
  • “漂亮地”造句

    然而特纳两次从40英尺处漂亮地将球轻击入洞。 Turner, however, putted superbly, twice holing from 40 feet. " 既然我已经叫它这样漂亮地过来了, 求天主帮助我熬下去吧. " Now that I have him coming so beautifully, God help me endure. 她穿得很漂亮地去赴会. She is all dressed up for the...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • Pavarotti造句

    Here again is the song that Pavarotti has made his own. 下面再次为您播放这首帕瓦罗蒂的标志性歌曲。 He was absolutely mesmerised by Pavarotti on television. 他完全被电视上的帕瓦罗蒂迷住了。 ...the giant of opera, Luciano Pavarotti... 歌剧界巨擘卢恰诺·帕瓦罗蒂 He was a...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • “桥接”造句

    用经济、实用的方法解决了该策略所面临的关键技术难题,实现了CORBA、DCOM的 桥接. An economic and practical way is used to bridge CORBA and DCOM. 指定用于目前连接,而与通讯协定无关的桥接. Specifies that protocol - independent bridging is used for the current connection. 以下列表中所选的...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • autolysis例句

    Necropsy of the fetus reveals autolysis which is nonspecific. 胎儿尸检显示非特异性自溶现象. Their excellent survival during autolysis in vitro and ischemia in vivo is consistent with this. 与此一致是,在体外自溶时和在体内局部贫血时,它们出色地幸存下来. Autolysis The ...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • lofted造句

    He was lofted to a new job. 他升迁到新职位. From the kick-off he lofted the ball 60 yards into the top corner of the net. 他在中线一记大脚将球从60码外送进球网的顶角。 They measured and lofted the remainder of the crop. 他们把剩下的庄稼过了秤并贮藏在阁楼顶层. ...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • shorten造句

    Injury problems could shorten his career. 受伤的问题有可能缩短他的职业生涯。 Ionized zinc lozenges, however, may shorten the duration of symptoms. 而锌粒子止咳糖能缩短病程. When the days shorten in winter some people suffer depression. 冬季天短,有些人会变得抑郁消...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • pared造句

    He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate it hastily. 他拿出一大块奶酪,切下一片,匆忙吃了。 The number of Ministries has been pared down by a third... 部委的数量已经减少了1/3。 The number of Ministries has been pared down by a third. 部委...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • umbrella例句

    The man with the umbrella turned the corner again. 拿伞的人又拐进了拐角处。 She opens her umbrella, and walks up River Street. 她撑开伞,沿着河街向前走。 Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal? 巧合属于超自然现象吗? ...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • bounding造句

    The technique of bounding box is combined to match fingerprint minutia based on vector triangular. 在基于矢量三角形的匹配算法中引入了界限盒技术,增强了算法的容忍性. The economy isn't bounding back as fast as people expected. 经济并未像人们期望的那样迅速复苏。 The dog cam...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • fonts例句

    To install new fonts, click on the [ Add fonts ] button. 要安装新的字体, 请按“添加 字体 ”按钮. The other five are brushes, bitmaps, regions, fonts, and palettes. 其它五个分别是画刷, 位图, 区域, 字体和调色板. Font viewer view sample text in all available fo...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • ancillaries造句

    Ancillaries can force the bill up rather alarmingly. 附加项目能使账单费用出现惊人的增长。 ...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • exchanger造句

    The performance of the homemade double metal cyanation complex ( DMC ) catalysts non - stirred tank reactor heat exchanger. 在聚合反应器中考评了自制的双金属氰化络合物催化剂性能. Any ion electrostatically bound to the exchanger is referred to as counter...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • projectile造句

    Have you altered the plans of the projectile as the telegram suggests? 你已经按照电报的要求修改炮弹图样了 吗 ? It cut the water like a gigantic and keen projectile. 它象颗巨大锐利的子弹飞快地在水中穿行. The path followed by a projectile is called its traject...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • Gordon例句

    Mr. Gordon stopped talking, and his friends knew something was up. 戈登先生突然闭口不言,他的朋友们知道有哪儿不对劲了。 It was his idea. Gordon's, I mean. 这是他的主意,我是指戈登。 Gordon has swallowed the anger he felt. 戈登忍住了内心的愤怒。 ...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29
  • sketches例句

    The artist is making sketches for his next painting. 画家正为他的下一幅作品画素描。 You have to admit that these sketches are true to life. 你得承认这些素描很逼真. We all performed action songs, sketches and dances before a captive audience of pare...
    9144590 造句 2024-08-29