
  • “粒细胞”造句

    2024年06月14日 20:55:03很幼稚的嗜中性粒细胞的核呈马蹄形,不分叶.The immature neutrophil has a nonsegmented nucleus in shape of a horseshoe.可见巨核细胞, 红细胞岛和粒细胞前体细胞.Note the presence of megakaryocytes, erythroid islands, and granulocytic precursors.目的: 探讨慢性中...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “山毛榉”造句

    2024年06月15日 04:53:01这套家具是由西卡莫木材、山毛榉木材以及皮革制成的。The furniture is made of sycamore, beech and leather.他们坐在一棵高大的山毛榉树下的草坪上。They were sitting on the lawn under a large beech tree.操作台是由结实的山毛榉木做成的。The worktop is made of solid beech....
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • by twos造句

    2024年06月15日 03:15:02They left by twos and threes.他们三三两两地离开.The students are coming into the classroom by twos and threes.学生们正三三两两地走进教室.They came in by twos and threes.他们三三两两地进来....
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “钱财上”造句

    2024年06月15日 01:59:02“有条件现金转移”在援助穷人钱财上表现优异.CCTs do an excellent job of getting money to the poor.很多人在钱财上富有了,但心灵上却空虚了.Many people are rich in wealth but poor in soul.那么,如果你们在不义的钱财上不忠信, 谁还把真实的钱财委托给你们 呢 ?If, therefore, you are not tru...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • vegetable造句

    2024年06月14日 21:35:03Gallotannin is an important part of vegetable tannin.没食子单宁是植物单宁的重要分支.They planned to visit a vegetable garden.他们计划去参观一个菜园。...vegetable parings.剥下的菜叶Steep it with medlar into vegetable sauce.枸杞浸泡于野菜煮汁内,放入炸好的丝瓜,备...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • incubation造句

    2024年06月15日 06:38:14Fermented milk has distinct flavors and aromas, depending on incubation conditions and the microbial inocula used.发酵乳制品具有与众不同的风味与香气, 这主要取决于微生物的培养条件及所使用的接种方法.The four stages of creative thought are preparation, ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “浮雕的”造句

    2024年06月15日 02:54:03硬币上铸有浮雕的文字和人像.The coins areembossed with letters and figures.子弹孔部分的样式设置很简单, 我们在这里用了浮雕的效果.For the bullet hole part it's really simple, we use an Emboss with these settings.灰色模拟浮雕画法一种用浓淡不同的灰色作画的单色画法, 尤指模拟浮雕的...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “孤山”造句

    2024年06月15日 03:14:03每到冬天,墨西哥中部的一座孤山顶上就栖满一种橙褐色的大蝴蝶.An isolated mountaintop in central Mexico is covered each winter with orange - and - black monarch butterflies.北溪的服务员收到孤山发来的电报,大感惊诧.The operator at North Creek thought himself craz...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • dachshund造句

    2024年06月15日 05:36:14How can I determine a dachshund has the sable pattern?我该如何确定这一只腊肠是否有黑毛尾花色?Accidentally , my Dachshund Basset Hound gave birth to a mongrel.前腿向内弯曲, 通常发生在一些短腿的犬种如巴塞特猎犬.Rolling on earthworms or dead bugs, for exam...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • amps例句

    2024年06月15日 04:04:16The synthesis, evaluation and field application of 2 - acrylamido - 2 - methylpropanesulfonic acid ( AMPS ) copolymers are introduced.介绍了 AMPS 聚合物的合成 、 评价和现场应用情况.The good effectiveness of AMPS copolymers had be...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • sleds例句

    2024年06月14日 21:12:16Sleds pulled by dogs are in common use in the Arctic.狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常用.Will there be a nursery full of little grav - sleds and data disks?你说会不会有个幼儿园装满了小芯片和数据碟?A competition in which these sleds race against a clock...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • margin造句

    2024年06月15日 03:55:16Denticulate Describing a leaf margin that is finely toothed.具细牙齿的:叶片的边缘有细密的锯齿.The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin...《星期日泰晤士报》仍以巨大的优势稳居报业龙头的地位。They pass on their cost of borrowing and add ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • Lyonnais造句

    2024年06月14日 20:24:17Olympique Lyonnais also bid strongly for you. Why did you choose Real Madrid?XXXX(什么球队啊)也为你报出了很高的价格, 为什么你会选择皇家马德里?Credit lyonnais is in the banking business.里昂信贷银行从事金融业务.Lyonnais cooking is epitomized by the so...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • “氯甲苯”造句

    2024年06月15日 04:10:10研究了用无溶剂重结晶法提纯2,6二氯甲苯.Purification of 2,6 dichlorotoluene by the recrystallization method without solvent was studied.以对氯甲苯为原料,经氯化、水解反应合成对氯苯甲酰氯,总收率. 6%.%.The total yield and 4 - chlorohenzoyl chloride. 6 % and. ...
    9144590 造句 1天前
  • rather造句

    2024年06月15日 00:19:18Their deliberations were rather inconclusive.他们的审议几乎没有得出什么结论。The problem was psychological rather than physiological...问题是心理方面的而不是生理方面的。I was really rather fond of Arthur.我还真的很喜欢阿瑟。Some of his first interviews ...
    9144590 造句 1天前