
  • “不用”造句

    2024年06月15日 14:00:10我不用疯狂地节食也能减轻几磅。I can lose a few pounds without resorting to daft diets.你不用担心我。我水性很好。You don't have to worry about me. I'm a good swimmer.这是免费邮寄,不用贴邮票。It's FREEPOST, so there's no need for a ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “爱书者”造句

    2024年06月15日 22:31:09她在包括《爱书者》及《杜佩奇艺术与生活》杂志上发表了超过70首诗.She has over 70 poems, in journals as Bibliophilos and DuPage Arts and Life....
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • impressionists造句

    2024年06月16日 11:47:14Impressionists such as Monet and Pissarro莫奈和毕沙罗等印象派画家...the French Impressionists.法国印象派画家The impressionists strike me as particularly interesting.印象派画家让我最感兴趣.Degas is usually classed with the impressionists.德加通...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • Pantelaras例句

    2024年06月16日 10:09:14Mr Pantelaras was asking £6,000 for his collection.潘特莱拉斯先生为他的藏品要价6,000英镑。...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • JAVA造句

    2024年06月16日 11:20:14It is a burgeoning technology of using Java to tap WebGIS application.Java开发WebGIS应用是一门新兴的技术.Marco Polo is said to have sailed on the Pacific on his way to Java in the thirteenth century...据说,13 世纪时,马可·波罗在去爪哇岛的...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • standing造句

    2024年06月16日 11:30:14His bristly red hair was standing on end.他粗硬的红头发根根直立。Oh, to think of his poor wife, standing there helpless…噢!想想他可怜的妻子,无助地站在那里。...an artist of international standing...具有国际名望的艺术家Psychologically, would that not ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “磨浆机”造句

    2024年06月16日 11:40:40减少纸浆精磨;降低对磨浆机的功率要求.Reduce refining or horse power requirements in stock preparation.不锈钢磨浆机, 研磨更精细,更卫生.Stainless steel refiner, grinding finer and more health.双盘磨浆机是目前造纸工厂广泛应用的一种连续打浆设备.At present, This machine i...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “隆隆响”造句

    2024年06月16日 11:54:39一列拖拉机突破了警戒线,隆隆响着驶上了高速公路。A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police.三英里之外, 一列火车隆隆响着穿过山谷.A train, three miles away, roared across the valley.河水隆隆响着,又浓又稠, 闪烁而颠动, 像是流动着沉重的金属.The viscous...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • overcoming造句

    2024年06月16日 11:52:01One way of overcoming this problem is to incorporate logic circuitry.解决这个问题的方法之一是引入逻辑电路.Only by overcoming our weaknesses can we advance without any encumbrance;only by uniting ourselves in our struggle can we ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • metathesis例句

    2024年06月16日 02:38:04Reduction - metathesis method for preparation of strontium carbonate from celestite is developed.提出还原 - 复分解法制备碳酸锶的新工艺.Several kinds of ruthenium - catalyzed organic reactions were reviewed: hydrogenation, oxida...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • tonight造句

    2024年06月16日 07:46:04It is cold now, but it'll be still colder tonight.现在很冷, 但今晚更冷.Do you have lodging for tonight?你今晚有借宿的地方 吗 ?Lately there had been big problems facing him, quite apart from tonight's imbroglio.最近他面临着许多重...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • snowballs造句

    2024年06月16日 09:01:03Sabina tried to get him to throw snowballs with her.莎宾娜想让他和她扔雪球玩.Some of the younger men began to pelt one another with snowballs...一些年轻人开始相互投掷雪球。Some of the younger men began to pelt one another with snowballs...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • Bentham例句

    2024年06月16日 06:47:04That's a deduction from Jeremy Bentham's theory of interest.这是根据虞莱弥·朋撒姆关于高利贷的理论推演出来的.This classification replaced that of LINNAEUS, eventually being improved upon by BENTHAM and HOOKER.这种分类方法代替了林奈LINN...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • conformities例句

    2024年06月16日 03:17:58Evaluating the effectiveness of action taken and closing the non conformities found.评估采取措施的有效性,和关闭不合格品.Perform inspection on line products and incoming parts; Take action on non - conformities.负责在线产品和来料零件的检验.Su...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “瘿螨科”造句

    2024年06月16日 10:41:58大嘴瘿螨亚科二新种记述 ( 蜱螨亚纲: 大嘴瘿螨科 )TWO NEW SPECIES OF RHYNCAPHYTOPTINAE FROM CHINA ( ACARI: RHYNCAPHYTOPTIDAE )...
    9144590 造句 1天前