
  • IPSE造句

    2024年06月28日 23:59:32Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo Ipse domi simul ac nummos contemplar in arca.笑骂由你,我自为之;家藏万贯,唯我独赏....
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • strayed造句

    2024年06月29日 07:44:57Tendrils of hair strayed to the edge of her pillow.她的几缕头发散落在枕边。The more he talked, the further he strayed from the point.他越讲越不着边际.The child strayed away from home.这孩子离家走失了....
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • clamp down on造句

    2024年06月29日 02:35:59The team manager has been quick to clamp down on the merest hint of complacency.球队主教练很快就消除了自满的小苗头。The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.市长打击毒品的努力未见成效。They clamp down on pickpoc...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • aspect例句

    2024年06月29日 08:26:58Antonio has a contagious enthusiasm for the beautiful aspect of food.安东尼奥对食品赏心悦目这一方面的热情非常有感染性。The snowy street, like the church, assumed a dumb, lifeless aspect.积雪覆盖的街道就像教堂一样,显得沉闷、毫无生气。They were royally receive...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • extra-curricular造句

    2024年06月28日 17:29:01The money he made from these extra-curricular activities enabled him to pursue other ventures.他从这些额外工作中赚取的钱使他可以从事其他事业。Yeah, but it was only discussed as material for extra - curricular studies.嗯, 不过是作为课外材料来讲的.W...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • effectively造句

    2024年06月28日 23:48:01Standard Two: The information literate student accesses needed information effectively and efficiently.标准 二: 有信息素养的学生可以有效地获得需要的信息.Conclusion Congenital ptosis can be effectively treated by maximum shortening of...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “龙卷”造句

    2024年06月29日 01:08:04陆龙卷中心的地面气压如图7.26所示.The surface pressure at the centre of the tornado is shown in Figure 7.26.水龙卷和冰雹偶有出现, 降雪和陆龙卷则属罕见.Waterspouts and hailstorms occur infrequently , while snow and tornadoes are rare.有足够的力量的话, 你甚...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • softly例句

    2024年06月29日 08:14:02She knelt and brushed her lips softly across Michael's cheek.她跪了下来,轻吻迈克尔的脸颊。He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead.他弯身向前,在她额头上轻轻一吻。He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him.他这般...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “萨伯”造句

    2024年06月29日 07:17:06有一只叫萨伯瑞的猫从32层楼上掉下来, 但只摔断一颗牙.One cat, Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth.特丽萨?伯恩斯坦经历了长达80多年的绘画生涯.Theresa Bernstein continued to paint for more than eighty years.萨伯公司从此在流星导弹项目中开始扮演关键的领...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “图尔金”造句

    2024年06月29日 07:42:06图尔金拍拍他的肩膀。“不好意思打断您一下,上校。”Turkin tapped him on the shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt, Colonel."...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • cities造句

    2024年06月28日 23:59:07...a pipeline which will supply the major Greek cities with Russian natural gas.从俄罗斯向希腊主要城市输送天然气的管道In the cities vast crowds have been demonstrating for change...在城市里,大批的人群举行示威游行,要求进行变革。There is a gulf between ...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • isthmus例句

    2024年06月29日 07:12:06North America is connected with South America by the Isthmus of Panama.巴拿马海峡把北美同南美连接起来.The north and south of the island are linked by a narrow isthmus.岛的北部和南部由一条狭窄的地峡相连.It was the neck of land which we call th...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • dictates例句

    2024年06月29日 00:47:09He always follows the dictates of common sense.他总是按常识行事.He obeyed the dictates of his conscience.它凭良心做事.We have followed the dictates of our consciences and have done our duty.我们遵从了自己的良知,尽到了自己的义务。...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • “映射的”造句

    2024年06月28日 18:28:08例如, 映射的映射 ( 来自标准C++库 ).For example, a map of maps ( from the Standard C ++ Library ).有关句柄映射的更多信息, 请参见技术说明3.For more information about handle maps, see Technical Note 3.架构: 未映射的元素'%1'不能有映射的子级'%2 &...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01
  • irrigate造句

    2024年06月29日 03:20:09None of the water from Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area.鲍威尔湖的水一滴都没有用于灌溉该地区。They have built canals to irrigate the desert.他们建造成水渠以灌溉沙漠.They are already discovering how to colonise Venus and to irrigate t...
    9144590 造句 2024-10-01