2024年06月27日 15:35:03Our white girlhood was passed together there.我们纯洁的少女时期是一道在那里度过的.She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood.她还是个小姑娘的时候就分担起照顾弟弟的责任。in one’s girlhood少女时代When in girlhood my heart was opining its ... -
2024年06月27日 15:07:04We have been very appreciative of their support...我们对他们的支持一直心存感激。Her boss was very demanding but appreciative of Christina's talents.克里斯蒂娜的老板非常苛刻,但同时也很欣赏她的才华。She is not SCREAMER or MOANER - She is VOCALLY ... -
2024年06月27日 07:17:04Many surgical complications and disease processes inhibit normal nitrogen anabolism.许多外科并发症和疾病抑制正常的氮合成代谢.A continuously open wound inhibits anabolism.持续存在的开放伤口,会抑制合成代谢.The energy economy of pregnancy is dominat... -
2024年06月27日 15:05:04What kind of 15 year - old reads Buddhist epistemology?什么样的15岁孩子会阅读佛教认识论?If a sinusoidal current is sent through a movingcoil galvanometer, the meter reads zero.如果将一正弦电流通入动圈式电流计, 那么这电流计的读数为零.It reads very awkwa... -
2024年06月27日 20:55:05他的车滑到了大楼的一侧,抵住了。He slewed the car against the side of the building.老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side.大门口的一侧有块红色的匾额。On one side of the main entrance there's a red plaque.... -
2024年06月27日 15:59:08The main source of fish mixes laky breed aquatics for entrance, inland aquiculture, ocean.鱼类的主要来源为进口 、 内陆水产养殖 、 海洋和湖泊养殖.... -
2024年06月27日 20:00:43Several factors have been adduced to explain the fall in the birth rate.有几个因素已被援引来说明出生率降低的原因。Evidence is adduced by the procuratorfiscal.证据由地方检察官提出.He adduced facts in support of his theory.他列举许多事实来证实他的理论.... -
2024年06月27日 20:51:33铜管 乐器的声音太响了.The brass is [ are ] too loud.舞台工作人员负责帮音乐家们调乐器的音调.Stagehands are in charge of tuning the instruments for the musicians.那个音在该乐器的高音部.That note is in the upper register of this instrument.... -
2024年06月27日 12:29:33右大脑半球的扩散性思考是我们的创意基石.The right hemisphere's divergent thinking underlies our ability to be creative.赤道是南北半球的分界线.The equator is the boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres.增加了坐舱视野在后半球的开阔角度.Inc... -
2024年06月27日 11:26:33Pines predominate the forest there.那里的森林中松树最多.Red and white predominate in these flowers.这些花中大部分是红色和白色的.In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger.在老年群体中女性占大多数,因为男性的寿命往往较短。... -
2024年06月27日 21:38:59...his choreographic work for The Birmingham Royal Ballet.他为伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞团编排的作品Have you ever seen a ballet before?你曾看过芭蕾舞剧吗?She is undoubted star of British ballet.她是英国毋庸置疑的芭蕾明星.Fokine did not change the steps of cl... -
2024年06月27日 14:09:00NASA has started a 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence.美国航空航天局已经启动了一个为期10年的寻找外星人的项目。One theory about the existence of extraterrestrial life rests on the presence of carbon compounds in meteorites.地... -
2024年06月27日 16:27:57他把船引靠码头.He docked the ship.船已经靠码头了.The ship has docked.船靠码头了。The ship docked....