
  • 双语诗歌欣赏:一封家书

    A Letter from HomeMary Oliver丽·奥利弗(Mary Oliver, 1935-),当今美国女诗人,以书写自然著称。1935年9月10日生于美国俄亥俄州,13岁开始写诗。1962年玛丽前往伦敦,任职于移动影院有限公司和莎士比亚剧场。后来,奥利弗又回到美国,定居马萨诸塞州。玛丽·奥利弗没有获得过正式的本科文凭,但她的诗歌研讨会却在各地举办,并在各大学盛行。她的诗歌赢得了多项奖项,包括国家图书奖和普利策诗歌奖(1984年)。她的主要诗...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语散文:毕业生的求职压力

    Graduates’ Pressure in Finding JobsNowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment. They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. What is the cause of this ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:The Best Day Of My Life

    Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever! There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I’m going to celebrate!Today, I’m going to...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:调整心态去拥抱每一天

    The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes,...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语散文:Happy Fathers Day,Dad

    Dear Dad,Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and s...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:在生活中默默表达你的爱意

    Leave Notes (in Unusual Places)Perhaps life has become so busy that you feel like your schedule rarely coincides with that of your partner or kids. How about leaving them a note somewhere unexpected? You’ve probably all heard of k...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:生活正在惩罚那些等待的人

    Don’t wait until you need others’ love to realize you should love in the first place.不要等到想要得到爱的时候,才学会付出。Don’t wait until you are alone to start to remember your friends.不要等到孤单的时候,才想念起你的朋友。Don’t wait until you want a promotion to s...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语散文:与父共舞

    A Dance with DadI am dancing with my father at my parents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary. The band is playing an old-fashioned waltz as we move gracefully across the floor. His hand on my waist is as guiding as it always was,...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 世界上最美丽英文20

    They say Life and Death are not in anyone's hands.They are things that just happen every time and with everyone. Same is the case with time. Most of the times we take it for granted that there is always plenty of time. Due to ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:30岁以前请明白这10个道理

    1. If someone pissed you off, what you should focus on is not how they did it but how you can manage your own emotion.如果有人惹怒了你,你需要注意的不是他们到底做了什么,而是你应该如何控制自己的情绪。2. Don’t be the one who always complains. Nobody likes someone li...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语散文:Three passions 三种激情——罗素

    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语美文摘抄:追随你的梦想(双语)

    Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语美文:心灵之爱

    有些人的爱情始于外表相悦,而有些人的爱情则始于心灵相悦。建立在外表基础上的爱情最终经不住风吹雨打,像自然之花一样终会凋谢;而建立在心灵基础上的爱情则可以经得住任何考验,永远吐露芬芳,越是在障碍重重的时候,其芳香越是沁人心脾。真正的爱情在于后者。John was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, the girl with the rose. T...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:认真聆听内心的声音

    Is there inside you?Very much ,ever since you were brought into this world. when you coulden’t open your mouth till the first two years on planet earth, inner voice is the one through which you interpreted and understood thi...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语:《人生七年》告诉我们的5条人生法则

    英国导演迈克尔·艾普特拍了一部很牛的BBC纪录片《人生七年》(《56UP》),导演选择了14个不同阶层的孩子进行跟踪拍摄,每七年记录一次、从7岁一直到56岁。暴露了人生的残酷。然而,一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特。在这里给你换个角度另类解读这部每7年就火一次的纪录片——《人生七年》告诉我们的5条人生法则。1.Life goes on.无论发生什么,生活都会继续。Through the years, we’ve seen the participants ex...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • abandoning是什么意思

    abandoning 中文翻译 v.放弃;抛弃;放纵 n.放纵 单词音标 英式:[əˈbændənɪŋ]美式:[əˈbændənɪŋ] 单词例句 用作动词 (v.) Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed. 那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。 Despite som...
    9144590 单词学习 2023-03-17
  • hear是什么意思

    hear 中文翻译 v.得知;倾听;听到;听证 单词音标 英式:[hɪə]美式:[hɪr] 单词例句 用作动词 (v.) How did you hear about us? How did you hear about this job? 你是如何得知我们的?如何得知这个工作的? I heard (that) he was i...
    9144590 单词学习 2023-03-17
  • guffaws是什么意思

    guffaws 中文翻译 n.哄笑;大笑 vi.哄笑;大笑 单词音标 英式:[ɡəˈfɔːz]美式:[ɡəˈfɔːz] 单词例句 用作名词 (n.) What he said aroused a blast of guffaw . 他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。 All the boys burst out into a guffaw...
    9144590 单词学习 2023-03-17
  • molts是什么意思

    molts 中文翻译 n.换毛;脱皮;换毛期 v.换毛;脱皮 =moult(美). 单词音标 英式:[məʊlts]美式:[moʊlts] 单词例句 用作名词 (n.) This veterinary product is very effective in preventing animal molt. 这种兽药对于防治兽类掉...
    9144590 单词学习 2023-03-17
  • yurt是什么意思

    yurt 中文翻译 n.蒙古包;圆顶帐蓬 单词音标 英式:[jɜːt]美式:[jɜːrt] 单词例句 用作名词 (n.) Herdsmen are rigging up a Mongolian yurt as a new domicile. 牧民们正在新的居住地搭建蒙古包。 A yurt has a large hole at ...
    9144590 单词学习 2023-03-17