2024年06月25日 22:51:39Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body's organs.坐着或者走路的时候低头垂肩,这种不正确的姿势会压迫体内的器官。Scowling, the lad slouched over.这个小家伙愁眉苦脸,一副垂头丧气的样子。The men were slouched on sofas and chairs.男人们... -
2024年04月15日 20:34:40Moliere was not only a comprehensive person in classical literature an exploiter in modern literature.莫里哀是文学史上古典文学的集大成者,近代文学的开拓者.The law itself in this country has been used to serve the foreign exploiter.在我国,连... -
2024年06月27日 13:11:31In management, as in music, there is a base clef as well as a treble.管理就像乐曲, 有低音和高音.Please name the notes below according to the clef.请依谱号写出下列各音符的音名.I love Clef - I don't discount what he's done for H... -
2024年07月05日 04:27:01The new database will help horse breeders enormously.新数据库将对马匹饲养者有极大的帮助。the process of database creation数据库的创建过程I discovered some new information in the database.我在资料库里发现了一些新信息.... -
2024年07月06日 06:46:39His body was a mass of sores.他遍体鳞伤。She turned him in the bed so that the sheets wouldn't chafe his skin into sores.她帮他翻了个身,免得他生褥疮。Many of the children are afflicted by festering sores.很多孩子深受溃烂创痛的折磨。... -
2024年07月10日 17:04:39他因赡养年迈的母亲而得以减税.He gets tax relief because he supports his old mother.她有义务赡养她的养父.She is under an obligation to her adoptive father.她有义务赡养她的养母.She is under an obligation to her adoptive mother.... -
2024年06月17日 03:25:42这个女士穿着长筒尼龙缝袜,不停地把裙子弄平整。This woman wore seamed nylons and kept smoothing her skirt.跑道上稍稍有些不平,勤务人员把它弄平整了.The attendant smoothed away the slight irregularities in the running track.她把墙上的画弄平整了.She straightened the ... -
2024年06月16日 19:21:18Persons receiving cash should make disbursements of cash, record cash transactions.收款员必须做好现金支出记录,现金交易记录.Provide accurate accounting for cash receipts, cash disbursements, and cash balances.提供正确的现金收入 、 支出和结余记录.M... -
2024年06月17日 09:26:18As they approached the outskirts of the city, Ella's mood visibly lightened.他们快到市郊时,埃拉的情绪明显好转。The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.尽管支出在增加,但国民医疗保健服务的质量却明显下降了。The... -
2024年06月16日 17:53:54The rest of phloem also produced callus through dedifferentiation. In addition, there was callus from xylem.残存的韧皮部也可以脱分化形成愈伤组织, 此外, 还存在愈伤组织源于木质部的情况.I walked to him and took his outstretched hand which was rough... -
2024年06月17日 17:55:47水管会冻住。The water pipes will freeze.窗户冻住了.The windows are frozen up.发动机冻住了.The engine has frozen up.... -
2024年06月18日 01:25:09用 4- 氨基安替比林与 3- 甲酰基色酮 、 肉桂醛、茴香醛反应分别合成了3种新的席夫碱化合物.Three novel Schiff bases were synthesized using the reaction of 4 - aminoatipyrine with 3 - formylchromone, cinnamaldehyde and anisaldehyde.从茴香油生产茴香醛的废渣、废液中提取副产品... -
2024年06月18日 02:48:00A few courts have followed Ferebee's broader view of admissibility.一些法院一直效仿“费瑞比”一案被广泛接受的观点.The admissibility of functions is regulated by continuity requirements and boundary conditions.函数的容许性由连续性要求和边界条件来约... -
2024年06月18日 03:27:59I don't try to memorize speeches word for word.我不会试图一字不落地记住讲话要说的内容。Official speeches in recent days have been larded with promises of democracy.近日官方在讲话中满口对民主的承诺。His forte is after - dinner speeches.他的特长是饭后... -
2024年06月18日 01:50:23What mixed weather, now fine , now showery!多难捉摸的天气, 时晴时雨!Spring is showery, flowery, bowery.春天雷雨阵阵, 百花吐艳, 树荫宜人.What strange weather , now fine , now showery!天气真怪, 一会儿晴,一会儿下雨!...