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them.人们割了大片草地的草,然后在上面播种。Mowing lawns and taking out the trash are jobs for the tenant.刈剪草坪、倒掉垃圾是房客该做的事。...lawns and...
    9144590 造句 17小时前