
1、An awful person?

2、His gesture is so awful.

3、Was I an awful friend?

4、They were devastated by the awful news.

5、The sun enveloped itself in awful darkness.

6、The carrots taste awful and salty.

7、The teapot fell with an awful smash.

8、All kinds of awful imagery are possible.

9、The children have made an awful mess in the lounge.

10、Back into that awful Klondike world of suffering?

11、But the timing of the launch was awful.

12、Goldstein sipped his beer and felt an awful longing.

13、But sometimes there is no clever way to say it: "Thirteen Moons" is awful.

14、I've seen enough cases where the family withdrew and then something [awful happened to the addict].

15、CNN was just as awful as I remember it, so I watched Star Wars in Hungarian.

16、The sages of Greece and Rome turned aside from the awful spectacle.

17、Aunt Hester, to whom nothing was more awful than any kind of disagreement.

18、Tensions burst into the most awful outbreak of interracial warfare in the history of the United States.

19、Everyone knew I had to admit that I had made an awful mistake and had tried to hide it.

20、The problem is that they are too similar. They are both resolute, both are proprietors, and both have awful characters.

21、Some local citizens think that dredges do awful harm to the landscapes as they disfigure rivers and banks.

22、"He's an awful brute, isn't he?" continued the young enquirer, a candid Thorley, who was evidently preparing to enter the lists as the lady's champion.

23、EVER since the atom was split, governments have struggled to control a force with potential for good that can also wreak awful destruction.

24、I never thought my hoax would go so far and I felt awful when some of you got so excited about knowing the title.

25、One of the early meet-ups was particularly awful. He greeted me with an exaggerated hug and a big, flamboyant personality.

26、He said: "This awful injustice and crime has now been raised at the highest level and we now expect swift action."

27、God is perfectly just and perfectly merciful, and this we must proclaim right in the midst of the most awful circumstances and in the face of the most mysterious questions.

28、"DES was designed for hardware implementations, and we are now living in a world of much more efficient software, and we have learned an awful lot about the design of algorithms," says Roback,

29、My mother first brought up the suggestion and brought home this awful brown wig. I don’t know why, because I’m naturally blonde and everyone in my family is blonde.

30、In the grocery store, listening to the same talk over and over, I began to feel a superstitious fear, the presentiment that in these endless discussions something awful was being hatched.



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