2024年06月19日 02:14:06我们可以假定,他的爱好和副主教大不相同.It may be promised that his tastes will be very different from those of the archdeancon.皮埃尔告诉副主教,艾丝米拉达是一位非常可爱、善良的女孩.Pierre told archdeacon that Esmeralda was very loving and kind.这种无私的奉献和副主教... -
2024年06月19日 02:48:06There was a brief pause in the conversation.对话中有短暂的停顿。This time their visit is brief.他们这次的访问时间很短。In brief, take no risks.总之,不能冒险。a brief and unsuccessful flirtation with the property market对房地产市场一时兴起、并不成功的介入He&... -
2024年06月19日 01:25:32Most things have two handles.事情都有两面性。The handles and lid finial are accented with black.把手和盖子顶尖与黑色重音.Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag she carried...她双手开始捻弄手提包的拎带。Alex and Tony were turning awkwar... -
2024年06月19日 01:32:07Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid , known for its antioxidant characteristics.藻褐素是一种类胡萝卜素, 有抗氧化特性.... -
2024年06月18日 21:49:33He helped her close the cases up, and then he secured the canvas straps as tight as they would go...他帮她关上箱子,然后将帆布带子尽量系紧。The painter swept a brush over his canvas.画家的画笔在画布上飞掠。The canvas Yin Xiang Ri Chu is the c... -
2024年06月18日 21:10:33绳子没系牢.The rope hasn't been tied fast.晾衣绳被拉紧并系牢。The clothes line is pulled taut and secured.他把帐篷用木桩系牢在地上.He pegged a tent down.... -
2024年06月18日 23:45:33采用磁控溅射法制备锰铜薄膜,溅射和真空蒸发法制备镱薄膜.Thin film manganin gages and ytterbium gages were fabricated by magnetron sputtering.方法采用逆相蒸发法制备脂质体.Methods: The liposomes were prepared by the reverse evaporating method.采用逆相蒸发法首次制备... -
2024年07月01日 13:07:06There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.社区广播电台和商业广播电台一直是有区别的。It is nearly always women who are the primary care givers.从事初级保健护理工作的几乎都是女性。She's going to be fine. She ... -
enter into造句
2024年06月19日 00:52:34Does that enter into the cost of the ticket?票价中包括这项 吗 ?He was quite willing to enter into conversation with her.他很乐意同她攀谈.China will not enter into alliance with any big power.中国不同任何大国结盟.... -
2024年06月19日 00:37:34At arrival You can only recruit and train mercenaries.到达你只能招募和训练雇佣军.Elite mercenaries, originally from Aragon, armed with javelins and light armour.加泰罗尼亚标枪兵为精锐雇佣部队, 最初来自阿拉贡, 装备标枪和轻甲.Much of the fighting was don... -
2024年06月18日 18:27:34The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons...该基金大部分用于了资助联邦监狱的建造。We used to see quite a lot of his wife, Carolyn...我们以前经常见到他的妻子卡罗琳。He used to keep on at me about the need to wi... -
2024年06月18日 21:38:35还有一些不太常有的设施,包括图书馆和健身房。Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room.在她身上丝毫未见圣职人员常有的那种故作虔诚。She displays none of the sanctimoniousness often associated with spirituality.吸气时疼痛是患有急性... -
2024年06月18日 05:43:35Their smaller rival is battling to end their duopoly.规模更小的竞争对手正为结束他们的两强垄断局面而抗争着。In Wyoming, firefighters are still battling the two blazes.在怀俄明州,消防员还在为扑灭这两场大火而奋战。They are already battling to eradicate illnesses... -
2024年06月18日 13:05:35When she was young, rainbows were in black and white.他年轻的时候, 彩虹还是黑白的.Together we share fogs, flowing hazes and rainbows.我们共享雾蔼、流岚、虹霓.The two old people shimmered in brief rainbows.老两口的脸在短暂的霓虹中微微闪光.Stop sitting ... -
2024年06月19日 04:26:39飞行器可用绞车降低或升高.A winch allows the birds to be lowered or raised.一长排使舰身复位的缆绳一直通到福特岛上的绞车.The long row of righting cables stretched to winches on Ford Island.矿工们用绞车从矿坑中吊出矿石.The miners wound up ore from a mine....