
Stereoscopic warehouse 立库
Flat warehouse 平库
PN Part Number 物料号/物料编码
PO Purchase Order 采购订单
DN Delivery Note 出库单通常 SAP ERP 实现销售通常由 DN 出发,开票Billing ,然后开具发票 Invoice
Outbound Delivery Order 外向交货单
SKU Stock Keeping Unit 最小库存单位
ASN Advanced Shipment Notice 提前/预先发货通知收货单。如果没有 ASN ,配送中心的收货过程效率会很低。根本原因是仓库无法及时获取什么货物即将到达以及何时到达等关键信息
MIGO SAP ERP 中 migo 是货物移动的意思。货物移动也称物料移动或库存移动,是指引起库存改变的事件
GR Goods Receipt 记录来自供应商或来自生产的货物接收;收货将导致仓库库存增加
GI Goods Issue 记录物料提取或物料发出,物料消耗,或给供应商的货物装运;发货将导致仓库库存减少
JIT Just In Time 准时制生产方式,又称无库存生产方式 stockless production ,零库存 zero inventories ,单件流 one - piece flow 或者超市生产方式 supermarket production
JIS Just In Sequence 准时化顺序供应,jis 就是 jiT 一种极端表现形式
SPS Set Parts Supply 零部件成套供应
DPS Digital Picking System 电子拣货防错系统
PPS Production Pull System 生产拉动系统:基于预测未来消耗,有计划补充物料
3PL Third - Party Logistics 第三方物料,也称作委外物料或合约物流
DOM Distributed Order Management
OMS Order Management System 订单管理系统
TMSTransportation Management Syste
OEE Overview equipment efficiency
WCS Warehouse Control System
PFEP Plan For Every Part 单一零件规划,是规划零部件物流信息(存储、包装、配送)的规范性文件
SORTING 挑选不良,返工
Picking / Sorting 分拣
Inspection Note 检验单
Inspection lot posting 检验批过账
One - Piece Flow 单件流
Receiving Goods 收货
Receiving Note 收货单
Flat warehouse receipt 平库收货
Receiving goods in stereoscopic warehouse ( whole single receipt )
One - piece flow receipt ( receipt in batches ) 单件流收货(分批收货)
Scan receipt 扫描收货
storage location 库位
Inspection lot maintenance 检验批维护
Sticker printing 打印贴纸
Allocate location 自动库位分配
Put - away / Put away 上架
material document 物料凭证
abnormal incoming material 来料异常
warehouse documents / warehouse receipt 下仓单
warehouse area 下仓区域
Production into warehouse 生产下仓
Post 过账
Inventory management 库存管理
storage area 存储区
set number 套号
production plan ( normal / rework ) 生产计划(正常/返工)
work order 生产工单
production picking documents 生产叫料单
Material picking 生产领料
Supermarket picking 超市领料
Storage Bin Bin 位
Distribution materials 物料配送
sticker information 贴纸信息
Transfer 调拨
Stock transfer 库存调拨,在同一个工厂下不同库位之间进行库存调拨(包含立库和非立库之间的调拨)
Cross factory inventory transfer 跨工厂库存调拨,适用于同一公司下,不同工厂之间进行库存调拨
Inventory profit and loss 盘盈盘亏
Material to Material 物料转物料,适用于替代料的物料编码转换(例: SP - MD ) Suitable for substitution
Scrap warehouse 报废仓
Scrap category 报废类型
scrap post 报废过账
Department pick up or return 部门领退料
Raw material / finished product 原料/成品
Finished goods receipt 成品收货
Finished product shipment 成品发运
Outgoing picking documents 外发领料单
Sales Forecast And Order Management 销售预测与订单管理
shipping plan 发货计划
vehicle dispatching plan 派车计划
Overseas third - party warehouse allocation 海外第三方外仓调拨
Overseas third - party warehouse delivery 海外第三方外仓发货
Material transfer 物料转移
Transfer order 转储单(移库、移位单)
stocking area 备货区
customer label 客户标签
shipping label 出货标签
Quality check 质检
Sign and seal 签字盖章
RTV Return to vendor
MRB Material Review Board 材料审查会议
return order 退货单
return application order 退货申请单
physical goods 实物
Cargo release document 货物出闸纸
refunded product 客退成品
Post and receive goods 收货过账
return warehouse 客退仓
Rework production picking 返工领料
foundry demand 代工需求
outbound BOM 外发 BOM
BOM Bill of Material
intercompany outsourcing 公司间委外
Picking List 领料单
Picking list posting 领料单过账
Picking Goods 拣货
Picking Area 拣货区
outbound material picking list 外发领料单
material supply plan 物料供应计划
raw material procurement 原料采购
Invoice verification 发票校验
Trustee offer 受托方报价
casting plan 代工计划
Alternative Manufacturing Work Order 代工工单
Work order picking 工单领料
Sales billing 销售开票
material demand 用料需求
Material preparation 物料备料
Material receipt 实物接收
Supplier on - site delivery 供应商到场送货
O inventory (Obsolete inventory) 呆滞库存
E inventory (Excess inventory) 超量库存
pallet 卡板
Pallet - Sorting 码盘(将托盘码起来)
inventory 盘点
mantissa box 尾数箱
material batch 物料批次
Finished product write-off process 成品冲销流程
stocker 堆垛机
Platform 找台
Tunnel 巷道
Row 排:起始货架ROW编号,决定堆垛机伸叉方向
Line 列:起始货架Y轴坐标即堆垛机运行方向
Tier 层:起始货架X轴坐标即堆垛机提升方向
Depth 深度:起始货架Z轴坐标即堆垛机伸叉方向
arrival notice 到货通知

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