
  • reproduction造句

    2024年06月20日 17:04:41The reproduction of and paintings by collotype printing can obtain a high fidelity.采用珂王罗版印刷方式复制字画可达到还原逼真的艺术效果....the increasingly high technology of music reproduction.越来越先进的音乐录制技术Resolution of high - performan...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • antetype例句

    2024年06月21日 03:30:50Reporter asked the writer who is the antetype of the character in his article.记者问作家他作品中的人物是以谁为原型的....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • ischemia例句

    2024年06月21日 02:09:28The presence of angina indicates significant coronary ischemia.心绞痛本身说明有明显的冠状动脉供血不足.Their excellent survival during autolysis in vitro and ischemia in vivo is consistent with this.与此一致是,在体外自溶时和在体内局部贫血时,它们出色地幸存下来...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • colitis造句

    2024年06月21日 06:34:27Chronic nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a disease with exacerbations and remissions.慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎这种病可以恶化亦可缓解.Ulcerative colitis and granulomatous colitis affect many children and young adults.溃疡性结肠炎和肉芽肿性结肠炎常侵害...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “鱼翅”造句

    2024年06月20日 21:33:16请安排鱼翅和海参.I would like shark's fin and sea cucumber to be served.你注意过餐桌上的鱼翅 吗 ?You paid attention to shark's fin on the table do?特点: 此菜红白相间, 鱼翅滑嫩可口,营养丰富.Features: red and white dish, shark's fin H...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • Melina造句

    2024年06月20日 21:22:24Melina was perfunctorily introduced to the men.梅利娜被草草地介绍给了男士们。Melina was hanging on his every word, fascinated.梅利娜凝神细听着他的每句话,被深深吸引住了。...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • impersonating造句

    2024年06月21日 05:57:22He was returned to prison in 1977 for impersonating a police officer.他1977年因冒充警官而再次入狱。I ought to be arrested for impersonating an officer.我假冒警官应该被捕.The man was accused of impersonating a officer.那个男人被控冒充官员.He w...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • garrisons造句

    2024年06月20日 23:43:24I've often seen pictures of such animals at the garrisons.在要塞里,我经常看到这种动物的画片.Far inland, the airborne divisions were already down and fighting hastily rallied enemy garrisons.深处内陆的空降师也已经降落并立即与敌军守军展开了战斗.The ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • tantrums造句

    2024年06月20日 16:41:26I used to get very upset and scream and swear, throwing tantrums all over the place.以前,我动不动就发脾气,大喊大叫,还骂人。She cried almost continually and threw temper tantrums.她几乎哭个没完,还大发脾气。The commission's proceedings ha...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • meconium造句

    2024年06月21日 01:50:56Either the individual or special workers move quickly to dispose of this fecal pellet, the meconium.它自己或者群体中的特殊职虫便会立刻把这种称之为“蛹便”的小球丢弃.The main pathologies are meconium aspiration pneumonia, emphysema and the vis...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • microtubule造句

    2024年06月21日 10:11:23It may be a sufficient but not necessary condition for microtubule organization.对于微管组来说,它也许是更好的,但不是必需的条件.IntroductionThe centrosome is the major microtubule organizing center ( MTOC ) of mammalian cells.中心体是哺乳类...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • just then造句

    2024年06月20日 23:29:42It was just then that I chanced to look round.就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。Just then the phone rang.正在那时,电话响了。Just then, Bart returned, wobbling on his skates.就在这时,巴特摇摇晃晃地滑着轮滑回来了。...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • encapsulating造句

    2024年06月21日 01:11:43PPP protocol is a widely supported WAN datagram encapsulating protocol.PPP协议是个被广泛使用,用来实现LAN协议 中继的WAN数据封装协议.Cracks are patched by the method of pressure encapsulating compound.采用压力灌胶法修补裂缝.Fe encapsulating onion ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • cinnamaldehyde造句

    2024年06月21日 10:45:34A classical method to determine the content of cinnamaldehyde is called hydrochloride hydroxylamine - pyridine oximation.探讨一种无吡啶盐酸羟胺肟化法测定肉桂醛的可行性.GC method for the determination of cinnamaldehyde in cassia bark ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • centralization造句

    2024年06月21日 13:46:50Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.在英国,官僚集权化发展最快的就是苏格兰了。Two of the most important dimensions of structure are centralization and departmentalization.在组织...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09