2024年06月09日 21:26:51不会开汽车是不便的.It is a disadvantage not to be able to drive a car.在这样的条件下, 任何家庭的拖累都是极为不便的.In such conditions, any family attachments that developed were at best inconvenient.太空战斗受制于不便的操作系统.The space combat is hamper... -
2024年06月09日 21:41:28I vanquished her coldness with my assiduity.我对她关心照顾从而消除了她的冷淡.Knowlege is gained from assiduity , unwisdom is resulted from sluttery!知识是从刻苦中得来, 无知是从懒惰中美成!He shows great assiduity in all his work.他对所有工作都兢兢业业.... -
2024年06月09日 23:15:09We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair.我们用一张摆放得很巧妙的椅子将它隐藏了起来。The presence of a star is already apparent in the early film.在早期影片中已经显露出了明星相。Nobody was allowed to eat in the Empress Dowa... -
2024年06月10日 00:05:31人类自欺的本事是无穷的。Human beings have an infinite capacity for self-deception.做自由职业者让她体会到无穷的快乐。She gets enormous pleasure out of working freelance.他有无穷的精力和无限的耐心。His energy was unbounded and his patience inexhaustible.... -
2024年06月10日 00:04:11目的 探讨小儿反复呼吸道感染 ( RRI ) 与胃食管返流 ( GER ) 的关系.Objective To study the relationship between recurrent respiratory infection ( RRI ) and gastroesophageal reflux ( GER ) in children.绝大多数瓣膜返流轻微或轻度, 且只发生于一组瓣膜.Most of reg... -
2024年06月10日 00:05:11Typically, catheter ablation is used to an AF arrhythmia.典型地, 使用导管消融来终止AF心律失常.He quickly inserts the catheter.他很快将导液管插入.Objective : To discuss occulation of pulmonary artery blood flow with Foley catheter in op... -
2024年06月10日 01:25:08那时威尔士是个附庸国.Wales was a vassal kingdom at that time.协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany.可以空运部队到附庸国城市.You can now airlift into citi... -
2024年06月10日 01:18:08这是间谍罪,应判死刑。It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃和欺诈罪。Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police.她因受到挑衅而过失杀人的有罪答辩被驳回。Her plea of guilty to manslaughter through p... -
2024年06月10日 01:13:41For all tables are full of vomit filthiness, so that there is no place clean.8因为各席上满了呕吐的污秽, 无一处乾净.Say it when you learn the Darkness, the Filthiness and the ugliness of its outside.不是因为在象牙塔中,才说出我爱世界这样的话,是知道外面的黑... -
2024年06月10日 01:31:43查理连生话必需品都无钱购买, 更不必说烟酒等奢侈品了.Charlie cannot find money for necessities, let alone such luxuries as wine and tobacco.其宏观缺陷主要为连生、孪生 、 包裹体, 宏观生长台阶和条纹、开裂等.The macroscopic defects of KBBF are mainly twin crystal, incl... -
2024年06月10日 02:31:08木虱会侵害活体植物并啃咬它们的茎。Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems.但一种叫作马铃薯木虱的昆虫负有部分责任.Part of the answer is an insect called the potato psyllid.该细菌似乎和马铃薯木虱的亲缘生物 —— 柑桔木虱——传播的细菌有亲缘关系.It appears to be to a bact... -
2024年06月10日 02:41:08谁不愿意在散发着香味的挂毯 、 铺有座垫的家具和身穿制服的仆人之间受苦 呢 ?Who would not suffer amid perfumed tapestries, cushioned furniture, and liveried servants?母亲每天把一种有香味的油膏涂在我腿上.Every day mother applied a sweet - smelling salve to my legs.填... -
2024年06月10日 03:10:11Main work include : 1 A method of adaptive DBF in received antenna array.1讨论了在接收阵列天线中,自适应数字波束形成(DBF)的方法,引入了 采样 梯度矩阵算法.Digital Beamforming technology is very important in DBF Radar.数字波束形成是DBF雷达实现的关键技术.The applic... -
2024年06月10日 04:00:22活期账户让存款人能随时存取款项.The current account offers savers instant access to funds.这种总统提供用于存取信息的完整而简捷的信号.This bus provides clean , concise signals for fetching and storing information.提供直接存取数据的存储设备.A storage device that... -
2024年06月10日 04:50:23Like humans, platypuses carry an X and a Y chromosome.鸭嘴兽跟人类一样, 也有X和Y染色体....