2024年06月29日 20:38:17眼睛杏仁状, 分隔的距离适中,稍斜.Eyes almond shaped, moderately spaced and set a trifle obliquely.杏仁 状 ( 差不多是三角的 ), 不能太突出, 颜色深.Eyeseyes are almond - shaped ( almost triangular ), never full or bulgy, and are dark in color.眼睛中... -
2024年06月30日 05:30:18a cantankerous old man爱抱怨的老头He met a crabbed, cantankerous director.他碰上了一位坏脾气、爱争吵的主管。He was nothing but a narrow, ignorant, and cantankerous sea -- faring man .他只不过是个狭隘无知 、 脾气 暴戾 的海员而已.... -
2024年06月30日 07:02:29Every alveolus above the shoe has been ironed with thick wire, put on bootlace next can.鞋上面的每个小孔用粗铁丝烫好, 然后穿上鞋带即可.Colour dawn wears sock shoe, damask face, toe cap is pointed, wear have bootlace.袜子鞋是彩旦穿的, 缎面, 鞋头... -
2024年06月30日 08:00:29目的:探讨下睑袋整复术中眶隔脂肪的合理保留与利用对术后形态的影响.Objective To discuss the reservation and using of orbital septum fat in lower pouches taxis operation.... -
2024年06月30日 08:33:29The results indicate that chloramine is of notable inactivation effect on Cyclops.结果表明,氯胺对剑水蚤具有显著的灭活作用.Clearly, the application of brine or ammonia is feasible to control the growth of Cyclops.可见, 采用盐水或氨水浸泡活性炭滤... -
2024年06月30日 09:22:39Confusion of homonym is a long - term disturbing problem in current Chinese Braille.同音词混淆是 长期 困扰现行盲文的问题.The nickname comes from the Chinese word for returnees, haiguipai, a homonym for sea turtles.在中文里, 这类人被称为“... -
2024年06月30日 04:16:30With Ivan's help, one hospital did a free harelip operation for Kate.在伊凡的帮助下, 一家医院为凯特做了免费的唇裂修复手术.Ivan Antonwitch said it, in a somewhat mollified voice.伊凡·安东诺维奇说那话时, 声音变得温和了些.Ivan Lendl coasted to a 6-3, 6... -
2024年06月30日 08:28:395月份工程师们在一条氢燃料管线上发现一条裂隙。In May engineers found a leak in a hydrogen fuel line.下面是个令人毛骨悚然的深不见底的裂隙。Below was a terrifyingly deep crevasse.断层破裂可能只包括单独一条狭窄的主裂隙.Fault ruptures may consist of a single narrow main brea... -
2024年06月30日 09:38:39The fees offered by the NHS do not recompense dental surgeons for their professional time.国民医疗保健系统所支付的费用中不涵盖牙科诊疗费用。There are problems in recruiting suitably qualified scientific officers for NHS laboratories...... -
2024年06月30日 08:50:33Vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma.素食者认为吃肉食是造恶业。It's my karma always to fall in love with brunettes.我爱上的总是深褐色头发、浅黑色皮肤的白种女子,这是我的缘分.The $ 87 , 000 Fisker Karma plug - in luxury hybrid is sched... -
2024年06月30日 08:50:40詹姆斯·邦德: 来吧, 我们去军械库.James Bond: Come on, lets go to the armoury.卡特: 军械库? 你想在那找到 什么 ?Captain Carter: The armoury ? What do you wait to encounter there?在军械库购买一件道具.Make it Drizzle : Purchased an item from the Armor... -
have nothing to do with例句
2024年06月30日 08:37:33Jack would have nothing to do with such capers.杰克不愿扯上这种荒唐的事。House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property.房价很容易受到与房产毫不相干的因素的干扰。House prices are easily upset by factors which ha... -
2024年06月30日 00:39:34Repair or donate broken items rather than binning them.把损坏的物件拿去修理或捐赠出去,不要把它们存放在箱子里.But binning this sausage no longer looks feasible.但若完全丢掉这根香肠可能性缺缺.... -
2024年06月30日 09:34:25就在那里, 有一株粉红色的番红花却在不屈地迎风摇曳着.And tITe, bravely waving in the wind , were one pink crocus.就在这里, 有一株粉红色的番红花却在不屈地迎风摇曳着.And there, bravely waving in the wind , was one pink crocus.... -
2024年06月30日 04:28:25橡树孕育于橡子之中.The oak is implicit in the acorn.教学语用学思想是从古代开始孕育和形成的。It was in ancient times that the thought of pedagogical pragmatics began to gestate and form.在经济废墟中可能孕育着经济复苏的苗头。Out of the ashes of the economic sh...