taste 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1. (某事物的)一份或一部分(尤指利润或好处) 用法及例句:Whatever the deal is, I want a taste.不管这笔交易怎么样,也要有我一份。 2.[吸毒者用语]一剂量毒品 用法及例句:The current price of cocaine was $10 a taste.当时一剂量可卡因的时价是十美元。 3.[黑人用语]烈性酒,一口或一杯烈性酒 用法及例句:Care for ano... -
tarfu的意思解释和用法例句,俚语tarfu (things are really fucked up 的细略)
tarfu (things are really fucked up 的细略) 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)[二战时军队用语]乱七八糟的 用法及例句:It’s a very tarfu set-up here.这个机构乱透了。... -
tart 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)放荡的女人(尤指卖淫的娼妇) 用法及例句:Do you think she’s a tart or just overly friendly? 你认为她是个卖淫的娼妇呐,还是仅仅友好得过头了? 用作动词的意思:(英国俚语) 1. (常与up连用)打扮妖艳 用法及例句:Where’s she going, all tarted up like that? 她从头到脚打扮得那么妩媚,准备上哪儿去呀?... -
tarnation 用作感叹词的意思:(美国俚语)(表示讨厌、厌烦的感叹语)该死!混蛋! 用法及例句:Tarnation!Here comes another o’ them mobile camera units.真讨厌!他们又来了几个流动摄影小分队。... -
tarantula-juice 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)低级、劣质威士忌 用法及例句:The old guy was drinking larantula-juice, and it blinded him.那老汉以前一直喝蹩脚的威士忌,喝得他眼睛都瞎了。... -
tapped 用作形容词的意思: 1.(美国俚语)被逮捕的 用法及例句:The whole gang was tapped in a police raid.整伙歹徒在警方的一次突击中全部被逑捕了。 2. (= tapped out) (美国俚语)极其疲惫的,筋疲力尽的 用法及例句:I need a nap. I’m tapped out.我需要打个盹儿。我累极了。= He tooked haggard,pale,tapped.他形容憔悴、... -
俚语tap out的意思解释和用法例句
tap out 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.死亡 用法及例句:My dog tapped out after being hit by a car.我的狗被一辆汽车撞后,死了。 2. (赌博中或买卖股票上)损失全部钱财 用法及例句:“It’s tapping me out, ” he says.他说:”我的钱快输光了。” n really tapped out on that gold-mining stock.我的钱真的都在买卖开发金矿... -
俚语tap somebody for something的意思解释和用法例句
tap somebody for something 用作动词的意思: 1.(美国俚语)挑选、推选、选择(某人某事) 用法及例句:The committee tapped John to run for Congress.委员会推选出约翰参加国会竞选。 n had thought they were going to tap Sally. 我早就料到他们会打算挑选萨莉的。 2.(英国俚语)(向某人)借、乞讨或索取(钱、小费等) 用法及例句:I tappe... -
taped 用作副词及形容词的意思:(美国俚语)肯定地(的),有把握地 (的) 用法及例句:By the third round he had the fight taped. 打到第三回合,他已经胜券在握了。 Until this thing is taped,we can’t do anything.这这事情定之前,我们啥事也不能做。... -
俚语tap dance的意思解释和用法例句
tap dance 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)[陆军用语]临时应付,支吾其词地对付(以掩饰自己的无知) 用法及例句:I didn’t read the poop sheet, so I had to tap dance when the question came.我没看过那份通报资料,所以问题一来,我只好支支吾吾应付一通。... -
俚语tap dance like mad的意思解释和用法例句
tap dance like mad 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)忙得晕头转向的 用法及例句:When things get tough, the whole Congress is tap dance like mad.局势一紧张,整个国会就忙得晕头转向。... -