2024年06月13日 13:11:20成分描述: 苍术 、 广藿香 、 艾叶 、 樟树叶 、 卡拉胶等.Ingredient: Wordlike Atractylodes Rhizome , Patchouli, wormwood leaves, Camphor leaves, carrageenan etc.类藿香''.'蓟'.''植物花序与藿香''.'蓟... -
2024年06月13日 09:02:20您可以在那个书架上找到有关书法的书.You can find books about calligraphy on that stack.书法的字体各有特点,都十分漂亮.Every calligraphy font has its own distinguishing features and is really beautiful.书法的笔画简化到八种不同的笔画模式.These stroke patterns ar... -
2024年06月13日 08:50:20A Palaeozoic low - grade metamorphosed sedimentary clastic sequence occurs in Vinson Massif , Antarctica.文森峰的地层为一套古生代浅变质沉积碎屑岩系.The boundaries of this massif are major dislocations.该地块的边界为大断层.The tectonic trends... -
2024年06月13日 16:38:20象牙海岸成为世界上可可粉的主要产地。The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer.他们控制了大量的可可粉,因此他们几乎垄断了整个市场。They are con-trolling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolizing the market.可可粉用来做巧克力.Cocoa is ... -
2024年06月13日 07:59:20There were several possibilities open to each manufacturer.每个制造商都可以有几种不同的选择。Pedal Exerciser User Weight Limit: 250 lbsPedal Exerciser One year manufacturer warranty.Pedal运动机用户重量限制: 250lbsPedal运动机厂家保修一年.Meanwhil... -
2024年06月13日 06:23:22Both are gregarious earless seals. The male an inflatable , trunklike snout.群居,两者均为无耳海豹. 因其身躯硕大,雄兽鼻粗壮能膨胀, 因而得名.... -
2024年06月13日 18:37:24In the present representation this crystal would correspond to a parallel array of helices.在这种表示法中,晶体应相当于许多螺旋线的平行排列.Site - specific infrared dichroism enables orientational analysis of TM α - helices bundles in... -
2024年06月12日 20:35:23This part of the vertebrate brain has two divisions, the medulla and the cerebellum.脊椎动物脑子的这一部分可分为两部分:脑髓和小脑.Conclusion NPY immunoreactive neurons are located in cerebellum Purkinje cell layer.结论 小脑Purkinje细胞层内存... -
2024年06月13日 17:57:25Olga Korbut single-handedly turned gymnastics into a major event.奥尔佳·科布特独自一人将体操变成了一项重要赛事。Hers is the kind of voice that excels at vocal gymnastics.她的嗓音擅长演绎有难度的歌曲。Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerab... -
2024年06月13日 16:33:25与盗贼均分的,是恨恶自己的性命; 他听见叫人发誓作证的声音,却不言语.Whoever is partner with a thief hates his own soul; He hears the adjuration utters nothing.... -
2024年06月13日 16:31:25至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹.The crucial round is a dud.迫击炮弹幕只有一发能命中目标, 这一发通常是哑弹.Your mortar barrage round on the intended target. That round will be a dud.如果坏盒中的哑弹是四枚,那麽对应的机率又会怎麽变化 呢 ?How would the probability change if the ba... -
2024年06月13日 20:34:23"I changed my mind," Blanche said, resuming her seat.“我改变主意了,”布兰奇说着回到她的座位上。Mr Annan took a short break before resuming his schedule.安南先生在继续自己的工作前先短暂休息了一下。We are now resuming relations with Syria with immediate ... -
2024年06月13日 19:11:24The usual vehicles of dispersal are wind ( anemochory ), water ( hydrochory ).通常传播的媒介物是风 ( 风播 ), 水 ( 水播 ).... -
2024年06月13日 09:41:25他在巴黎结交先锋人士。In Paris he made friends among the avant-garde.在某种意义上说,他们起了先锋的作用.In a way they played a vanguard role.他充当这次和平运动的先锋.He is spearheading the peace movement.... -
2024年06月13日 13:34:25I started off as an ap-prentice and worked my way up.我从学徒开始干起,逐步上升。Prentice saw Goss fall in behind the informer.普伦蒂斯看见戈斯走在密探身后。I will try my prentice hand at it.我无经验,但愿一试....