俚语Tap City的意思解释和用法例句
Tap City 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)拮据的,不名一文的 用法及例句:You’re Tap City? No problem.你没有钱吗?没问题, 不要紧。... -
tanned 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)酒醉的 用法及例句:Tom is too tanned to drive. Get him out of that car.汤姆已醉得不能开车了。把他从那辆车里弄出来。... -
tanky的意思解释和用法例句,俚语tanky (=tankie)
tanky (=tankie) 用作名词的意思: (英国俚语)[海军用语](军舰上的)淡水舱管理员,航海长助理 用法及例句:The sharp-witted Andrew had the job of Mate’s Tanky.机智的安德鲁担任过大副助理的职务。a.(美国俚语)酒醉的 用法及例句:Behind me sat four tanky guys.我后面坐了四个醉汉。... -
俚语tanker fighter的意思解释和用法例句
tanker fighter 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)(拳击比赛中因被收买而蓄意输掉的)佯败拳击手 用法及例句:This boxer was bribed, so he has turned tank fighter.这个拳击运动员已被收买了,所以他被败是假装的。... -
俚语tank fight的意思解释和用法例句
tank fight 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[原为拳击用语](为从拳击赛中获得好处,买通一方拳击手,令其佯败的)一场事先暗中定下败方的拳击赛 用法及例句:would you think that it had been a tank fight?你会想到,那原来是一场黑拳赛吗?tank town.(美国俚语)小城镇(常指火车停靠加水的小城市) 用法及例句:He fooled around a tank town for a few years.他在一... -
tanked的意思解释和用法例句,俚语tanked (=tanked up)
tanked (=tanked up) 用作形容词的意思: 1. (兄指喝啤酒)喝醉的 用法及例句:That old codger is really tanked up.那老怪物的确是喝醉了。 2.(美国俚语)被打败的,(比赛)失分而 输的 用法及例句:Our team was tanked again.我们队又失分被打败了。... -
tanker 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)饮酒者,酒徒,酗酒者 用法及例句:But the rest of them! God, what a gang of tankers they were! 至于他们中其他的人!天啊,他们真是一帮酒徒呀!... -
tangle-footed的意思解释和用法例句,俚语tangle-footed (=tangle-legged)
tangle-footed (=tangle-legged) 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)酒醉的 用法及例句:Sam was so langle-footed that he coutd hardly walk.山姆已醉得不大会走路了。 Garth and Wayne were severely tangle-legged.加思和韦恩酒醉得非常历害了。... -
tangle-foot(美国俚语)(=tangle legs) 用作名词的意思:劣质烈性酒 (尤指廉价威士忌) 用法及例句:He drank a bottle of tangle-foot and was blind drunk.他喝了一瓶蹩脚的威土忌,醉得不省人事。 Where did you get this tangle legs? This would kill a guy anyway.你从哪儿弄来的这种劣质酒?这种酒会喝死人的。a.(美国俚语)... -
tank 用作名词的意思:l.(美国俚语)(常指关押醉鬼的)拘留所,牢房 用法及例句:One night in the tank was enough to make John take the pledge.在拘留所蹲上一夜足以使约翰发誓要戒酒了。 2. (=tank-up)(美国俚语)酒鬼 用法及例句:You’rc turning into a real tank,Harry.哈里,你正在变成一个真正的酒鬼了。 Who’ s t... -
tangle 用作动词的意思: 1. 扭打,斗殴 用法及例句:The principals refused to tangle.为首的那几位拒绝打斗。 2. (tangle with somebody)跟某人争吵、争论或打架 用法及例句:I didn’t want to tangle with her,so I did what she wanted. 我不想跟她争吵,所以我就按她的要求做了。... -
俚语T and T的意思解释和用法例句
T and T 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1. (= tits and ass)女子的裸体表演,照片 用法及例句:These silly T and T movies have no plot to interfere with leers.这梓无聊的裸体色情电影是不讲情节的。 2.[医院用语]摘除扁桃腺的手术 用法及例句:She was scheduled for a T and T this morning at six sharp.她的摘除扁桃腺... -
俚语the tan的意思解释和用法例句
the tan 用作名词的意思: 马戏团 用法及例句:When does the tan begin performing today? 马戏团今天什么时候开始表演?... -
tan的意思解释和用法例句,俚语tan (= tan somebody’s hide)
tan (= tan somebody’s hide) 用作动词的意思:痛打(某人)(尤指鞭打) 用法及例句:Naughty boys often get tanned.顽皮的孩子常挨鞭打。 The boss tanned his apprentice’s hide.老板把他的学徒痛打了一顿。... -
俚语tambourine man的意思解释和用法例句
tambourine man 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)毒品贩子 用法及例句:They said that tambourine men shoutd be tocked up forever.他们说毒品贩子应当被判无期徙刑。...