
  • ephemeris造句

    2024年06月14日 02:14:03GPS ephemeris data interpolation, using Lagrange, Newton's Law, which is good information!GPS星历内插资料, 分别采用拉格朗日, 牛顿法, 是不错的资料!Using the precise ephemeris and the precise satellite clock correction can realize...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • harvesting造句

    2024年06月14日 04:24:03Now is the right time for harvesting.现在正是收割季节.They no longer have to take on large numbers of temporary workers to do the harvesting.他们再也不必雇用大量临时工来收割农作物.Cut the fruit in half and inspect the pips: if they are t...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • crucifixes造句

    2024年06月13日 18:51:05European Court of Human Rights has ruled against the use of crucifixes in classrooms in Italy.欧洲人权法庭裁决禁止意大利学校在教室里使用十字架....
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • a grain of truth造句

    2024年06月14日 02:22:05There's more than a grain of truth in that.其中含有很深刻的道理。Our observations may contain a grain of truth for you to refer to.我们的意见也许会有千虑一得之处,供你参考.There isn't a grain of truth in what he said.他说的全不是真话....
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • illiquidity造句

    2024年06月14日 03:15:05The illiquidity of real estate is another important factor for consideration.投资房地产,很重要的另一点考虑是套现不容易.Could they ask to be paid for assuming illiquidity risk?他们能够因为预想中的非流动性风险而要求赔偿 吗 ?Such assets offered an excess ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • Kush造句

    2024年06月13日 12:51:07The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.将军在兴都库什山脉以北集结军队。As a result , many Himalayan, Hindu Kush and Karakoram glaciers are dwindling.所以喜马拉雅山 、 兴都库什山和喀喇昆仑山的许多冰川都在逐渐萎缩.But Berlin has just tip...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • leafy造句

    2024年06月13日 21:24:06His two-story brick home was graced with a patio and surrounded by tall, leafy trees.他那两层高的砖房有一个漂亮的露台,四周环拥绿叶成阴的大树。The common or pop purple foxglove produces pretty flowers along stamp leafy stem called a spike....
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • piety造句

    2024年06月13日 16:00:07They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity.他们去教堂不是出于虔诚而是出于好奇.Experience makes us see an enormous difference between piety and goodness.经验使我们看到虔诚与善意之间有着巨大的区别.She was eminent for her piety.她以虔诚闻名...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “参赞”造句

    2024年06月13日 08:45:07范科艺荷兰大使馆科技参赞.Eric Van Kooij Counselor for Science & Technology, Royal Netherlands Embassy.经我方驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处介绍, 今写信给你们.The us embassy commercial counselor's office , we will write to you.承蒙贵国商务参赞告知,我得悉贵司公司名称和地...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • Louisa造句

    2024年06月13日 12:21:07I looked in on Louisa. She was sleeping.我顺道去看了一下路易莎。她当时在睡觉。She had almost finished braiding Louisa's hair...她马上就要为路易莎编好辫子了。Louisa was dancing, spinning by herself, her skirt flying out and coiling around h...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • capsules造句

    2024年06月13日 23:01:08Dextromethorphan hydrobromide and ibuprofen capsules were determined by HPLC.用HPLC测定复方胶囊中右美沙芬、布洛芬的溶出度.Objective : To observe the curative effect of Kudo capsules in treatment of epistaxis.目的: 观察独一味胶囊治疗鼻出血的疗效.Ai...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “痛风的”造句

    2024年06月13日 07:42:08中老年人痛风的X线诊断 ( 附54例分析 )X — ray Diagnosis of Gouty Arthritis in Middle — seniles ( Analysis of 54 Cases )鹿茸帮助创伤愈合的关系也可以解释对痛风的防治效果.Velvet antler's relationship to recovery from traumatic injury could possibly...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “法人的”造句

    2024年06月14日 04:13:10对于涵盖同一法人的不同保险标的的统括保单.A Master policy covering different subject - matters insured of the same legal person.明确了各模拟法人的责任及主要考核指标.Made clear responsibility of each imitate corporative and main assessment index.第三章研...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • wooded造句

    2024年06月14日 01:57:10a thickly wooded area密林覆盖的地区He built towns in the Judean hills and forts and towers in the wooded areas.4又在犹大山地建造城邑、在树林中建筑营寨、和高楼....a wooded valley set against the backdrop of Monte Rosa.罗莎峰背后树木繁茂的山谷...a magnif...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • grubbing例句

    2024年06月14日 04:06:10I simply cannot face grubbing through all this paper.我简直受不了要翻阅这么多文件。Farmers are grubbing up ancient varieties of crops.农民正在掘除自古以来就一直种植的各种作物。He found what he wanted by grubbing around in the library.他在图书馆乱翻一通终于找...
    9144590 造句 1天前