
1、The sound was terrific.

2、The sound was deafening.

3、The situation is basically sound.

4、You sound like my dad.

5、I have got accustomed to noisy sound.

6、They had a sound basis of union.

7、He justified his innocence by sound facts.

8、To speak shrilly; make a shrill sound.

9、That doesn't sound adversarial to me.

10、Timbre: the amount frequency and amplitude of the overtone determine the sound of the musical sound.

11、So a sound sleep may help you find your car keys. Especially if they [car keys chirp sound] while you [snore sound].

12、David finds the sound of ocean waves very serene.

13、P-studies mechanics, heat, light, sound and electricity.

14、Gently knock on the watermelon and listen for a hollow sound that makes a "plunk" rather than a "thwack" sound.

15、Sure, some may sound quirk, but they each are effective.

16、To the contemporary HSBC staffer all that may sound barbaric.

17、Katydid high tones of voice, the sound of bubble insect cadence, the sound of crickets very sense of rhythm.

18、He likes to awake to the sound of a radio.

19、Hearing. Every sound we hear is the result of sound waves entering our ears and causing our eardrums to vibrate.

20、"Our album sound is very different from our live sound," says Haylie. "our sound is always very big, but this album was really exciting because we did it with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra."

21、If you're walking indoors, notice the sound of other people talking, the sound of footsteps and the hum of lighting fixtures.

22、You'll need a system with the capability of processing sound input, preferably from an integrated microphone, although any sound source capable of producing discrete tonal events will suffice.

23、If the sound is unavailable or if you receive an error message, make sure your sound server has been started and that your mixer Settings are correct.

24、Sound vibrations cause the stereocilia to bend slightly, causing mechanical vibrations that are then converted into an electrochemical signal that the brain interprets as sound.

25、Trumpet, yeah, and he had this wonderful rich sound but boy, it was a big, huge sound, kind of the ultimate in-your-face trumpet player.

26、It may sound a little bit strange, since prosciutto is salty and the cantaloupe is sweet.

27、Instead of repellent fragrances, the mosquito Buster app USES sound to keep mosquitoes away.

28、Or is it the sound of divorce lawyers lowering their fees?

29、The products are widely used in national defense industries like heat insulating and sound absorption.

30、When he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove he started to shove.



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