
  • convene造句

    2024年06月29日 06:52:20Does the UN convene every year?联合国每年都召开大会吗?Congress will convene again in the fall.国会将于秋季再度举行会议.to convene a meeting召开会议Every Monday morning I convene and preside over our department meeting.每个星期一的早上,我召集和主持部门会议...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • Claudia造句

    2024年06月29日 06:56:22I'm Claudia Polley with the news headlines.我是克劳迪娅·波利,下面是新闻提要。Claudia snuggled against him.克劳迪娅依偎着他.Claudia, the party is going to cheer you up.洛姬, 这个派对是专门为你准备的....
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • vaporizes造句

    2024年06月28日 21:14:21Ammonium chloride vaporizes on heating, and sublimes back to a solid on cooling.氯化铵受热蒸发, 升华,冷却还原为固体.Water vaporizes when boiled.水沸了就变为蒸气.Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand, it v...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “当归”造句

    2024年06月28日 20:11:23当归作为药食两用的品种,年需求量逐年增加.国外与归油还用作化工原料.Abroad and put in oil's charge to still use as industrial chemicals.目的: 研究当归的抗衰老作用及作用机制.Objective : To evaluate the effect of angelica in antiaging.结果: 三七、赤芍、延胡索、当归薄层色谱图斑点...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • catalytic例句

    2024年06月29日 08:29:25The first catalytic converters were called conventional oxidation catalysts.最初的转化器叫做常规氧化催化器.The air guards the catalytic converter from overload and possible resulting damage.空气防止了催化式排气净化器的过载及可能产生的损坏.It is know...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “施舍”造句

    2024年06月29日 07:13:25收起你的钱,我们不需要施舍。Stuff your money. We don't want a handout.我决不低三下四地乞求施舍。I wouldn't demean myself by asking for charity.施舍穷人是他们的宗教义务.It was their religious duty to give alms to the poor....
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • tiptoe例句

    2024年06月29日 05:48:25Standing on tiptoe , the boy looked over the wall.那孩子跐着脚望墙外.I stood tiptoe upon a little hill.我踮着脚站在一座小山顶上.She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it.她把自行车斜靠在石墙上,踮起脚往墙内张望。...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • bandages造句

    2024年06月29日 06:49:25Surgical Dressings, Laparotomy, Cottton Wool, Plasters , Tapes, Bandages, Surgical Clothes.采购产品外科的穿衣, 剖腹手术, 羊毛, 石膏, 音带, 绷带, 外科的衣服.His chest was swathed in bandages.他的胸部缠着绷带。Blood was beginning to seep through t...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • airfreight造句

    2024年06月29日 05:28:25We airfreight the shipment because our agent has run out of stork.我们空运了这批货物,是因为我们的代理商已用完库存了.The freight charges include airfreight, handling pick - up, airport terminal, documentation charges, etc.空运费用包括,机场理货费 ...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • crocheted例句

    2024年06月29日 08:12:26Ma and I crocheted new quilts.我和妈妈钩织了新床罩。Mom and I crocheted new quilts.我和妈妈钩织了新床罩。Aunt Paula crocheted a beautiful blanket for the baby.宝拉婶婶为婴孩编织了一条美丽的毯子....
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “职位”造句

    2024年06月29日 05:33:27公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.他们可能会挖她去填补执行制片人这一空缺职位。They may headhunt her for the vacant position of Executive Producer.职位减少后,在职工人总数将减至7,000人。The job losses will ...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • carpeted造句

    2024年06月29日 01:26:27The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass.房间里铺了地毯,窗户上安装了有色玻璃。The corridors are carpeted in tartan.走廊里铺的是花格地毯。The ground was thickly carpeted with pine needles.地上落了厚厚的一层松针。...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • cadastral造句

    2024年06月28日 22:50:27Cadastral survey by the Hanjiang commissioned by the Land Management Bureau.地籍调查工作由邗江区国土管理分局委托.Achievement tables satisfying users request are redesigned with cadastral cartographic software CM 98.利用地籍绘图软件CM98的...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “星力”造句

    2024年06月29日 00:06:28(雷在外星力场中晃动. )RAY shaking in the alien force field....
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “立方的”造句

    2024年06月29日 04:56:30跳水在中国的受欢迎程度确保了水立方的上座率.Diving's popularity in China should ensure that filled tocapacity.北京水立方的泳池是三米深, 相形之下,很多竞赛用泳池只有两米深.The pool in Beijing is three meters deep, compared with two meters for many racing po...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01