俚语tell somebody where to get off的意思解释和用法例句
tell somebody where to get off 用作动词的意思:严历斥责(某人),使(某人)碰一鼻子灰,叫(某人)不要自以为了不起 用法及例句:I was fed up with her bossiness. I finally told her where to get off.我对她的作威作福厌烦透了。最后我终于狠狠地骂了她。 He told me where to get off, so I walked out on him.他使我碰... -
ten-carat 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)极好的,出色的,上等的,(也常用于指坏的事物)极其的,十足的 用法及例句:The ten-carat heels were never going to tell us sorry.那些极其可恶的家伙是决不会来向我们说对不起的。... -
tell somebody what to with的意思解释和用法例句,俚语tell somebody what to with (something)
tell somebody what to with (something) 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)断然鄙弃、不接受(某人的某事物) 用法及例句:She told me rudely what to do with my proffered assistance.她粗暴地断然拒绝了我提供的协助。... -
俚语tell somebody off的意思解释和用法例句
tell somebody off 用作动词的意思:责骂、申斥(某人) 用法及例句:The man had just been told off,and told of plenty.那个人刚才挨骂了,给骂得好厉害。 He was five minutes late,and his boss told him off.他迟到了五分钟,老板申斥了他一顿。... -
Tell me another的意思解释和用法例句,俚语Tell me another (one)(=Never tell me!)
Tell me another (one)(=Never tell me!). 不见得吧!我不相信!哪有这种事!别胡说 用法及例句:You a stockbroker? Tell me another one!你是股票经纪人?不见得吧! There’ s no improvement in this problem. Tell me another!在这一问题上没有改善。我不相信! Never tell me! I want no more... -
Tell it to the marines的意思解释和用法例句,俚语Tell it (或that) to the marines (或horse)
Tell it (或that) to the marines (或horse). 说给鬼听才会相信。我才不信你刚才的话。你的话不对,毫无用处 用法及例句:That’s just not. Tell it to the marines!废话,鬼才信呢! Don’t give me that shit! Tell it to Sweeney!别向我胡说八道!我才不信你说的话呢!... -
俚语Tell it like it is.的意思解释和用法例句
Tell it like it is.(美国俚语)(不管令人不快地、无所顾忌地)直言相告,坦诚而中肯地实话实说 用法及例句:Come on,man,tell it like it is!快点,老兄,实话实说! Thank you for being honest,for telling it like it is.感谢你这样坦率,直言相告。... -
俚语telegraph one’s punches的意思解释和用法例句
telegraph one’s punches 用作动词的意思:1[拳击用语]示意对手自己要出拳 用法及例句:Don’t telegraph your punches,kid!You’ll be flat on your back in twenty seconds.别张牙舞爪想出拳啦,小子!我马上就把你摆平。 2.非故意流露、暴露自己的意图 用法及例句:When you go in there to negotiate... -
telegraph 用作动词的意思:示意,流露 用法及例句:The tone of her voice telegraphed it.她的口气流露出了那个意思。... -
tee-lee 用作动词及名词的意思:[少儿用语]撒尿,尿 用法及例句:Jimmy, please go tee-tee before we leave. 吉米,在我们走之前,你去撒泡尿。 There’ s tee-tee on the ftoor.地板上有尿。... -
teenzine 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)青少年阅读的杂志 用法及例句:Most teenzines are published halfmonthly.大多数的青少年杂志是半个月出版一期的。... -
俚语tee somebody off的意思解释和用法例句
tee somebody off 用作动词的意思: 使某人发火、生气 用法及例句:Is that why you teed off at me?那是你向我发火的原因叫? That really teed me off!那真使我生气极了!... -
teenybopper 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)十几岁的青少年(尤指女性) 用法及例句:The teenyboppers moved around the mall in droves,not buying and not causing any trouble,just being available for anyone wanted to see them. 一群群十几岁的少女在林荫道上走来走去,既不购物,也不惹是生非,只是让人观赏观赏。... -
俚语teed up的意思解释和用法例句
teed up 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)酒醉的 用法及例句:She was totally teed up by midnight.她喝到近半夜时,完全喝醉了。...