
  • cicero例句

    2024年06月30日 09:59:43This attitude was equated with justice by Cicero.西塞罗将这种态度看成是正义.Do you also know a man named Paul Cicero?你也认识一位叫保罗席西罗的人?Cicero 174. Happiness comes from the health of the soul.西塞罗174. 幸福来自健全的心灵....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • beheading例句

    2024年06月30日 14:41:42I was invited to a beheading today.今天我被邀请来砍头.Dagestan Beheading dates back to 1999.达吉斯坦斩首可以追溯到1999年.He a 3 rd century Christian soldier who had preferred death by beheading to denouncing his faith.圣.乔治是3世纪一名信奉基...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “蒙太奇”造句

    2024年06月30日 08:47:43蒙太奇剪辑像音乐的编谱.The montage shears the plait table that the cutting is like music.混合画(蒙太奇): 把多个影像组合为一的美术作品.Montage: Several images assembled into one piece of art work.或者, 买相框来自己制作简易的蒙太奇.Alternatively, buy a frame ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • abode造句

    2024年07月01日 00:26:42Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.20以拉都在哥林多住下了.特 罗非 摩病了,我就留他在米利都.30 per cent of psychiatric hospital beds are occupied by people of no fixed abode.精神病院30%的床位是被无家可归者占据的。Outsider...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • charisma造句

    2024年07月01日 04:50:41He was elected to power on the strength of his charisma.他凭借其个人魅力而当选掌权。Onscreen, she lacks the vitality or charisma to pass this performance off.电影中的她缺乏演绎这出戏的活力和魅力。He was elected to power on the strength of his ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “保护层”造句

    2024年07月01日 00:11:42敏感肌肤专用面霜不会破坏皮肤表面的保护层。Sensitive Cream will not strip away the skin's protective layer.从开始孕育时,花芽便具有一层由苞片和鳞片构成的保护层.They have a protective cover of bracts and scales from time of intiation.所有埋设的管道必须涂上保护层,以防生锈腐...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • gobbler例句

    2024年07月01日 01:38:52He blew at her, just the way you blow at a turkey - gobbler.他象人们轰公火鸡那样轰她....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • mac例句

    2024年07月01日 04:17:52All their beds were distinctive; Mac'swas an iron affair with brass knobs.他们的床都各具特色;马克的床是张带球形黄铜柱头的铁家伙。Tell Mac to siphon petrol out of his wagon.让马克把他车里的汽油抽出来。Take a mac to keep the rain off.带件雨衣挡雨....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • atrocities造句

    2024年07月01日 04:39:52The commission is expected to blame the army for many of the atrocities...委员会理应谴责军队的诸多暴行。Human - rights groups have accused them of carrying out appalling atrocities.人权组织曾一度指责他们做出了那些骇人听闻的暴虐行为.He evaded her ques...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • up造句

    2024年07月01日 03:26:53When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.当生活很艰难,你想要放弃的时候,请记住,生活充满了起起落落,如果没有低谷,那站在高处也失去了意义。The turning point in ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • Philippines造句

    2024年07月01日 02:20:54The Philippines has just 6,000 square kilometres of forest left.菲律宾只剩下6,000平方公里的森林了。We weighed anchor in the afternoon and started for the Philippines.我们在下午启航,前往菲律宾.Wild tribes still inhabit part of the Philipp...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • cambering例句

    2024年06月30日 21:40:54According to real tested data, it builds up CVC cambering curve equation by polynomial regression.根据实测数据, 采用多项式回归方法,建立CVC辊形曲线方程,并探讨了该方程的重要实际意义....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • hitherto造句

    2024年07月01日 04:24:53a hitherto unknown species of moth迄今仍属未知种类的蛾a hitherto unnoticed detail一个迄今未有人注意的细节His brain wilted from hitherto unprecedented weariness ( Vladimir Nabokov )因迄今为止从未有过的疲劳,他感到萎靡不振 ( 弗拉基米尔纳博科夫 )Increased computat...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “消逝的”造句

    2024年07月01日 02:29:54思绪转回遥远的过去,带回几束业已干枯的残花,那些消逝的欢乐.The mind wanders forth on far journeys and returns with sheaves of withered and departed joys.我认为这种印象不会马上就消逝的.I do not think the impression will soon be over.咱们所见到的是将会消逝的花簇, 而根茎长驻....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • muscular造句

    2024年06月30日 21:59:59The player is tall and muscular.那名运动员身高力大。A muscular spasm in the coronary artery can cause a heart attack...冠状动脉的肌肉痉挛可能导致心脏病。As a general rule, all muscular effort is enhanced by breathing in as the effort is ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29