
  • 常用英语前缀(69)

      remn=remain(留下)  remnant       剩余物  rest=stay   (停留)  arrest       阻止,逮捕  redtless      不安的;得不到休息的(和restive 是同一意思)  retic=silent(安静)  reticent    沉默的  rever=awe (敬畏)  r...
    9144590 英语资料 2024-09-02
  • 常用英语前缀(70)

      rhe=flow (流)  diarrhea    痢疾(dia对穿—对穿流过—拉肚子)  rheum   泪水  rhin=nose( 鼻子)  rhinoceros     犀牛  riv=stream(河流)  rivulet    小河(let表示“小”)  derive         ...
    9144590 英语资料 2024-09-02
  • 常用英语前缀(68)

      radi =ray                 (光线)  radiant                      发光的  irradiate                 &...
    9144590 英语资料 2024-09-02
  • 常用英语前缀(78)

      veter=old(老)  veteran      老兵  inveterate    根深蒂固的  viti=fault(错误)  itiate     污染;使堕落  vituper=blame(责备)  vituperate     严厉责备  zym=ferment(发酵)  enzyme      酶  zymology ...
    9144590 英语资料 2024-09-02
  • 十二个传统节日英文

    1.春节 (Spring Festival/Chinese New Year) 春节,也被称为中国的农历新年或中国新年,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。它是在农历正月初一,春节庆祝活动包括了一系列的传统习俗和仪式。 以下是春节庆祝活动的英文表达: - 贴春联(红色对联): Paste Spring couplets (red couplets) ...
    9144590 英文翻译 2024-09-01
  • Abijah 是什么意思?

    Abijah 这个英文名字的寓意是“上帝就是父亲”。这个名字源自希伯来语,通常被用作男性名字。在圣经中,Abijah 是几个不同人物的名字,包括一位犹大王国的国王和一些先知。...
    9144590 英文名 2024-08-30
  • permanently造句

    The fires are likely to permanently deforest the land. 这些火灾很可能会彻底毁掉这片土地上的森林。 His reason had been permanently affected by what he had witnessed. 他所目睹的那一幕永久性地影响了他的神智。 The individual's whole personality appears to be permanen...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • notes例句

    Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference. 仔细阅读这些注释并将其保留下来以备将来之用。 They exchange traveller's cheques at a different rate from notes. 他们兑换旅行支票时依据的汇率跟兑换现钞时不同。 Watson has a wonderful voice, with thrillingly...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • “腹胀的”造句

    适用于腹痛、腹胀的病人. It's suitable for the patient with the symptoms of abdominal pain and distension. 顾客: 我想给我的孩子买治腹泻、腹胀的药. Customer: My child needs medicine for diarrhea and abdominal distension. 促进消化不良 、 食积气滞 、 腹泻、腹胀的康复. For i...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • “漂亮地”造句

    然而特纳两次从40英尺处漂亮地将球轻击入洞。 Turner, however, putted superbly, twice holing from 40 feet. " 既然我已经叫它这样漂亮地过来了, 求天主帮助我熬下去吧. " Now that I have him coming so beautifully, God help me endure. 她穿得很漂亮地去赴会. She is all dressed up for the...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • Pavarotti造句

    Here again is the song that Pavarotti has made his own. 下面再次为您播放这首帕瓦罗蒂的标志性歌曲。 He was absolutely mesmerised by Pavarotti on television. 他完全被电视上的帕瓦罗蒂迷住了。 ...the giant of opera, Luciano Pavarotti... 歌剧界巨擘卢恰诺·帕瓦罗蒂 He was a...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • “桥接”造句

    用经济、实用的方法解决了该策略所面临的关键技术难题,实现了CORBA、DCOM的 桥接. An economic and practical way is used to bridge CORBA and DCOM. 指定用于目前连接,而与通讯协定无关的桥接. Specifies that protocol - independent bridging is used for the current connection. 以下列表中所选的...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • autolysis例句

    Necropsy of the fetus reveals autolysis which is nonspecific. 胎儿尸检显示非特异性自溶现象. Their excellent survival during autolysis in vitro and ischemia in vivo is consistent with this. 与此一致是,在体外自溶时和在体内局部贫血时,它们出色地幸存下来. Autolysis The ...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • lofted造句

    He was lofted to a new job. 他升迁到新职位. From the kick-off he lofted the ball 60 yards into the top corner of the net. 他在中线一记大脚将球从60码外送进球网的顶角。 They measured and lofted the remainder of the crop. 他们把剩下的庄稼过了秤并贮藏在阁楼顶层. ...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • shorten造句

    Injury problems could shorten his career. 受伤的问题有可能缩短他的职业生涯。 Ionized zinc lozenges, however, may shorten the duration of symptoms. 而锌粒子止咳糖能缩短病程. When the days shorten in winter some people suffer depression. 冬季天短,有些人会变得抑郁消...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29