
  • 少儿英语故事:爱的回声

    The Echo of Love Once, a little child ran up the hill and shouted into the valley, "Hello!" Immediately, the voice echoed back from all around, "Hello!" The mountain seemed to reply. The child was amazed and shouted again...
    9144590 英语小短文 2024-07-01
  • 怪物史莱克4 台词

    Shrek: Quick tell a lie! 史莱克:快点撒一个谎! Pinocchio: What should I say? 皮诺曹:我该说什么? Donkey: Say something crazy... like “I'm wearing ladies' underwear!”. 驴子:说一些疯狂的事情...像"我正穿着女人的内裤"。 Pinocchio: Um, ok. I'm wearing ladie...
    9144590 英语小短文 2024-06-23
  • 米老鼠Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse is the memory of my childhood.l like to watch cartoon somuch when l was in primary school,Mickey Mouse is my favorite cartooncharacter.He is so cute and funny, the things he does will make me laughhappily.l will ne...
    9144590 英语小短文 2024-05-01
  • 世界地球日World Earth Day

    World Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd, which is a day to call for people around the world to protect the environment. Look at the change&nb...
    9144590 英语小短文 2024-03-17
  • 孩子的认知Children’s Recognition

    Many mothers are annoyed by their children’s behaviors before they can understand the mothers’ idea. Babies’ way of thought is different from the ...
    9144590 英语小短文 2024-03-17
  • 英语开会通知

    Dialogue One   A: Hello. This is Kate, who is Mr. Hu's secretary. Could I speak to Mr. Cheng?   B: This is Cheng Ming speaking.   A: I'm calling to notice you to attend the meeting to be held at three o' clock...
    9144590 英语小短文 2023-12-30
  • 英国语文第一册 第50期:夏天

    LESSON 50 SUMMER 第五十课 夏天 Now it is summer. The days are long, and the sun is up in the sky hours before you are awake. 现在是夏天了。白天变长了。太阳在你苏醒的几小时前就已经升起来了。 The trees are full of leaves, and the garden is gay with flower...
    9144590 英语小短文 2023-12-25
  • 那是我的包

    It’s Sunday1. There are many people2 in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty3 seat4. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a youn...
    9144590 英语小短文 2023-12-25
  • 英语阅读:日本培育出柠檬甜瓜

    The Lemon Melon is a newly developed type of melon that combines the sweetness and aroma1 of the melon with a slight sourness reminiscent of a lemon. 柠檬甜瓜是一种新开发的甜瓜品种,它兼具甜瓜的甜味和香气,以及柠檬的轻微酸味。 Japanese horticu...
    9144590 英语小短文 2023-12-25
  • 英语故事:我想要苹果

    Today, I will show1 you a story---I want apples. It’s a nice fall2 day, Nicky sees a tree with many red apple. His mouth3 starts4 to water, ‘oh ,apples I want apples !’ Nicky is too short5&n...
    9144590 英语小短文 2023-12-25
  • 宁静是一种力量 | Serenity is a Source of Strength(中英

    我们追求的真的是自己想要的吗?不要一直奔跑追逐,停下来静静思考,才能让心恢复力量。 宁静是一种力量。不被五欲八风扰动,因为“志不在此”,当我们内心有了超越世俗的理想,心有所止时,就能够获得真正的宁静与深沉的幸福。 Are we really pursuing what we truly want? Don't run and chase all the time. Stop and think quietly to resto...
    9144590 英语小短文 2023-08-17
  • 关于井底之蛙英语故事

     关于井底之蛙英语故事版本1   It said to a turtle that lived in the East Sea, "I am so happy! When I go out, I jump about on the railing beside the mouth of the well. When I come home, I rest in the holes on the broken wall of the wel...
    9144590 英语小短文 2023-01-12
  • An Initial Abstract

    Since 2016, the “Foreign Language Education Cup” College Students’ Intercultural Competence Competition has been held annually for 7 consecutive years in China. As a national-level contest sponsored by a prestigious Shangha...
    9144590 英语小短文 2022-12-30
  • 立冬节气英文介绍

    The Start of Winter 立冬 “Winter Begins” arrives on November 7 or November 8 each year. At this time of the year, some rivers in China start to freeze. 立冬通常是每年的11月7日或8日。每年这个时候,河水就开始结冰。 ...
    9144590 英语小短文 2022-12-05
  • 大寒英文介绍

    Great Cold 大寒 “Great Cold”, the last solar term in 24 solar terms, comes around January 20 each year.In this period, the cold waves from Siberia arrives in China.“ 大寒是24节气中最后的一个,通常是在每年的1月20日前后,在这段时...
    9144590 英语小短文 2022-12-04