以下是一些小众但令人惊艳的英文名字: 女孩: Seraphina(瑟拉菲娜) Octavia(奥克塔维亚) Esmeralda(艾斯梅拉达) Persephone(珀耳塞福涅) Celestia(塞莱斯蒂亚) Evangeline(... -
1. 艾尔维拉(Elvira):源自拉丁语,意为“公平的”,带有神秘而古典的气息。 2. 赛西莉亚(Cecilia):源自拉丁语,意为“盲人”,但在名字中并无负面含义,反而显得优雅。 3. 塞壬(Siren):希腊神话中的海妖,名字充满神秘和诱惑力。 4. 赫敏(Hermione):源自希腊语,意为“旅行者”,因《哈利·波特》系列小说而广为人知,但依然相对冷门。 5. 伊莎贝尔(Isabel):源自希伯... -
中越德天(板约)瀑布跨境旅游合作区 the China-Vietnam Detian-Ban Gioc Waterfall cross-border tourism cooperation zone
中越德天(板约)瀑布跨境旅游合作区 the China-Vietnam Detian-Ban Gioc Waterfall cross-border tourism cooperation zone... -
2024年06月04日 15:32:13The person can transfer from wheelchair to seat with relative ease.那个人可以比较轻松地从轮椅上移到座位上。Relative rates of house price inflation have evened out across the country.房价相对上涨率已经在全国达到平衡。The satellite remains in one sp... -
2024年06月04日 15:52:26...items made from hand-painted ceramic.手绘瓷砖制品Those ladies were brassy and busty, with pudgy fingers and painted eyes.那些女人们打扮花哨,体态丰满,手指肥肥的,眼睛都涂了眼影。They painted the kitchen and then decided to go the whole hog a... -
2024年06月04日 15:40:26The fine, intelligent, educated voice sang on in the sunny quadrangle of red - brick Colonial buildings.那美妙, 聪明, 受过教育的声音回响在充满阳光的,殖民时期的红砖房子围成的庭院中.We walked all over the campus from the quadrangle to the athletic... -
2024年06月04日 17:55:45Dr Lopes'work will be at an exhibition opening at the RCA in London today.洛佩斯博士的工作成果将于今天在伦敦开幕的皇家艺术学院展览会上展出.Alleyways wind through the city like a maze, opening up into surprising, sunny fountained piazzas.... -
2024年06月04日 20:07:58谢里夫曾于70年代担任拉合尔巴中友协司库.Sharif in Lahore as age of 70 Pakistan China Friendship Association treasurer.拉合尔作为一座古老的历史名城,拥有丰富多彩的文物古迹.Lahore as an ancient historic city with a rich and varied heritage.在拉合尔,一名巴基斯坦男子在洪水包... -
2024年06月04日 20:11:09One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。His tough stand won some grudging admiration.他的强硬态度使得一些对他不满的人也不由得感到钦佩。It took Louis until E... -
2024年06月04日 21:17:09A hundred long years must still elapse before Englishman could hear the name of Oliver Cromwell.离英国人听到奥利弗·克伦姆威尔的名字还有一百年之久呢.She cried when she spoke of Oliver.她提起奥利弗的时候哭了。Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" c... -
2024年06月04日 23:35:46活塞轴作线圈的衔铁.A shaft on the piston forms the armature of a coil.N是软铁的衔铁.N is armature of soft iron.... -
2024年06月04日 23:38:36The Rat's light footfall was presently heard approaching over the parched grass.突然干枯的草地上传来了老鼠轻快的脚步声.The road winds for miles through parched earth, scrub and cactus.公路蜿蜒数英里,穿过炙烤的大地、灌木丛和仙人掌。The clouds gathe... -
2024年06月04日 22:59:46Generosity is its own form of power.别低估了慷慨的力量。Instead of complaining about what's wrong, be grateful for what's right.别抱怨不好的事,要对好的事心存感恩。When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life ...