
  • “悲观”造句

    2024年06月26日 20:26:28现在看来似乎悲观论者是正确的。It looks as if the pessimists are being proved right.哈代由于对生活持过度悲观的态度而常常受到批评。Hardy has often been criticised for an excessively pessimistic view of life.我是天生的悲观主义者。我总是做最坏的打算。I'm a natural pes...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • blastopore造句

    2024年06月26日 19:44:29Only the dorsal lip of the blastopore could induce altered development in the host.只有胚孔的背唇能够诱导宿主发育的改变....
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • shared造句

    2024年06月26日 11:47:29Different faiths, different rituals, but a shared period of devotion - and contemplation.不同的信仰, 不同的仪式, 但是却共享同一段虔诚冥想时光.Shared Bonds cast by Sister of Pain applied inconsistently and is not able to be dispelled.痛...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • narration造句

    2024年06月26日 19:52:30Its narration is characterized by indeterminacy and fragmentation, combining with immanence.小说的叙述特点有不确定性和片断化, 并与内在性相联系.Also easy to promote the imaginal memory and the narration spreads.也容易促进形象记忆和讲述流传.Different...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “挤出”造句

    2024年06月26日 20:22:29我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator.两名男子突然用肘在购物者中挤出一条路。Two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers.那个人从人群中硬挤出一条路。The man pushed his way authoritatively through the crow...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “踝的”造句

    2024年06月26日 18:36:01在这些裙子下面, 则是另外穿上一件及踝的灯笼裤.Beneath it all, wide - legged pants gathered at the ankles are worn.那高个子老是穿着一条长不及踝的裤子.The boy is so untidy - he always has his socks hanging half mast.他穿着正式的长及足踝的长袍.He was vested in an a...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • outpouring例句

    2024年06月26日 15:00:01All this public outpouring is so undignified.所有这些当众宣泄都是很失体面的。C . continued an outpouring of associations to her mother's hatred of her.她不断倾泄对于母亲憎恨她的联想.Since then, there an outpouring of literatures researc...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • physician造句

    2024年06月26日 18:55:01If a tranquilizer is prescribed, be sure your physician informs you of its possible side effects, such as addiction.如果开了镇静剂,一定要让医生告诉你它可能带来的副作用,例如上瘾。After a mammogram, discuss the results with your physician.做完乳...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • elation例句

    2024年06月27日 01:03:01Her moods oscillated between depression and elation.她的情绪时而抑郁,时而亢奋。She showed her elation at having finally achieved her ambition.最终实现了抱负,她显得十分高兴.They were filled with elation and amazement for the results.他们对这个...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • chloasma造句

    2024年06月26日 15:53:02With the increase of age, chloasma began to appear on her face.随着年龄的增长, 她脸上出现了黄褐斑.Conclusion Internal and external administration of herbs are effective for chloasma.结论治疗黄褐斑中药内服外用效果优于单纯中药内服.Objective To observe...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • larval例句

    2024年06月26日 23:37:02Most marine gastropod mollusks develop a ciliate swimming organ in certain larval stages.大多数海洋腹足纲软体动物在某些幼体阶段形成一种有纤毛的游泳器官。A certain degree of stem solidness results in damaged and desiccated eggs and impaired l...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “猕猴”造句

    2024年06月26日 19:33:02方法各种猕猴疝经确诊,实施手术治疗.Method All kinds of monkey hernia were diagnosed and actualized surgical operation.〔摘要〕目的: 揭示猕猴舌下与舌神经间的关系,为临床开展新的术式提供依据.Objective : To reveal the anatomic relationship between hypoglossal and ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • virtuous造句

    2024年06月26日 21:48:02His digamous wife is very virtuous, which makes him envied by others.他的后妻很贤惠, 这让他很受人羡慕.Louis was shown as an intelligent, courageous and virtuous family man.路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人。People who get up early fe...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • unmanageable造句

    2024年06月26日 19:51:03The signs are that indulged children tend to become unmanageable when they reach their teens.这些迹象表明被宠坏的孩子在十几岁的时候往往会变得难以管教。People were visiting the house every day, sometimes in unmanageable numbers.每天都有人来参观那栋房子...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • into例句

    2024年06月26日 20:01:02I have tried to pack a good deal into a few words.我尽量言简意赅。The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.灯熄了,屋里陷入一片漆黑。She reached into the wardrobe and extracted another tracksuit.她伸手又从衣橱里取出一件运动服。...
    9144590 造句 1天前