2024年06月27日 19:26:11通常每天接受4次治疗,星期日除外。You normally receive 4 treatments each day, Sundays excepted.《星期日电讯报》全面报道了南非的发展。Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph.每周星期日晚上她都设法与他待上几个小时。She contrived... -
2024年06月28日 01:29:15It was, he said later, one of the blackest days of his political career.后来他说,这是他政治生涯中最黑暗的日子之一。A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies.真假参半的谎言最险恶.This was one of the blackest crimes ever committ... -
2024年06月28日 00:15:15He used a large book as a doorstop.他用一本厚书控制住门.The door was held open by a doorstop.那门用了门碰头,一直开著.... -
2024年06月27日 17:12:15为获准重印致以深切感谢。Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint.这书正重印, 你不久就可以买到.The book is reprinting; you'll be able to buy one soon.这篇文章被重印并用作宣传.The article was reprinted and used as propaganda.... -
2024年06月27日 16:12:16...the President's departure for Helsinki...总统动身前往赫尔辛基The country is about to take a radical departure by electing a woman as its new president.该国将发生重大转变,选举一位女性担任新总统。He eld off his departure until his sist... -
2024年06月27日 16:21:16他正挥手以引起他们的注意。He was waving his arms to draw their attention.学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.马克走在前面,听不见他们的声音。Mark was out of earshot,... -
2024年06月27日 19:13:16After each summit, he dispatched his emissaries to pitch their proposals.每次会晤之后他都派遣密使四处兜售他们的建议.My emissaries would certainly be detained.我的密使一定会被扣留.Be worthy emissaries of the Light.成为相称的光之使者.... -
2024年06月28日 00:39:19In the reserves of Zimbabwe and South Africa, annual culls are already routine.在津巴布韦和南非的自然保护区,每年的选择性捕杀已成惯例。Big business culls the brightest from among college graduates.大企业从大学毕业生中选拔最优秀的人材.... -
2024年06月27日 23:55:19In one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car's exterior...在一则广告中,观众几乎看不到汽车的外观。The car rolled over the edge of a cliff.汽车从悬崖边上滚下去了。He lost control of his car...他的汽车失控了。She made a beeline for the car.她径直奔向那辆车。... -
2024年06月27日 14:59:20互见引导你在词典的其他部分寻找信息.The cross - references refer you to information in other parts of the dictionary.该词典的补编或许将于明年出版.A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year.这部词典的词目是用黑体字排印的.The head - words in t... -
2024年06月28日 01:21:22The bartender had a florid face and a receding hairline.酒吧男招待面色红润,前额有点脱发。Jacobs was a stout, florid man.雅各布斯身材结实,脸色红润。Years of heavy drinking had given Alison a florid complexion.长期酗酒使艾莉森面色绯红.... -
2024年06月27日 23:09:22He goes to the podiatrist to have his bunions treated.他到足病医生那里去治他的拇囊肿。There are records of the King of France employing a podiatrist, as did Napoleon.有记载称,法国皇帝们曾经雇用足科医师, 例如拿破仑.... -
2024年06月27日 20:13:23The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.历史和轶闻的分界向来是模糊而混乱的。The themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz's epic storytelling.马赫福兹先生讲述的故事过于宏大,主题有些混乱了。Brevity in storytell... -
2024年06月27日 09:36:23Susannah won the calligraphy prize when she was at school.苏珊娜上学时赢得了书法奖.His effortless calligraphy has an unconventional grace of its own.他的书法,信笔写来,十分超脱.At the calligraphy competition, people asked him to write ... -
2024年06月27日 12:51:24节制: 食不可过饱, 饮不得过量.Temperance: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.人们体重经常是因为吃得过饱而增长.可是为什么会吃过饱 呢 ?People usually gain weight because they overeat, but what makes them overeat?总是吃得过饱不利于健康.It is not good to ...