
  • prepared造句

    2024年06月24日 19:13:51The diisobutyl dicarboxylate was prepared by using acid and isobutanol as material and acid as catalyst.以二羧酸和异丁醇为原料,用硫酸作催化剂,合成二羧酸二异丁酯.Conducting polyaniline ( PANI ) and poly - O - methylaniline ( POT ) were pr...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • Hogan例句

    2024年06月24日 13:40:59Hogan went slightly green.霍根的面色苍白.Although this episode is asking question William is not always satisfied with the answers Hogan offers.尽管在这一集里主要介绍的是询问问题,William对Hogan的答案总是不太满意.Hogan was still playing competit...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • fanciful造句

    2024年06月24日 18:32:52The economic gloom of the early 1980s was relieved by fanciful architecture.20世纪80年代初期的经济萧条气氛因各种奇异古怪建筑的出现而有所缓解。Designing silicon chips to mimic human organs sounds fanciful.设计硅芯片模仿人的器官听上去是异想天开。a fanciful gold b...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • developmental造句

    2024年06月24日 10:51:52Almost from its inception it follows a developmental pattern sharply divergent from that of the zygote.它几乎一开始就遵循与合子显然不同的发育模式.The phenomena of cyclophysis and topophysis, are also consequences of developmental h...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • options造句

    2024年06月14日 14:46:49Several options are offered for the student's senior year.为毕业班学生开设了几门选修课。The biggest clearinghouse is the Options Clearing Corporation in the United States.最大的票据交换所是联邦期权票据交换公司.It means that all the options...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • manipulation造句

    2024年06月24日 03:48:52A manipulation treats a collection of manipulators as a composite object.操作将操控器集合视为复合对象.It's relaxation through brain wave manipulation.通过把握脑电波来抓紧.Objective To observe the effect of massage manipulation on...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • “来串门”造句

    2024年06月14日 16:44:49有空来串门,一块儿喝咖啡.Drop across and have coffee sometime.那天下午, 久恩尼塔·海多克跑来串门,让卡萝尔解解闷.That afternoon, Juanita Haydock dropped in to brighten Carol.我住这里. 有空来串门. 这是地址.I live here. Drop in if you have time. Here's the...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • magnitude例句

    2024年06月14日 12:37:49The time delay would be smaller by eight orders of magnitude.如果按8个数量级来看,延时量会显得小一些。These are issues of great magnitude.这些问题极为重要。I want to know the magnitude of this equipment.我想知道这个设备的大小....
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • “返还”造句

    2024年06月14日 10:52:49他们的完整目录售价5美元,第一次订购时可返还这5美元。Their full catalogue costs $5, redeemable against a first order.那名管理人员出面让她返还所借图书馆的书。The official showed up to tell her to turn in her library books.如果他们的工资或所得税返还不能兑现,这对他们来说将是晴天霹雳。It w...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • “或组织”造句

    2024年06月14日 15:33:19这种技术能施用于其它器官或组织.These techniques might be applied to other organs or tissues.一般说来, 你可以尝试一下网上招聘, 找猎头公司或组织校园招聘.Usually, you can try the internet recruiting, headhunters and also campus recruitment.参加公司召开的销售会议或组织的...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • mums造句

    2024年06月14日 16:14:24What's the topic of conversation when a group of new mums get together for a natter?一群年轻的妈妈聚在一起聊天时会聊什么呢?This is why experts advise mums near night lights or strictlightsstreetlights.这也是为什么专家建议将菊花排放在远离夜光或直射...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • “漫游癖”造句

    2024年06月14日 13:39:25冒险: 半人羊的漫游癖使得他们成为理想的冒险者.Adventure: The bariaur's wanderlust makes them an ideal adventurer....
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • gnashing造句

    2024年06月14日 15:44:26If you couldn't attend either of the concerts and are currently gnashing your teeth at having missed out, don't despair.如果这两场音乐会你都未能参加并且正在为错失机会而懊恼的话,别灰心。If Blythe heard that piece, I bet he was gnashi...
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • liege造句

    2024年06月14日 08:39:26The Belgian Cup has been won by the favourites F.C. Liege.比利时杯被夺冠热门列日队夺得。My liege , it is an ill time for dreaming.皇上, 现在是不宜于幻想的.Thus she cared much about the liege opinions and sayings.因此,她特别在意臣下的思想言论....
    9144590 造句 20小时前
  • “中构造”造句

    2024年06月14日 06:24:264在窗体的OnCreate句柄中构造组件.Construct the component in the form's OnCreate handler.通常安装在你的linux系统核心就是从这些源码中构造出来的.Usually the Linux kernel that got installed on your Linux system was built from those sources.目的在R0...
    9144590 造句 20小时前