
  • disassociate造句

    2024年07月01日 01:17:57I wish to disassociate myself from this very sad decision...我希望我同这个令人遗憾的决定撇清关系。...an attempt by the president to disassociate the military from politics.总统实行军政分离的一次尝试He proposed that the Council should disassoc...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • taboos造句

    2024年07月01日 06:55:57Religious dogmas often include strong sexual taboos and can create in children the impression that sex is sinful.宗教教义中经常包含严格的性禁忌,这会给儿童留下“性是罪恶”的印象。the taboos surrounding menstruation与月经相关的禁忌taboos forbidding inc...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • disagreed造句

    2024年06月30日 22:24:58The F . B . I. and the inspector general disagreed over how to measure those backlogs.对于怎么衡量这些积压的东西,FBI和检察长持不同意见.For different reasons, they all disagreed with my determination to use force to restore Aristide....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • thrift造句

    2024年07月01日 00:05:42Thrift is engrafted in his character.他已经节俭成性.Parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses.吝啬的节俭架不住几次慷慨的冲动....a nation that prides itself on its 'waste not, want not' thrift and its environmen...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “执行”造句

    2024年07月01日 05:51:42他们可能会挖她去填补执行制片人这一空缺职位。They may headhunt her for the vacant position of Executive Producer.不容置疑的事实是,电脑执行逻辑操作指令。The indisputable fact is that computers carry out logical operations.新任总裁已经执行了抛售方案。The programme of ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “偏航”造句

    2024年07月01日 08:29:52飞机攀升到370英尺时,开始偏航。As the plane climbed to 370 feet, it started yawing.两只吊舱的独立俯仰和偏航均会产生噪声.Independent pitch and yaw of the two birds produce noise.只有对接近于轴对称的飞行器,俯仰与偏航的耦合才能略去.Pitch - yaw coupling can be neglected ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • commentary造句

    2024年06月30日 16:11:43Yet the medics continue to provide running commentary on the slaughter.但医疗人员继续提供他们对此次屠杀的实况报导.to give a running commentary on the game现场报道比赛实况Brezhnev could not forgo extended commentary to several old acquainta...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • carl造句

    2024年07月01日 07:39:52Carl had asked him to visit the hospital and to pay his respects to Francis.卡尔已经让他去医院看望弗朗西斯。Carl sits at a computer terminal 40 hours a week.卡尔每周在电脑终端前坐 40 个小时。They were Wilhelm Friedmann, Carl Philipp Emanuel,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • thinness造句

    2024年07月01日 08:00:47Noodle dishes into thinness, Marinates Instant , tomato sauce, aroma spell, then great.成菜面条细薄, 卤汁酥香,咸鲜微辣, 香气扑鼻, 十分入味.The & quot ; n & quot ; in & quot; thinness & quot ; is a geminate.“ thinness ”中的字母“n ” 是两个并列...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • midspring造句

    2024年07月01日 08:16:40Midspring season, luxuriantly green of everythings on earth.仲春时节, 万物葱茏....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • drilled造句

    2024年07月01日 07:54:50NOTE: The undersized locator holes are pre - drilled for easy location and assembly.注意: 矮小定位孔预钻孔的位置和便于大会.Leaves after feeding silkworm cocoon silk knot, and then drilled for the moth eclosion cocoon shell.桑蚕取食桑...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • cross-check造句

    2024年07月01日 08:46:40You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear.你必须仔细检查并多方核对你所听到的每一件事。Cross-check your answers with a calculator.用计算器核对一下你的答案。A cross - check with the original text will show us if the transl...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • scarce造句

    2024年07月01日 09:12:40It probably would be a good idea if you made yourself scarce.你最好回避一下。Shoes and clothing for the army were scarce, ordnance supplies and drugs were scarcer.军队很缺鞋和衣服, 武器供应和药品就更少了.Bear in mind that petrol stations...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “教导的”造句

    2024年07月01日 05:52:41本课程教导的是对电机系统原理的理解和分析.It teaches an understanding of principles and analysis of electromechanical systems.所以小心避免忽视教导的顽固.So take care to avoid becoming stubbornly immune to the teachings.永生圣言亲自发言教导的人,不会费心建构理论.He ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • Cistercian例句

    2024年07月01日 04:42:41This Cistercian abbey in Catalonia is one of the largest in Spain.波夫莱特修道院属于西多会修道院,是西班牙最大的修道院之一.More than 530 Cistercian houses had been established across Europe by the year 1200.到1200年,全欧洲有多于530个西斯特教团被创立....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29