2024年06月27日 05:29:25Okay, with the proviso that Jane agrees, I accept.好,如果简答应,我就接受。Jerry added, by way of proviso.杰瑞说道, 仿佛加上一份“但书”.You can borrow this book, with the proviso that you return it to me within aweek.你可以借这本书, 条件是你要在一周内... -
2024年06月27日 12:07:50Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference.仔细阅读这些注释并将其保留下来以备将来之用。I'm calling in reference to your series on prejudice.我打电话是要谈谈你写的有关“偏见”的系列文章。The details are filed away by his three secre... -
2024年06月27日 12:09:50他们在俱乐部相会是为了联谊和寻求建议。They meet at the club for companionship and advice.每个周五他总要在矿工联谊酒店坐到打烊.He sat in the Miners'Arms until turning - out time every Friday.粤语(广东话)安息日学上午11:00开始在联谊厅举行.Cantonese Chinese Sabbath... -
2024年06月27日 10:10:50Add up the bills for each month. Take this away from the income.将账单按月累加,再从收入中扣除。...heating bills.暖气费账单She had several large bills in her pocketbook.她钱袋里有几张大面额钞票.The minister has piloted several useful bills thr... -
2024年06月27日 12:24:05公元5世纪为雅典的太平盛世.雅典最优秀的诗歌、戏剧 、 建筑和雕刻均产生于这一时期.Those were the halcyon days of Athens ( fifth century BC ) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.奥康瑙尔家族盛世的光辉将一去不复返了.The full glory o... -
2024年06月27日 08:21:06This kind of unique self - value concern profoundly infected the cainozoic era.这种独特的 自我 价值关怀深刻地感染了新生代.... -
2024年06月27日 03:25:06The spate of storms and hurricanes in recent years could be a statistical quirk.从统计数字上看,近些年来暴风雨和飓风的频发非同寻常。By a strange quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel.真是天缘奇遇,他们住进了同一家旅馆。It can be regarded as m... -
2024年06月26日 23:57:07We did not know how to soothe the bereaved mother.我们不知如何安慰那位丧子的母亲.Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort.丁金斯先生前往死者家吊唁。The accident bereaved her of her son.那次事故使她痛失儿子.Illness bereaved her of her... -
2024年06月26日 17:09:07彼得森突然发现自己身陷一场殊死搏斗中。Peterson suddenly found himself in the thick of desperate fighting.不到两年彼得森就被解雇了。Peterson was let go after less than two years.我们争斗了两年,彼得森充分利用这点挑拨我俩对阵。We duelled for two years and Peterson mad... -
2024年06月27日 09:58:13Burke's sentiments undoubtedly struck a responsive chord in Parliament.伯克的观点无疑引起了议会的积极回应。Her speech struck a deep chord in my heart.她的话深深地拨动了我的心弦.This is a chord of a circle.这是个圆的弦.... -
2024年06月27日 02:00:13The symbol mark of art of Tibetan buddism and often seeing at Buddhist monastery in Tibet.在藏传佛教艺术中更是无处不见的象征性标志.This photo focused on vendors outside the Potala Palace in Lhasa , Tibet.这张照片的主题是布达拉宫外的小贩们.We won’t... -
2024年06月27日 06:03:13This lamentable state of affairs lasted until 1947.这一令人遗憾的事态一直持续至1947年。a lamentable tale令人惋惜的故事His practice of inebriation was lamentable.他的酗酒常闹得别人束手无策.She shows a lamentable lack of understanding.她显得缺乏理解能力,实在令... -
2024年06月27日 01:36:13- Anson Baers in town at the Ritz Carlton - Really?-安森来了,住在里兹酒店 - 是 吗 ?Anson has great interest in karate and is a black belt sportsman.国安对空手道有浓厚兴趣,学武十多年,现已晋身为黑带.Anson, you know him better than some of the rest... -
2024年06月27日 08:25:14His body slowly undulated in time to the music.他的身体随着音乐的节拍慢慢摆动。The sail undulated gently in the breeze.帆在微风中缓慢地波动.The ripe wheat undulated in the Breeze like the incoming tide.成熟的小麦象潮水般随风起伏.... -
2024年06月27日 01:16:14Industrial orders had already fallen in the preceding months.工业订单在前几个月就已减少。the years preceding the war战前的几年The preface to this book is on the preceding page.前边一页是这本书的序言....