
  • drowsy造句

    2024年06月14日 21:57:19Now it's too late - I'm on a 1000 downers now, I'm drowsy.但现在一切都晚了,我吃了1000片镇定药.It was a warm,quiet,drowsy afternoon.那是一个暖和、寂静而令人昏昏欲睡的下午。The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy c...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • be paved with造句

    2024年06月14日 22:24:12Old roads used to be paved with round stones to help the horses to walk easily.旧时的道路常用圆石铺路面,使马匹易于行走.The floor holding pen shall be paved with impervious materials and have good drainage.地面应采用不渗透材质铺设,排水良好.May al...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • “节理”造句

    2024年06月14日 18:49:19实际上所有岩石的露头都显示许许多多的节理.Practically every rock outcrop shows numberless joints.铜浸染在斑岩的细小节理面和裂隙中.The copper is disseminated in small joint surfaces and cracks in the porphyries.设计人员应该考虑施工缝和地基节理对剪切强度的影响.The designer...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • moments造句

    2024年06月15日 00:18:20I had one of my most embarrassing moments in panto in Nottingham.在诺丁汉我经历了自己在童话剧演出中最尴尬的时刻之一。Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments.不幸的是,奶奶好像总是醒来的不是时候。He stood a few moments, rocking bac...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • desalting造句

    2024年06月14日 16:18:28Desalting Film Series: If RO and Demineralizer.膜除盐系列: 如反渗透和电除盐.High velocity electrical desalting technology for oil is an imported new technology.原油高速电脱盐技术是引进的新电脱盐技术.Marine snakes use a similar desalting mecha...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • consolidates例句

    2024年06月15日 01:27:42After summer's heat and haste , the year consolidates itself.但在这之间,它带来了异常的惊喜与满足.This machine consolidates copy, print, scan, and shredder function together.这个机器集复印 、 打印 、 扫描和碎纸机功能为一体.Crime in full glory co...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • “使…”造句

    2024年06月14日 22:57:38日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。A changing world has put pressures on the company.雾蒙蒙,寒冷的空气使他脸上感觉很舒爽。The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face.那项协议使人们感到战争有望很快结束。The agreement has raised hopes that the war may end soon....
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • “扑灭”造句

    2024年06月14日 22:59:42消防队员努力救出伤者并扑灭大火。Firemen tried to free the injured and put out the blaze.他哥哥用毯子把火扑灭了。His brother beat out the flames with a blanket.在怀俄明州,消防员还在为扑灭这两场大火而奋战。In Wyoming, firefighters are still battling the two blaz...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • “有关节”造句

    2024年06月15日 02:23:42不像泰坦那样被固定的地板上, 机器人助手能用两条有关节的腿行走.Rather than being bolted to the floor like Titan, it can walk on two articulated legs.人体骨架有关节连接的部位之所以可以动,是因为关节结合处可以旋转所致.The parts of an articulated skeleton move as a result of j...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • albicans造句

    2024年06月15日 00:03:43The approaches to identify Candida dubliniensis from Candida albicans are reviewed.综述都柏林念珠菌与白念珠菌的鉴别方法.Candidiasis is a common mycosis, most of which is caused by the opportunistic fungal pathogen , albicans.念珠菌...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • varied造句

    2024年06月14日 13:05:44Ambient concentrations varied considerably by season.环境浓度随季节而大幅度变化.He had had a varied training and held many offices.他受过多方面的训练, 担任过许多职务。The antifungal mechanism of Trichoderma is varied, including antibiotic, ...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • runaways造句

    2024年06月14日 23:28:43Pam had never learned that there were men who preyed on young runaways...帕姆从来不知道有人专门坑骗离家出走的年轻人。Pam had never learned that there were men who preyed on young runaways.帕姆从来不知道有人专门坑骗离家出走的年轻人。Unmanageable complexit...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • vitreous例句

    2024年06月14日 07:08:45Results: The display of vitreous hemorrhage was classified into two typical sonography.结果: 患眼玻璃体内表现可归纳成两种典型的超声特点.After the repair of the corneosclera wound , artificial vitreous implantation was conducted.结果:术后...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • cinematic例句

    2024年06月15日 02:04:38I was in cinematic heaven.我简直是到了观影者的天堂。He recalls his native Bombay with cinematic exactness.对出生地孟买的回忆一幕幕清晰地呈现在他脑海里。a cinematic tour de force电影杰作...
    9144590 造句 1小时前
  • ligulate例句

    2024年06月15日 00:57:39Ligulate flower has long claw, the brim knits music.舌状花有长爪, 边缘皱曲.Brim ligulate flower, show white, pink, violet or blue.边缘舌状花, 呈白.粉. 紫或蓝色.Appropriate is sunny, ligulate flower increase plays in long sunshine co...
    9144590 造句 1小时前