2024年06月13日 20:22:10一定有很多人处在我这种境况。There must be any number of people in my position.与众不同之处在于他的骄傲自大和满嘴脏话。The things that stuck out were his cockiness and his four-letter words.入口处在马伯里路,有清晰的路标。The entrance is well signposted and is ... -
2024年06月13日 21:48:10Like Bosquet's in 1854, Mr Sarkozy's judgment was harsh and correct.正如1854年的波苏克将军一样, 萨科奇先生的判断可谓逆耳忠言.... -
2024年06月13日 21:50:17纸圈挂在这些桅杆上,形成许多长条的花彩.The paper is looped over these spars in long festoons.帆拍打着桅杆.The sails were flapping against the mast.有一只海鸥停歇在桅杆上.There is a seagull perched atop the mast.... -
2024年06月13日 22:05:17你发现并确定的这些行为变量 ( 参见第4章 ) 是否有效?Were the behavioral variables ( see Chapter 4 ) you identified valid?在典型的管理问题中, 通常具有大量的可变量.In typical management problems, there is usually a large number of variables.在某些程序设计语言中, 一... -
2024年06月13日 19:59:17总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.这笔交易看上去太诱人了,要是拒绝它简直是笑话。The deal seems so attractive it would be ridiculous to say no.“交易!”她鄙夷地说,“我厌恶一切交易。”"A deal!" she said contemp... -
2024年06月13日 19:29:18我不愿意伸手去抓那闪亮的黄铜门环,怕把它弄脏。I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.30号有一扇红门和一幅铜门环.Number 30 has a red door and a brass knocker.然而他亦不能再往下胡思乱想.有人把大门上的门环打得怪响.He was jolted out of his day - drea... -
2024年06月13日 18:14:17乔穿着工作服, 倒是个 精壮 利索,不失铁匠本色的人.In his working clothes, Joe was a well - knit characteristic - looking blacksmith.象他那样有才能的人是罕见的,而功成名就之后依然保持本色的人更少见.Few fellows had talents like his and fewer still could remain unspoi... -
2024年06月13日 17:36:19他们企图逃走的时候全都丢掉了性命。They died, to a man, when they tried to break out.鸟的主人说这只鸟可能是从鸟舍一处不结实的地方逃走的。The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary.马上起了猫叫, 接着又听见猫逃走的声音.A cat miaowed , then w... -
2024年06月13日 17:33:19The town is boring and characterless.这个小镇枯燥乏味,毫无特色。Beds were made in a hurry and the whole room experience quite cramped and characterless, bland.床看的出来是匆忙中整体好的,整个房间的感觉局促, 平庸和缺乏特色....a bland and characterless me... -
2024年06月13日 12:21:20丁化羟基茴香醚: 一种白色蜡状的苯酚抗氧化剂, CHO, 用于保存脂肪和油, 尤指在食物中.BHa: a white, waxy phenolic antioxidant, CHO, used to preserve fats and oils, especially in foods.... -
2024年06月13日 06:41:20The students wrangled aBout who should sit in front.同学们为了谁坐在前面而争吵不休.They wrangled over what to do next.他们就接下来该干什么而争吵.They wrangled and rowed with other passengers.他们与其他旅客争辨吵闹.It was available at a moment's... -
2024年06月13日 11:35:20The man moved closer, lowering his voice.那位男子靠近了一步,压低声音。She never cheapened herself by lowering her standards.她从不降低标准来贬低自己。the lowering of taxes and the consequent increase in spending税收降低与随之引起的消费增长... -
2024年06月13日 05:59:20Next to Paulsen, Nim Goldman doodled thoughtfully on a pad.波尔森旁边, 尼姆·哥尔德曼一边沉思,一边漫不经心地在一张便条上乱画着.The blue eyes narrowed thoughtfully.蓝眼睛若有所思地眯了起来。I strolled up and down thoughtfully before calling a taxi...我踱来踱去仔... -
2024年06月13日 20:17:56这使我想起我们在假日里一起做的事.This reminds me what we did together during our holidays.在假日里, 他们以骑车为乐.They take pleasure in riding , bike on their holidays.母亲的病使他们在假日中很扫兴.Their mother's illness cast a damp over the holi... -
2024年06月13日 18:05:55He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families...他一生中的大部分时间都在他母亲、父亲及各种各样的寄养家庭之间辗转度过。Freight Train 36 has been shunted on to Track 6.36次货车已调到第六轨道上.She's b...